Great Holocron and the Council

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Picture screen shot from Swtor on Tython in the Jedi Temple.

All three of them suddenly stopped their conversation as a female Jedi approached them. By her age and robes she presented as a master, but both Evan and Bastila were able to read much of her thoughts and emotions as if she lacked the Force.

"The library informed me that is does not recognize you. What it does tell me is disturbing and obviously false. Who are you and why are you here?" Evan felt her in the Force, and she was perturbed more than anything, but she was also very ready to pull out her lightsaber if need be. Evan could feel the urge that Bastila had to snap at her was on the tip of her tongue. With a smile Evan slipped into her mind.

"We are simply looking for knowledge. Nothing to even concern yourself with." Bastila's eyes flashed in warning at Evan.

"That I can allow." She started to turn away.

"I need access to the Great holocron. I am allowed."

"You are allowed. Follow me." Evan got up and resisted the urge to cringe at the furious look that Bastila was giving him. Eris was curious about it all, but she had felt curious since she stepped off of the Hawk. As they moved further into the library, the amount of Jedi in the search of knowledge vanished. Evan felt as if even this woman had not been along this path in years. She used a medallion to open the chamber and the Great Holocron came into view. That he saw dust had settled on the greatest centerpiece of the Jedi Order made his anger rise nearly out of control.

"What have you done? You forced me in here?!" The woman was shocked and perturbed as she brought her lightsaber out of the folds of her robe. Evan just waved his hand and she froze.

"Evan you can't do that."

"Bastila, she is not deserving of the title of master if she can not break the simple hold on her." Jocasta's lightsaber left her hand as Evan wiggled his finger. In seconds, he took her lightsaber apart with the Force. He inspected each part as he touched the Khyber crystal it was built around. It felt flawed and weak. Lacking even half of the bond a full Jedi would bestow on their lightsaber. The gem started to glow as Evan fed the Force into it, fixing the flaw and it sparkled with energy as her lightsaber flew back together faster than the eye could see. He glanced at the woman, and he could tell she was awe struck by his actions.

His next act allowed her to gasp as he touched the Great Holocron. Light slowly entered into the cracks like water slowly covering a floor. With another touch the Holocron lifted into the air and started to spin, slowly shedding the decades of dust as images of masters long gone appeared. Only one master had visited the Great Holocron and that was years ago when a small boy was brought to the Order. Evan reviewed what the master had searched for, and he shock his head. That a question the Revanite Council had given him to be answered so quickly impressed him. He searched for other answers and delved deeply in the Great Holocron. An image formed that everyone present could see.

"I am Master Vandar Tokare. I leave this message to tell of a Jedi that fell and then came back. That I have had a vision from the Force that he is lost to time. His efforts did not fall to the side and become in vain. With the help of Meetra Surik and several others they were able to reveal the location of the Sith Empire. As she was tasked, with tracking down the wound in the Force that was destroying worlds with its hunger. I and alone with many Jedi will take a fleet to the Sith and prevent them from finishing the war that Darth Malak was waging and Knight Rybath was tasked to end. Both vanished nearly five years ago. When I return, I shall recount of our efforts. To Revan may you follow the Will of the Force."

Evan felt a chill through the Force and then a touch of warmth. Nothing as strong as the images of Meetra of Alek, but just strong enough to recognize it as Master Vandar. He felt that the master had been successful in his mission as he had looked for further information on the Sith Empire. Three hundred years had past before the Sith attacked, but the Republic was their match even after being taken by surprise. Some of this history Evan had browsed over, but he had seen more significance after the Ruusan Reformations.

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