"I'm Carrying Your Child."

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It took another day to reach home. When Naruto reached the house he saw all of the Akatsuki standing outside, well everybody but Yahiko. He walked out the car in the same outfit he met Yahiko in. His smile was gone, where is his love. He saw the look on Nagato's face. He looked towards Zetsu.
"Zetsu, did you forget to inform me of something?" Naruto said sounding like Yahiko. Zetsu bowed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you that Leader-Sama was injured on account that I didn't want to stress you and the Heir out." Naruto looked to the group and nodded.
"All Akatsuki to the conference room now." Naruto said as he pushed passed all of the Akatsuki. They all sighed in relief, well that relief will be short lived. They saw Naruto sitting calmly in the chair which should've been their first clue that he was angry but they all sat around him. Staring at him intently. Naruto looked at them tears threatening to fall.

"What the hell happened out there." Nagato looked to his cousin.
"Naruto." Naruto held up his hand.
"Somebody tell me what the hell happened or everybody in this room, blood will paint these walls." Naruto said in a commanding voice. Nagato sighed and told Naruto everything. The whole time Naruto placed a hand on his belly.
"He wanted me to tell you, that he wished you both could've had a child." Naruto closed his eyes.
"Take me to him." Naruto said and Nagato nodded. Naruto stood up.
"Everybody is Dismissed, nobody is to leave the base. Zetsu."
"Hai, Naruto-Sama." Naruto looked to him.
"Thank you." Zetsu nodded. "However, do not lie to me again." Naruto walked out following Nagato.

"Naruto sick Zetsu?" Zetsu shook his head no.
"He's carrying Leader-Sama's Heir." The room looked shocked.
"How?" So Zetsu explained fluently what Naruto told him. The group let it sink in and nodded.
"I pray Yahiko makes it through this. Naruto can't be a leader and a new mother. The stress from both will kill him." Kisame said and the group nodded.

Naruto and Nagato walked in the room and you could see a nurse going over Yahiko.
"We healed him up, the rest is up to him." Naruto nodded.
"Thank you, take the day off. Give the case to Alisha for today." The nurse nodded and walked out.
"Naruto." Naruto was looking at Yahiko, his hand on his belly, he started crying. Nagato knew this would happen. Naruto walked up to Yahiko and yelled at him.

"YAHIKO YOU FUCKING IDIOT." Naruto was sobbing at this point. "YOU GO AND ALMOST DIE." Naruto held Yahiko's hand to his belly. "IM CARRYING OUR CHILD, OUR SON YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP." Nagato looked shocked but didn't say anything. Naruto sobbed against Yahiko's neck climbing into bed with him. "You have to wake up, I cannot lead the Akatsuki and be a single parent. Akuma please." Naruto sobbed into his neck. He soon fell asleep in his lovers arm. Tired of thinking and crying. Nagato let a few tears fall as he covered Naruto with a blanket. He sat on the other side of him, placing his head down on the bed and drifted to sleep.

*Dark, it's so dark. I can't see anything I hear beeping. I hear yelling. Who is yelling? Child? Who's yelling about a child? Akuma? Naruto, it's my Tenshi. He's yelling at me? What did I do. Wait, oh yeah I got caught, I'm dying. I'm leaving Naruto, I can't leave him. I have to wake up, please let me wake up. Can I wake up.*

Days turned into weeks and it has been two weeks since Naruto came to see his beloved in the bed. He doesn't leave his side. Nagato deals with the Akatsuki right now, Naruto can't seem to worry about anything but his son and Yahiko. Naruto started talking about his baby.
"What should the baby name be? Naruto said into his loved neck. No answer, no movement but he felt like Yahiko was listening.
*Yami Pein* Naruto laughed,
"I was thinking Yami Uzumaki. No offense but I don't want my child's last name to be Pein." Yahiko hand twitched at that. Naruto looked at his face. He placed a hand on his cheek. "It's time to wake up baby. Please don't you want to be with me."
*Yes always* Yahiko's arm lifted up and Naruto smiled and started crying. He pushed the nurses button and told her to bring the Akatsuki to the room.
"Yahiko, wake up you're almost there." Yahiko legs twitched as well as his arms.

