The Destruction of Heibi

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"God damnit Deidara stop exploding everything I cannot see." Sasori Said as he dodged a knife to the gut. Wall debris was falling all in his eyes making it like they were fighting in a mist. Deidara chuckled,
"If you cannot fight within this, you wouldn't be able to call yourself my boyfriend. Deidara Yelled after making another wall exploded. Sasori chuckled, oh how he loved that blonde idiot.

"Oh, you seem to be holding up well against me." Itachi said blocking the swing down attempting to not get sliced into deli sliced ham.
"Madara taught me everything I know. Madara was the only person from our family to ever show me love. It wasn't motherly nor was it fatherly but I grew up stronger than any Uchiha wanting to become a police officer." Itachi hesitated before making a move, he ran at Obito and Obito chuckled.
"You brother made a mistake, one that you made as well, one that will cost you your life." Itachi snorted,
"Yeah and what is that?" Obito caught Itachi off guard and placed the sword at his throat.
"Hesitation. Goodbye Cousin." Obito panted and sliced his throat. He looked up and saw this place was decimated, literally. He had seem to loose Deidara and Sasori. He heard an explosion and laughed, he needed to follow that.

"What?" Naruto and Yasin looked at her as if she was crazy.
"He's a boy, he cannot have children." Yasin practically whispered yelled. The nurse sat across from Naruto and showed him the test.
"At birth you were born with both male and female Genitalia. You have a penis yes, but you also have a womb. It's a miracle, you have only a few eggs, it seems that a egg was ready to be fertilized the last time you had sex and you've gotten pregnant." The nurse was so happy she had a case like this. Naruto was still shocked, he didn't know what to say, he was pregnant with Yahiko's kid. Raising a kid in the Mafia? Could he do it, could he bring an innocent baby into this? Naruto started crying and Yasin comforted him. The nurses smile fell as she realized that she was a nurse for the Mafia. That baby could be targeted, the baby would face many hardships and only then did she place her hand on Naruto's.

"My baby. How can I protect them? I can't, this baby will have a target on them as soon as it's born. I cannot lose this baby, my baby, OUR baby." Naruto said into Yasin.
"Naruto, one step at a time. How about you asked Alisha about the baby." Naruto looked up and nodded. Alisha nodded and told him about the baby.

"It's a boy, you're three months, I'm surprise you showed symptoms this late in your pregnancy, and you belly isn't that big. The baby is healthy and thriving." Naruto smiled and chuckled through his tears. She slide him a picture of his baby, he started crying harder, his baby was beautiful.
"You're going to be a good mom Naruto-Sama." Alisha said. He looked up and smiled.
"Call me Naruto, Alisha."


"I'm on it." Nagato threw one of Deidara bombs and caught Kabuto off guard. Nagato then sliced him, it caught him but he was still able to fight with this wound. Kabuto chuckled,
"You actually cut me." He started laughing madly.
"Yes, more, more." Kabuto was running towards Nagato screaming. Nagato rolled his eyes, why did he always deal with the crazies. Kabuto dropped his knife and went to punch him in his face, yeah crazy indeed. Who brings a fist to a knife fight.

"Kukuku, you're better than Madara, I almost got sliced multiple times."
"Yeah well don't hold you breath I plan on ending this early." Yahiko Said and he stabbed Orochimaru in the gut. Orochimaru looked down and coughed, he could taste that warm irony liquid. He could taste his blood, not another's but his own. He madly laughed, he pulled the knife out his gut, a rookie mistake. If you wish to prolong the bleeding you keep whatever that impaled you in.
"My, you are not playing about ending this early. Unfortunately for you, you will not have anybody to return with.


Suigetsu heard his name loud and clear. He smiled and stepped away from Kisame.
"Sorry, but we are all dying." Suigetsu pulled out a remote and pressed it.
"Five Minutes until destruction." Everybody's eyes widened.
"Shit, Hidan, Kazuku we have to go." Kisame turned around and ran out along with Hidan and Kazuku. Judo walked to Suigetsu,
"Do you wish to leave?"
"Yes, I hate working for that snake like man. Let's open up several strip clubs." Judo nodded and grabbed his lover and ran in the opposite direction. Suigetsu was laughing madly.

