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"I'm fine really." Naruto said as he laid in bed. Yahiko knew he wasn't. Naruto has been in bed for a week. He didn't get up unless it was to eat and he didn't have sex since then so he knew he was upset.
"Are you Angel? Naruto sighed and Yahiko nodded. He got into bed and held Naruto to him. Naruto looked at him.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for Miyah's trial?" Naruto asked his spouse. Apparently they found the murder weapon and it was covered in her fingerprints. Which is unlikely because Naruto still has the knife he used, so
This must've been Orochimaru's or even Yahiko's doing either way, she was going down for a murder she didn't commit.
"I was, but I can have Nagato go and stay with you." Naruto sighed his back still facing Yahiko.
"I'm fine, really." Yahiko kissed the top of his head.
"You say that so much I don't think it's a word
Anymore. You're hurt, it's fine to be. Tsunade is your only living family." Naruto turned around at that.
"We aren't family. She's disowned me."
"Tenshi." Naruto turned back around and Yahiko sighed.
"I'll be back." Naruto nodded and Yahiko walked out the room and a lone tear fell down his face. He wasn't so much you upset, just frustrated. He got up and got dressed, he needed to blow some steam. Walking to the garden he saw Kazuku.
"Kazuku-San." He looked up from the sleeping Hidan and nodded to Naruto.

"Spar with me?" Kazuku nodded and Naruto smiled. Yes in the Akatsuki, he was the best pure striker.

"Welcome Tsunade, how long as it been." Tsunade has been tied up by Orochimaru. She was sitting in a lone cell with a cot but her hands were tied to one another.
"Orochimaru What are you doing? Why aren't you a police officer." Orochimaru laughed.
"I've done the right thing for far too long. Konoha police was rotted from the inside out. I am doing them a favor by being the bad guy." Tsunade looked away, she should've listened to The Akatsuki leader.
"What do you want from me." Orochimaru cackled, she knew what he wanted, why she must prolong the inevitable was always a mystery to him.

"Simple, I want the blonde. Your sweet Haematophiliac GodSon, along with his lover." Tsunade chuckled she couldn't provide that.
"I disowned him, he hates me. He won't come for me." Orochimaru cackled and dialed his number and put it on speaker.


Yahiko stalked his way back to the room after telling Nagato and Kisame to go watch the trial. He saw the bed was empty and didn't hear the water running. He saw him sparring downstairs and Kazuku looked almost terrified. Naruto was over powering him unconsciously. He walked downstairs and into the garden.
"Kazuku come on, you aren't putting up much of a fight." Naruto said and Kazuku was panting.
"Naruto, you know you are stronger than all of us." Naruto pouted he wanted a good fight.
"Spar with me." Yahiko said and Naruto turned around.
"Really? You've never wanted to spar with me." Naruto looked to his baby.
"Maybe because if he lost, his pride would be hurt." Hidan said and Yahiko glared at him.

"Yes we will Spar. Let's see if we are on Par."
"Okay baby." Naruto smiled, Yahiko glare softened, he missed that smile. It's been too long.
"Come." Yahiko told Naruto and Naruto did. Hidan called everybody down sneakily to see this legendary Spar. Naruto was smiling, this is the best Spar he's ever had.
"Thanks Baby." Naruto said as he blocked a kick and dodged a punch. Yahiko nodded and dodged a punched Aimed at him.
"I got $25 on Naruto." Nagato said and Kazuku Hidan and Zetsu agreed.
"I  got $20 on Leader-Sama ." Kisame said and Obito nodded.
"We got $15 on a tie." Deidara Said and Sasori agreed.

Naruto and Yahiko were throwing punches and kicks and if you weren't looking you would miss it.
"Are you feeling better Tenshi." Naruto pouted and jumped up to miss a kick from Yahiko.
"Yes, after this sex." Yahiko nodded and Naruto smiled. Neither one landed a punch on the other. Yahiko chuckled.
"I didn't know you were this amazing." Naruto smiled.
"You know I love it when you compliment me, makes me thing I'm worthy of you." Naruto dodge a punch and him and Yahiko pulled out a knife. Yahiko dodged a knife to the cheek as he began talking.

