Tenshi meets his Akuma

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Naruto smiled as he walked in the bar for his shift. His long blonde hair swaying as he walked. He wore black tights that only seemed to enhance his lower body. Outlining each dip and curve in Naruto's lower body. For his top he wore a white tube top. He wore diamond earrings in his ear and a matching diamond bracelet. He walked behind the counter and clocked in.
"Naruto you're late again." Sasuke sighed at his best friend. Naruto smiled at him.
"Oh Sasu I made it. Plus without me your bar wouldn't be popping." Naruto chuckled as Sasuke just let him be, he couldn't deal with a flirty Naruto tonight.

"Welcome to Taka." Naruto called out as he saw a man walk in, the man grunted and sat at the bar.
"Whiskey, on the rocks." Naruto nodded.
"Anything else for you handsome." Naruto said as he quickly made his drink when the man shook his head no, Naruto walked to Shikamaru to talk his ear off.
"Shika-Kun."'Shikamaru sighed.
"Naruto must you be so flirty, Temari thought we were having an affair at one point." Naruto chuckled, he really hated that wench.
"I don't like her, so I do this to annoy her. You know that troublesome blonde only accused you of having one because she's having one." Naruto said rolling his eyes, Shikamaru may be smart but he clueless.
"She's innocent until proven guilty." Shikamaru Said and Naruto sighed.
"Then prove her guilty." Naruto walked away and went back to the quiet man, he seemed like suitably company.

"So darling what brings you here?" Naruto said refilling his whiskey.
"Just needed a drink or six." Naruto placed the bottle down and looked into the mans eyes. They were the most beautiful brown. He has ever seen. Which offset his orange hair, but made his seemingly endless tattoos and piercings shine, he was hot in a dangerous kind of way and one night with him would seemingly complete Naruto. The orange haired male stared into Naruto's bright blue eyes, he seemingly swam in his oceanic eyes.
"Naruto Uzumaki get to work." That snapped the man and Naruto out of their trance .
"SASUKE. I am working. Working in getting laid." Naruto huffed in annoyance.
"You're not getting laid on my clock Naruto." Naruto rolled his eyes, Sasuke was such a cock blocker.
"Well duty calls see you hun." Naruto planted a kiss on his cheek and went to work. Naruto smiled and called the next man hun, but he never kissed them, no Naruto only kissed those that interest him, and the orange haired man interested him, maybe it won't after he finds out what the orange hair man did for a living.


"Kill him." The words tumbled out of his mouth easily, he has been doing this for years. It's the reason why in the darker part of the world he is callled...
"Please don't kill me." The man shaked. He was the one that sold all of the Akatsuki information to Heibi, or so he thought. He gave Heibi a blank disk with no information but fell right into his trap.
"Please leader-sama I have a family." The orange haired man walked up to the traitor.
"I don't care. You betrayed me, I couldn't care less about your fatherless family now." The masked man finished for his leader. "That's is why Leader-Sama is called Orenji No Akuma, He is a demon, he has no soul." The orange hair man slammed him into the wall.

He lit a cigarette.
"Kill him." He turned his back and let his the orange masked man kill him.
"Nice knowing you." The orange masked one said as he pulled the trigger. A bang resounding throughout the alley. Quickly turning around to catch up with his leader.
"Where to now Leader-sama?"
"You head back home, update Nagato and Konan. I will be heading out for the night." So The orange haired male found the first bar that was open and it just so happened they had a blonde angel in there.

This angel couldn't cleanse him from his sin. This angel would be doused in blood if he follows this orange haired male into the darkness. However he want to bring him with him.


"Naruto, stop flirting with married men." A shrill voice perked up. Naruto looked away from Shikamaru to see Temari, not that they were married yet. Shikamaru sighed, troublesome blonde indeed. Naruto clicked his teeth.
"Shouldn't you be sucking dick in an alley Temari?" Naruto said calmly. He didn't want to deal with her at the end of his shift. She gasped in horror. The orange haired male eyes widen, who knew his angel had such a potty mouth.
"Naruto watch your mouth." Shikamaru Said but Naruto disregarded him, he was in a bad mood since Sasuke stopped him from talking to that hot stranger just to work, like Sasuke couldn't pick up the slack.

"Temari, just tell Shikamaru how much of a whore you are so he doesn't marry you. Save my friend from an ugly wedding." Temari went to swing at Naruto, The orange haired male so desperately wanted to kill the blonde girl for even thinking she could hit what belonged to him, and him only. Naruto side stepped the girl and rolled his eyes.
"Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I don't know how to protect myself." Naruto said as he moved a stray hair behind his ear, his blonde bangs slightly tousled.
"Temari stop causing a scene at my job." Shikamaru Said with a sigh. Just then a male came in, he looked around and saw Temari.

