First Lady of the Akatsuki

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"Akuma Honey." Naruto said as he gazed into those Hazel eyes that he loved so much. Yahiko was driving Naruto to the airport, he was stashing Naruto away until Heibi was destroyed. He was sending Naruto to a base on the other side of Japan. He wasn't going to be alone he was going to be Zetsu who was in the car behind him. He grunted which Naruto took as a What.
"Promise me you make it out of this invasion alive, since you said I cannot come I can't keep an eyes on you. Promise me you make it home alive." Naruto was about to tear up. "Promise me Yahiko that this won't be the last that I will see of you." Yahiko softened as they pulled up in the airport. He parked right in front of the private jet Naruto would be in.
"I will try to make it out alive Naruto." Naruto looked at Yahiko tears in eyes, He has never heard Yahiko say his name. He was always Tenshi, with Baby boy on occasions. Yahiko leaned in and placed a hand on his cheek. Yahiko kissed his nose and licked the salty sweet tears.
"I don't not wish to die Naruto. I want to come home to you. I don't want to promise in case I do die. I will try and make it back to you." Naruto nodded and kissed him deeply, this was going to be a long week without Yahiko. He wanted to be with him, he wants to go with him but he has to wait and pray that his lover comes back to him.

"Let's get you on the plane." Naruto nodded and got out the car. He was still upset, this will be the longest he's gone without Yahiko. Yahiko gave Naruto's luggage to the help and stood in front of him. Zetsu has taken the moment to pull up.
"Leader-Sama, Naruto-Sama. We must go." Naruto stared crying and Yahiko taken him into his arms.
"Zetsu give us a minute." Zetsu nodded and stalked his way inside the Jet. Naruto still crying into Yahiko's embrace.
"Naruto you have to leave." Yahiko Said softly into his ear. Naruto pulled away and looked into his eyes. Naruto looked so sad and it almost made Yahiko want to just say fuck it and bring Naruto along for the ride.
"Don't make that face. I will try my best to come home so smile for me." Naruto nodded and gave him his Uzumaki smile, and gave him a kiss.

"Naruto-Sama." Naruto looked to Zetsu and nodded, he looked back to Yahiko.
"I'll see you soon baby, all of you all better make it out alive you all are my only family." "We will try for you Tenshi." Naruto kissed Yahiko and hugged him one last time before walking to the plane. Yahiko looked on and watched the plane take off. He prayed Zetsu would watch over Naruto, he was sure Naruto would be fine, but would he. He never gave a promise unless he was sure he will fulfill it. Going back to the car he drives back to the base. It's time, time to destroy Heibi.

Yahiko drove back to base and sat down with his remaining members.
"We move tonight roughly around midnight. I don't want a single Casualty, Naruto is pretty worried about us all." Nagato smiled and nodded his head.
"Do you think it was alright to do this without him? He is stronger than everyone in this room." Kisame asked about Naruto who he has gotten amazingly close too, well as Amazing close as could get to Yahiko's lover without having you head sliced off. Naruto was like the First Lady of the Akatsuki, he was strong and could calm anybody down, however don't anger him or your blood would be splattered on the walls.
"He cannot go, I'm letting you all in on a secret." Yahiko started talking he looked to his crew all the resolves in his face he said the words Naruto never wanted to hear. "I don't plan on making it out alive." The room fell silent.


Naruto was in the jet throwing up, he didn't have anything to eat since last night and he just chalked it up to being nervous about Yahiko. Zetsu was knocking on the door, "Naruto-Sama are you alright?" Naruto was panting against the toilet,
"No I'm not alright Zetsu, you may enter I don't have enough strength to stand up." Zetsu opened the door and walked to the blonde. Zetsu looked at him and picked him up.
"Did you want anything to drink Naruto-Sama." Zetsu asked as he laid Naruto on the bed, Naruto nodded.
"Water please. Have somebody check me out too to make sure it's really the stress." Zetsu nodded and went to grab the Nurse. Naruto cuddled in the blanket that lacked the smell of Yahiko and the warmth of him. He was so lonely, this was the loneliness he's ever felt.

"Naruto-Sama, the nurse will be in later tonight. As for you, you should rest until then." Naruto nodded,
"Zetsu, please tell me everything is going to be alright." Zetsu looked at Naruto, he felt his heart drop at the sight of him, he knew Leader-sama didn't intend to make home alive.
"I'm sure everything will work out the way it is meant to." Naruto didn't like the answer is was cryptic almost as if he knew something Naruto didn't know. Naruto nodded and Zetsu showed himself out. Naruto sighed once again. Their one year anniversary was coming up and he wasn't even with him. Placing his hand on his belly, Naruto drifts to sleep.


Nagato looked to his brother,
"Yahiko." Nagato dropped the honorific as he glared at his brother.
"No, you cannot leave Naruto alone. You will make it out alive even if I have to die. Naruto would be absolutely devastated if you didn't make it out alive." Nagato finished yelling at his brother and just served him a look. The rest of the Akatsuki was the same way. Naruto lightened up the group, there is no way that light would shine if he lost his demon. He would be shrouded in darkness, Chimei-Takina Tenshi would no longer be a nickname.

Yahiko cleared his throat,
"In case that I don't make it out alive. Naruto is the leader. You will all listen and respect him if I die." Yahiko looked to his group, they all looked on sad, Yahiko was ready for death, but he wouldn't be a good leader without it.
"Do I make myself clear." Yahiko asked again.
"Hai." The group said and Yahiko nodded.
"Let's move out." Yahiko walked out with his group following. The group praying Yahiko wouldn't not throw his life away.


"Orochimaru-Sama, they are making their move." Orochimaru cackled.
"I see, Karin perished along with Konan. Grab Judo, Suigetsu, Kimimaro and Itachi. We will face off with them. The time has come and i want their heads. We are going to destroy them. Let's go."
"Hai, Master." Kabuto Said as he ran to get everything ready, Orochimaru laughed and licked his lips, yes, yes it's time.

Suigetsu, the bomb expert, his skill rivaling Deidara. He was a loud and brash sharing similar traits to the Akatsuki member. He was ready to see blood. He didn't care who's, he was never a team player and all knew that.

Judo, the best pure striker the Heibi has to offer he didn't excel at anything but beating people near death, he was much like Kazuku, quiet and only seemed to care about his lover Suigetsu.

Kimimaro, he wasn't much, he was always sick but he would do anything for Orochimaru. He would loose his life for the dream Orochimaru wanted, he wasn't weak when at 100% strength but his feeling for Orochimaru make him a wild card.

Kabuto, he wasn't a combat type at all, he was more into medicine, but he has developed poisons to help him since he isn't a brawny Guy. His poison are on par with Zetsu, however, Sasori also uses poisons not to the extreme like Kabuto but enough.

Itachi, he was the spy Sasori had in his ranks. He was good a lying. A little too good at lying. He was like a unknown factor in this, would he fight with Heibi because the Akatsuki killed his brother or will he fight Heibi because they organized the whole thing.

Orochimaru, the leader and little demonic. He used underhanded dirty tactics. He was good in poisons, not so much combat but he could hold his own against most, however Yahiko would give him trouble.

With both groups ready they are ready to meet that fateful night.


Sorry for the long wait, my life wasn't in a good spot. However things are picking back up and it's going a lot better. I plan on releasing the last chapters today so stayed tuned.

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