"I thought you were worthy of me the minute I heard you tell some blonde girl 'Shouldn't you be sucking dick in an Alley'." Naruto laughed as he sidestepped his lover.
"She's been testing me since forever." Naruto said and Yahiko chuckled.
"This match might never end." Zetsu Said sleepily.
"Well when you know someone as well as those
Two do, it gets almost impossible to read one another's moves." Hidan said. Yahiko and Naruto were both panting slightly. Naruto smiled, this is what he needed.

"Thanks baby." Naruto said as he hugged Yahiko. Yahiko dropped his knife and held his lover. Deidara cheered,
"It was a tie, pay up bitches." Yahiko looked up at his team, he chuckled and smiled faintly, nobody seem to catch it but Naruto, and let's just say, Naruto's breath was taken away.
"Actually, Naruto won. If we continued he would've won." Nagato cheered along with the others who voted for Naruto.
"Time to pay up." Naruto smiled. Soon his phone started ringing. Naruto rolled his eyes and answered.

"Hello Naruto-Kun." Naruto rolled his eyes and put the phone on speaker.
"What is it that you want Orochimaru." Everyone's laughter stopped. Yahiko glare thickened.
"I want you and Yahiko's head, in return I'll free your GodMother."
"Naruto I'm fine, I'll make it out of here. You and Yahiko stay alive." Naruto smiled slightly.
"Bachan." Orochimaru chuckled,
"So Naruto-Kun What will it be."
"I love you Bachan." Naruto said as he leaned a head on Yahiko's arm.
"Naruto-Kun." Naruto voice deepened, he could hear Tsunade soft sobs that she tried to hide. He was sorry, but he chose this life. These words tumbled out of his mouth easily.

"Kill her." He hung up and sighed. He smiled to the Akatsuki.
"Thanks for the company, I'll be retiring to bed." Naruto turned and walked away and Yahiko sighed right when he cheered Naruto up. Yahiko turned to his group.
"I want you all to come up with a plan on destroying Heibi. I've gotten complacent. We have to end them, they've hurt Naruto too much and I will not allow it further."
"When will you like this done?" Nagato said.
"I'm a weeks time."
"Hai, Leader-Sama." Naruto was in the same spot he was in. He sighed, Sasuke, Konan and Tsunade. He killed them, all three of them. He knew they would've been safe if he never got involved with Yahiko, but Kami. He loved Yahiko. He just needed to be with Yahiko, his life his center revolves around Yahiko.

"Tenshi." Naruto looked up and smile sadly.
"Baby." Naruto patted the bed and Yahiko laid down. Naruto laid on top of him and just laid there.
"Are you okay Tenshi." Naruto shook he head no.
"Baby, I've killed three people. I've spilt blood on these hands three times. The thing is, I don't care. I would kill more if it meant I'll be with you, I just want to be with you." Naruto kissed him and nuzzles back into his neck.
"I don't want to loose you, I can't I can't." Naruto looked at Yahiko and kissed him feverishly. Yahiko returned it with his hands tightening around is waist.
"You won't loose me. I will be here." Naruto nodded and drifted to sleep, in the hold of his lover.


"Shit." Orochimaru threw his phone in the wall. Tsunade has stopped crying at this point. He loved her, he still called her Bachan. He loved him, more than he loved the life of his Godmother. She smiled, she could leave this world peacefully, not plagued by the memories of letting her surrogate daughter and her lover die.

"Are you killing me now?" Orochimaru clicked his teeth.
"Why won't he budge. He's killed so many for Yahiko, he would let you die to be with him?" Tsunade smiled,
"Naruto loves Yahiko. Love will make you do crazy thing. He wants keep the one constant thing in his life." Tsunade gets it now, she shouldn't listened to him last week.
"Well I for one, cannot stand love." Orochimaru Said as he sliced Tsunade's throat. He left her body rotting in the cell as he made his way back to his office, he needs to find a way to kill them.

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