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Tsunade walked into Konoha, she sighed as Shizune told her that her Godchild was involved with the Akatsuki. That was the one group that they couldn't take down, it was also the group that killed his parents. She lost Jiraiya shortly after and she just wanted to get away from it all. She left to Ame, she never wanted to step foot back in Konoha, but hearing that your Godson decided to join the Mafia, was one thing that made Tsunade come. She walked into the bar he worked at and saw his friend.

"Shikamaru, where is my flirtatious God Son?" Shikamaru looked up and saw someone he thought he'd never see again.
"Tsunade, still look as young as ever." Tsunade smiled and sat at the bar as Shikamaru poured a sake for her.
"You know Naruto has always been a hard one to track. Last time I saw him he kicked an officer in his gut and left." Tsunade chuckled, he was a spit fire.
"Could you try and contact him?" Tsunade said and Shikamaru nodded.
"I'll call him, see if he picks up." Tsunade nodded.
"It would be much appreciated." She downed her sake and pour herself another.

"OH FUCK YES AKUMA." Naruto screamed as Yahiko was fucking him ruthlessly in the garden behind the bushes.
"Tenshi they'll hear you." Naruto brought Yahiko down to kiss him roughly.
"I don't care." Naruto whispered into Yahiko's ear. That turned Yahiko on greatly as he began to pound into Naruto more.
"Oh. yes baby fuck me." Naruto phone started ringing but he so close. He groaned and picked up his phone, Yahiko slowed his thrust but didn't stop.

"What the fuck do you want Shikamaru?" Naruto snapped on the phone. He was so close to cumming he was irritated.
"Watch your mouth Gaki?" Was heard on the other line and Naruto froze. Yahiko is watching his angel carefully stilling his movements.
"Bachan, What are doing here." Naruto quickly pushed Akuma of of him. Yahiko looked as his love his member slowly willing itself away.
"We need to talk. Shizune informed me of somethings." Naruto sighed, that fucking slut.
"Whatever she said, she's lying." Tsunade was laughing.
"Really? I hope for your sake she is. Meet at this bar in 30 Naruto and bring him." Naruto sighed and hung up on his Godmother.

"Looks like my Godmother came to me." Yahiko looked at his love,
"What's wrong Tenshi?" Despite his harsh voice his actions was extremely gentle.
"She knows of you and my involvement with the Akatsuki. I didn't tell you that your group was responsible for the deaths of my parents and Godfather." Naruto looked at Yahiko sitting in his lap.
"I didn't blame you, it was the previous leader, it was Madara's blood lust that killed them. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think I was getting revenge for them." Naruto looked into his lovers eyes, Yahiko sighed and brought him into a hug.

"It's okay, Lets go meet her." Naruto nodded and kissed Yahiko. He got up and went to stalked his way into the house, Yahiko grabbed his wrist.
"Tenshi, you damn exhibitionist, put some damn clothes on." Naruto laughed and put on that dirtied Kimono.
"Baby, now I'm dirty." Naruto pouted and Yahiko looked at him.
"Then take another shower." Naruto rolled his eyes and threw some dirt on Yahiko.
"Now you have to take one too." Yahiko chuckled.
"Do you want to be punished?" Naruto purred a punishment from his demon, he wondered which one he would receive this time." Naruto smiled widely.
"Absolutely baby." Naruto ran to the The house almost as he was a mouse running away from the cat. Yahiko stalked his way to Naruto, he chuckled and thanked whoever he pleased in the pyramid scheme to receive this beautiful sadistic angel.

Naruto was panting. His arms tied to the shower head with the warm shower beating down his back. A cock ring  pulsing around his member. Yahiko licked his lips.
"Shall I get the clamps." Naruto was moaning he wanted this damn cock ring off and he wanted to be fucked.
"No, I think I learned my lesson." Naruto cutely Said and Yahiko yanked his chin up.
"I don't believe you did baby. I'll put on the clamps." Naruto moaned and tried to break the rope.
"Na Ah Baby. Be a good baby boy and take your punishment." Naruto moaned he wanted to be Fucked hard.