*Light? I haven't seen any light. I have to follow it. The closer I get to the light the louder I hear Naruto. Wait for me I'm coming.*

"Naruto What is it?" Kisame Said. Naruto turned to them and smiled.
"He's waking up." Naruto said and the all crowded around the bed.
"Yahiko, you heard Naruto you have to wake up now. You have to listen to him." Nagato said. Naruto laughed and held his hand.
"It's okay baby I'm here, open your eyes."

*My eyes, open my eye. The light I'm here I'm here. I guess I have to open my eye*

Hazel eyes fluttered open. He quickly shut it due to the bright light. He could hear his Tenshi crying. It made his heart ache, he put Naruto through so much. He eyes opened once again and looked to the side, he saw Hidan, Sasori, Deidara and Kazuku. Looking down he Saw Zetsu Kisame and Obito. Looking to his left his saw his angel and Nagato. His crying angel. He looked in softly and placed his hand on the hand on his cheek. Naruto smiled and Yahiko choked out a few words.

"I think my last name is perfect for our son." Naruto laughed and wiped his tears. He leaned down and kissed Yahiko. He pulled away and ran a hand through his hair.
"Are you feeling better?" Naruto asked quietly. Yahiko nodded and Naruto smiled.
"Good." Naruto then smacked him. Yahiko held his cheek and the Akatsuki eyes widened.
"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND. YOU DIDN'T PLAN TO STAY ALIVE FOR ME? YAHIKO IF YOU DIED I WOULD'VE KILLED YOU. THEN BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD." Naruto yelled at his lover. Yahiko chuckled and pulled Naruto into a deep kiss. Naruto stopped his ranting and kissed back. The group watched as the couple seemingly drifted to their own world. Yahiko pulled away and smiled at Naruto.
"I'm sorry Tenshi." Naruto puffed out his cheeks but smiled, he whispered in Yahiko's ear.

"When you get out of here I expect sex sex and so much sex." Naruto said in his ear and Yahiko nodded.
"Absolutely." Naruto laid next to him snuggling into his warmth. Kisame was the first to laugh. Then the others laughed as well.
"Glad to have you back leader-sama." Kazuku Said and he nodded.
"Didn't know you both were so sadistic, no wonder you both mend well with one another." Kisame said holding Obito's hand. Yahiko chugged some water thanks to Nagato, man was his throat dry.
"I see after this mission you all got together finally." The others nodded and Deidara chuckled.
"Love is an Explosion." Yahiko looked to the already sleeping Naruto and nodded.

"That it is." Yahiko ran his hand over Naruto's belly. "That it is."


A week later Yahiko was able to walk the base but he was still needing to take it easy, but him and Naruto didn't know the meaning of easy.

"Yes Yes Yes Baby god Yes." Naruto spoked as he rode Yahiko, Yahiko hands on Naruto's waist. Leaving bruises to remember this love making, the first one. Since Yahiko left the hospital.
"Yahiko yes." Naruto threw his head back as he felt Yahiko shoot within him. He missed the feeling of his lovers hot sticky cum painting his walls. However he wasn't done, Naruto was extremely horny, he wanted to go until he couldn't move his legs. Yahiko was panting what round was that. He wasn't sure, he's had already lost track but he wasn't showing signs of becoming soft at an moment.

"Akuma." Naruto looked down at his lover.
"Yes Tenshi?" Naruto placed a hand on his lover.
"Please don't leave me." Yahiko smiled slightly, stunning Naruto for the second time. He pulled Naruto down to him and flipped them.
"I won't leave you, or Yami. I love you both." Naruto looked at him, and started crying. He threw his hands around Yahiko's neck.
"I love you and Yami too." Naruto said as he threw his head back as Yahiko brushed against his prostate.
"Shall we pick up where we left off?" Naruto smiled and kissed Yahiko.

"Absolutely Akuma."

Yami meaning Darkness

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