"Temari-Chan." Shikamaru's head snapped up, who was calling Temari chan? Temari froze slightly as she heard that voice, Naruto smiled and turned to see who the man was. The orange haired male sat back and watched it all, well he was mostly watching his blonde, wanting no one to get near him.
"Asuma?" Shikamaru said as he saw his fathers best friends.
"Oh Shikamaru you grew up. I heard you proposed. Who's the lucky girl?" Naruto at this point was sniggering.
"That would be Temari-Chan." Shikamaru Said with a hint and anger, Asuma looked on with question.
"How long have you two been together?" Asuma questioned, and Naruto folded his arms, Why was everybody beating around the bush?

"Like Anything he says will make a difference. The real question is Asuma, how long have you been seeing lovely Temari-chan." Naruto quickly interrupted earning a glare from the other blonde. He shrugged, Fuck her right. Shikamaru looked between Asuma and Temari, neither said a word but Naruto wasn't going to let it end there.
"I believe Shika, it was around 6 months ago." Naruto said as he tapped his finger to his chin.
"I think that's when I saw her and Asuma in the alley." Sasuke took that time to walk up after Sakura and Hinata clocked in for their shifts but Naruto and Shikamaru didn't clock out.

"What is going on." Naruto shrugged.
"Shikamaru is finding out Temari is a cheating slut." Sasuke looked them Hn'd. Shikamaru looked to his friend.
"You knew too?" Sasuke nodded.
"Caught her and Kakashi together too." Sasuke Said as he stood by Naruto. The orange haired male looked on in anger, one step closer and there would've been blood on this floor.
"How many people have you cheated on me with?" Naruto snorted, the real question is who she didn't sleep with.
"Shikamaru I can explain." She said and Asuma grunted.
"Didn't know you were a thing Shikamaru, she came on to me and said she was single.

"That's it, we are done Temari." Shikamaru snatched the ring off her finger and walked upstairs. Sasuke sighed,
"Why do you all stay here when you go through things?" Naruto laughed as he put his hair in a ponytail.
"There is booze here. Shikamaru will be back to himself after a night of drinking. Now since that is done, I'll be leaving. See you Monday." Naruto told Sasuke. As he went to leave Temari grabbed his wrist. He looked at her face, he was devoid of any emotion, he simply started at her like she lost her mind.
"Have you lost your mind?" Naruto said as he stared at her.
"It's your fault, you just want Shikamaru to yourself." Naruto rolled his eyes.
"Let me go Temari." Naruto said and Temari cocked her hand back but the orange haired stood up gaining the attention of the others. He pushed Temari slightly she lost the grip on Naruto's wrist.

"Do not touch him." Naruto looked up at the handsome man he was with earlier, he was encased in his arms protectively. The emotions he could see clearly on this strangers face. Protection, anger, and Love? Love.How could he love him. He hasn't known him for a day, but there in his face he could see it.
"Do not touch what belongs to me unless you wish to die." Naruto shuddered in this mans arms. He felt his broad arms around him and his chest rising and falling. He felt safe in theses arms, Temari pft
"What can you do?" Asuma looked at the man and quickly pulled Temari behind him. He recognized that orange hair immediately, he wasn't a PI for nothing.
"Forgive her Orenji No Akuma. She meant no harm." Asuma valued his life, Naruto looked at this handsome stranger. The Leader of the Akatsuki, protecting him.
"It seems like she did. Angel What would you like me to do? I could kill her?" Angel? Did this demon really call him angel? Naruto's face lightened up.Naruto looked at him all previous feeling left as he felt liberated being with him, in his arms. Just knowing he was such a dangerous man but he held a type of love for him made him smile.

"Let her live." Naruto turned to Temari who was shaking a little.
"But, if you place your hands on me again I won't hesitate to have my man kill you." Naruto purred and the orange haired male looked down at his angel.
"Angel, you're as sadistic as they come." The orange haired male purred into his lovers hair. Naruto smiled.
"They don't call me Chimei-tekina Tenshi for nothing."

Hello, my first ever fan fiction. It's YahikoXNaruto. Hope you enjoy the first chapter of the book.

Chimei-tekina Tenshi: Deadly Angel
Orenji No Akuma: Orange Haired Demon

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