Depths of the Temple

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Anakin shook his head as they moved back to the temple. They got all the way to the temple before Kenobi suddenly stopped.

"Could that droid have been saying that they are still in the temple?"

"Master, the security images clearly showed them leaving, but they could have entered again."

"No I think we would have seen them. Now why would they return. They did what they wanted to do or was it just the beginning?"

"We will not know unless something comes up. We should see if they show up on the new sensor sweeps. I have a good feeling they are going to enter the temple again."

Several hours later way below even the poorest of soul are known to wander Evan, Bastila and Eris reach an ancient door. Each reach out with the Force and clear the debris of the last several hundred years out of the way. The ancient door is next as it groans loudly. Metal screeches against each other as it is forced to move after so very long. There is debris on the inside of the door, but a simple push of the Force moved it out of the way.

"I really don't see why we have to come this way? How do we even know that this is the way you came?" Evan didn't respond as he moved forward a few paces to shine the light on the tunnels walls.

"Not everything was forgotten. Some of my earliest dreams other than the Star Forge maps was of this very tunnel." The two women looked at the wall and the markings written.

"Alek was here? How plain?"

"Alek was not very original back then. Probably still isn't. Come we have a long way to go, but the worst is over. Better close the door however." The ancient door was much easier to move with the Force and much quieter. After another hour of travel they stopped and rested in an old store room. The former items long ago turned to dust leaving the floor covered in simple dirt. It was enough for them to get the rest out of the way.

At the same time teams of Jedi, padawans, and initiates were scouring the lower levels of the Temple. Ahsoka entered the Chamber of Conclave for the first time and marveled at how large the room truly was. Hundreds of beings could sit in comfort while focused on the speakers below. She could feel the history in this room alone.

Anakin was not that far away searching a darkened hallway with his lightsaber held, so he can see. He was tired and aggravated. If Ahsoka or Kenobi were there they would have been wondering if he had gotten them lost. The frustration he felt was because he heard their voices in his head. He couldn't help but blame them for being lost. Anakin growled before pushing on.

Obi Wan Kenobi was also not much farther away from either of them, but of the three he was much closer. He slowly walked down the hallway he was in. Stopping at this door or that one. Some doors were open and others closed. Those that he could not open he would reach out with the Force to inspect inside. He felt very little life down here larger than an insect. He came to another door and scanned it before marking it in his datapad.

Feeling rested but more on edge than the day before Eris got up while the other two were still fast asleep. She moved across the hall not wanting to be in the same room when with them to do her business. Coming back out she heard a sound of grumbling. As she looked in the direction the sound was coming from, not ten feet away was a tall man with his lightsaber out. He looked up at seeing the light that Eris was carrying.

"Hey have you found anything?" His aggravation was surrounding his tone.

"I, um, I..." Eris stopped for a brief second. "Nothing." Anakin frowned as he looked at the female jedi. He didn't recognize her, but oddly he had felt her some time recently. It was suddenly clear that she was acting as if her hand was caught in the cookie bin.

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