Vision of Darkness

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Evan walked down the hall not really paying much attention where he was going. It really didn't matter to him either way. Bastila and Eris walked behind him and chatted at the different things that they saw of the temple the students passing them in the halls and of the training the saw briefly through open doors. He turned suddenly as the Force urged him to and came into a large training room. In the middle to Jedi fought for all they were worth jumping from one obstacle to another as they exchanged an ever increasing exchange of blows. One used primarily Soresu and the other Ataru with heavy use of Djem So.

They went back and forth in the fight all over the arena. Evan clearly saw that the one using Soresu was untouchable. No matter what the other did he left not a single opening. He also didn't exploit the opening the other gave him, but he was sure the banter they exchanged noted those openings. The younger Jedi showed a strength in the Force that he had not seen from even the masters. His feelings of the thrill of combat were easily felt along with the under lying aggravation he was feeling that hid other feelings. Evan was surprised to identify love, regret, guilt, anger, hate, and fear. If he was anywhere else he would have assumed this was a fight between a dark Jedi and one of the light.

From the slightly older Jedi he felt a calm calculating mind that let the Force flow through him unhindered, but there was a hint of worry and suspicion which was oddly directed at the younger man. He was also showing the concern a master would have for a student or a long time friend. This fight was one that they must have had many times. He felt another enter the room and wander over their way. The young Togruta moved with grace and with the alertness of their predatory nature of her species. She felt calm, but with an eagerness for the hunt. Brash and sure of herself, one who had seen her share of battles even at such a young age. No more than fifteen standard years. She walked right up to the edge of the combat area and Evan could see her draw a bit on the Force. His interest was piqued as she was using a technique that he did not think that the Jedi still knew. She was analyzing the battle through the Force. She waited for a few minutes before calling out at a very critical moment in the fight.

"Skyguy!" The voice carried through the air as much ass in the Force. That she could add a tinge of fear was just what was needed to break the younger man's concentration. He did an awkward flip as the older Jedi took advantage of the opening. The muted blade crossed over his legs and as he landed he crumpled to the floor.

"That was not fair! I was distracted."

"It is not my fault that you lost your concentration, Anakin. Had you broken contact first instead of trying to gain a better position I would not have had the opportunity to remove your legs." The younger Jedi's anger flared briefly and with much control he kept it at bay. Evan looked at him, and he knew it would not take much for him to push him to fully drawing on the Force. With the fight no longer in progress it would only take a glance to be noticed. Evan turned and walked out of the arena.

They moved through the Jedi Temple and saw many things. Eris was giddy with the excitement of everything being so new and how it was so much different from the academy she had gone to in her youth. Bastila felt like Evan did as a certain sadness was mixed in with the anger of how far the Jedi Order had gone to limit their abilities to those of only the purest light. The temple was also feeling empty which gave off this feeling that something was not right. As they finally exited the great building he felt the dark side fog that he had noticed as they landed.

"Did the temperature change?" Eris questioned.

"Through the Force it has." Eris paused as her focus turned inward, and she reached out with the Force. Feeling the currents and eddies of the life force of the planet and it drew her slowly deeper. She was not sure where it was leading her, but it guided her ever deeper. Below the light that was slowly being enveloped in shadow. She struggled ass the shadow became thicker and thicker. She paused only to release a wave of light which helped her push even farther.

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