Lehon to Coruscant

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"What is that?" Bastila asked. Seeing the rig encased fighter.

"My new fighter." Evan replied. "They are going to attach it to the ship. It will serve as a combat escape pod."

"Or something for you to have an excuse to take a joy ride in." Bastila countered.

"Well it won't be long before other matters will prevent having some fun." Evan replied squeezing her hand while glancing at her stomach. She laughed and it was so nice to hear from her. "Let's get the droids and go shopping."

"Shopping here on the Star Forge?" Bastila asked. Evan just smiled and dragged her out of the cockpit. "Revan." This stopped him.

"We may be going to war and having properly armored robes will ease my mind. Plus these ones itch. I know of a small supply fabricator room that I once made my armor that I wore during the Jedi Civil War." Evan replied. "Trust me you will like them." She raised an eyebrow, but held her tongue until she saw what he had in mind. Her current robes had given her full range of motion, and she refused to get anything done to them but the minimal of underlays. Thirty minutes later they were in a droid lab. She watched as Evan looked over the different droid designs. Many looking like HK series droids.

"Query: Master are you planning to replace me? Nervous doubt: Have I not performed at full capacity? Prideful declaration: I am fully capable of performing all of my functions, and I have done so with efficiency." HK stated.

"HK you are the best at what you were designed to do. However, there is always place for improvements. Don't worry T3 will also get a new chassis." Evan explained. T3 beeped and whistled. "Don't worry you won't be getting legs and arms. Just a chassis that will fit the fighter, improved memory core, larger storage and thrusters if you have to move outside the ship in space." Evan looked at the simple domed cylinder chassis for astromech droids, and they didn't look much better. However just the hardware stats would be three times better for T3. Plus the tools he didn't have that these had would have come in handy in the past. HK stopped in front of one of the version that he was thinking about and Evan smiled. If he could feel the droids thoughts he was sure this was the model that he wanted.

Composite armor, fully articulate arms and legs. Feet that could act as secondary arms and hands. Adjustable limb length and an extra joint that would allow four limbed running like an animal for greater speeds. Possible clothing option to impersonate a humanoid. Even a facial mask with a functional mouth. Hooded it would be hard for a normal being to tell the difference until it was too late. Evan thought about the droid's speech patterns and how they would give him away. He looked at a list of programs to improve his speech, but then he liked how HK talked. It gave him character and prevented certain lies from being accepted. There was a simulation program that would allow HK a choice. He moved over to HK and hooked him up without protest. He went over to T3 and the droid had stopped in front of an astromech droid cylinder with four smaller legs that had joints. That alone would make it easier for the droid to maneuver steps and terrain that these droids were not used to using. They could tuck in better when used in a starfighter, and T3 liked that it was taller and had multiple optics.

"Well little one you like this model. We'll still call you T3 okay." Evan stated. T3 beeped and whistle happily. Evan hooked him up and lead Bastila out of this bay.

"I didn't expect you to upgrade either of the droids." Bastila commented. "I hope you know the new HK chassis gives me a chill."

"I am sure it will, but it will become useful if we have to hide his abilities. As long as his jammers function no droid sensor will think of him other than a biological. Though close inspection by any being would reveal he is a droid." Evan explained. "I originally wanted HK to be a HRD, Human Replica Droid. However, he needed too much extra armor to make it viable. Plus the programming doesn't exist."

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