Across the way Obito caught up with Sasori and Deidara. They were literally standing in the middle of the woods due to Deidara literally blowing up half of the hideout.
"Five minutes until destruction." Obito turned around and heard the building counting down from 5
"4:35, 4:27." The time was dropping and they needed to reach safety, luckily Kimimaro sickness caught up to him. He was no headless due to Deidara. He cutely smiled and Sasori laughed.
"Sorry to interrupt but if you having noticed Heibi Is about to blow up, we need to get to safety." Sasori nodded and grabbed Deidara's hand. Those two ran after Obito smiling.
"WHOO BABY." Deidara yelled as he kissed Sasori on the cheek.

Who knew that they disregarded life so much?

"3:50, 3:21." The time was ticking down and Yahiko stood in front of a bleeding out Orochimaru and a deli sliced Kabuto.
"We need to go Yahiko." Yahiko walked to Orochimaru and looked at him.
"You've caused my Tenshi so much pain. I cannot wait for them to find your unrecognizable face when you all die.
"You stay any longer *cough cough* you will die as well." Orochimaru chocked out,
"I'm leaving now." Yahiko slammed his knife in his chest and turned to Nagato.

"Let's go."

"1:47, 1:20, 1:00."

"Where the hell are they? I know he isn't that stupid." Kisame was pacing. "What the hell are we going to tell Naruto when he realizes his husband or cousin didn't make it out." They all looked down, nobody wanted to be the one to tell Naruto that. How could anybody tell Naruto that the two closest people in his life died the night of the invasion. Nagato ran out with a lagging Yahiko.
":30, :25, :10." Nagato was yelling for his brother that got caught in a trap a knife was impaled in his leg.


The building blew up, flames rising. You couldn't see anything but that fire. Nagato turned to the Akatsuki.
"Load the cars, Kisame follow." They all nodded, never seeing such expression on Nagato.
"Somebody call the plane Naruto is on home. Hopefully he didn't land already." Nagato said running into the fire to see if Yahiko was still alive.


The Plan landed in Tokyo. Christian was killed and dumped in the river. They were about to unload when Zetsu got a call. He nodded and lowered his head.
"Thank you Obito, We'll be home soon." Naruto looked up, the invasion took all of a days. He was happy to see Yahiko.
"We are heading home Naruto." Naruto nodded and went to take the luggage back in the plane when Yasin slapped his hand.
"You will not be carrying heavy luggage while pregnant." Naruto rolled his eyes but smiled at Yasin.

"I'm ready to see Yahiko." Zetsu walked up to Naruto and smiled,
"I'm sure he's ready to see you and hear that you are giving him an Heir." Naruto smiled and stalked his way back on the plane. Zetsu sighed, he couldn't tell him that Yahiko Is fighting for his life as we speak.


"DRIVE HES BARELY BREATHING." Nagato was screaming at Deidara, he stepped on the gas and sped off. Nagato on the back looking over his brother. He had slight burns but mostly he had glass shards in chest. Every time he breathed the glass would move slightly.
"Hang in there Yahiko. You have too for Naruto." Yahiko opened his eyes and faintly smiled.
"Tenshi." He whispered and Nagato nodded.
"Yes your Tenshi so you have to make it." Yahiko closed his eyes and opened them.
"Tell Naruto, I wish we could've had a child. Boy or girl." Yahiko coughed, blood. Blood always reminded him of Naruto now.

"Tell him yourself. Survive for him." Yahiko chuckled and closed his eyes. He pictured his life with Naruto. Tomorrow was their one year anniversary and he was going to spend it in a hospital bed. Nagato was holding back his tears. Everybody in the car didn't say anything, the only thing you could hear was the tires as Deidara sped back to the base.

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