"I learned my lesson, please fuck me." Naruto basically whispered out. Yahiko smiled and placed a hand on his Tenshi's cheek.
"What do you say Baby Boy? How do you ask?" Naruto whined.
"Baby please." Yahiko shook his head no. Naruto whimpered,
"Daddy please fuck me. Please. Please." Naruto said and Yahiko nodded. He slammed his member in.
"Ahhhhhh yes." The hot, warm pleasure that Naruto has come to love with his Lovers 12 inch member.
"So Good Baby." Naruto pulled at the ropes the clamps bouncing up and down as Yahiko pounded into him. The warm water pounding on his back.

"Take it off, can I come please." Naruto pleaded.
"Beg." Yahiko commanded and Naruto whimpered.
"Please baby, please let you Tenshi cum. Pleaseeeee baby please." Naruto begged he had tears in his eyes. Yahiko kissed them and nodded
"You will come with me or I'll punish you again." Naruto nodded and moaned as Yahiko seemed to go faster as he ripped the cock ring off of him.
"Cum." Naruto nodded and shot his load right there. Yahiko came as he felt Naruto tighten around him. Naruto fell against Yahiko still bounded to the shower. Yahiko unbounded him and kissed his head.
"We should probably head out. My GodMother has a temper on par with mines." Naruto said and Yahiko agreed.

Tsunade sat at the bar and looked at her watch. A whole hour she's been waiting for Naruto. He better not have gotten rusty or she will take him on.
"Bachan." Naruto said as he walked in and dodged a sake bottle.
"I said 30 minutes not an hour." Naruto smiled.
"Sorry, me and Akuma were having hot hot sex." Tsunade spit out her sake and Yahiko sighed.
"Tenshi, I don't think she wants to know of our sex life." Naruto shrugged his shoulders and walked to Tsunade.
"Let's take this to his car, Shika-San might have this place bugged." Naruto whispered in Tsunade ear and she nodded.
"Nice seeing you Shika-Kun." Naruto said with a smiled and Shikamaru nodded.
"If you're ever single again, you know where to find me." Naruto laughed and waved.

"Naruto have you lost your mind?" Tsunade yelled at him as Yahiko was driving around town. Naruto sighed.
"Bachan, look. I love him. We've been together for almost a year. He protects me and watches over me."
"He works for the same group that killed your parents and Jiraiya." Naruto looked at Tsunade tears in his eyes.
"You don't think I know that? You don't think I miss them. Yahiko wasn't the one to kill them it was Madara and Madara is dead." Naruto said and Tsunade softened.
"He doesn't do anything related to the Akatsuki if that makes you feel better. I won't allow him. I can't have my precious Tenshi stained in blood." Naruto shuddered at that, blood, he needed to be painted in red.

"That I don't believe. I know better than anybody the Naruto is a Haematophiliac." Naruto blushed he remembered exactly how he figured out he was a Haematophiliac.
"You remember don't you, we had just killed the Mafia Ataka. You were painted in blood of the group and you stood there shuddering. Your mother thought you were traumatized. Only for your dad to realize blood turned you on." That was the last mission he took with his parents before they were killed when he was 16.
"I don't allow him to be in the Akatsuki." Yahiko Said as he pulled back into the bar.

"However, since you are related to Naruto and Naruto is my Tenshi, you are being targeted." Tsunade perked up at this.
"By who?" Naruto looked at his Godmother.
"Orochimaru." Tsunade laughed and Laughed.
"Orochimaru? What does he do? Is he not a police officer anymore?" Naruto looked to Tsusnde
"No, he's the leader of Heibi. Promise me you'll be careful." Naruto said he loved Tsunade and couldn't lose her.
"You leave the Akatsuki, and I'll be careful." Naruto rolled his eyes, this stubborn old bat.
"Dammit Tsunade no. I FUCKING LOVE HIM. I will be with him, I don't care if it's in life or in death but no."

"I will not allow you to be with him."
"I AM 19. I am an adult. I can make my own decisions and I want to be with him."
"Then I disown you, you are no grandson of mines." Naruto looked at his Godmom and he didn't cry, no Yahiko has hardened him up over betrayal. Naruto's voice deepened and hardened, if you weren't looking at him you would've swore the voice belonged to Yahiko.
"Then so be it. I hope you find a way to stay alive Tsunade. Get out." Naruto turned back around in his seat and looked forward. Tsunade was stunned, but she knew her stubborn Godson would come around.
"Bye Naruto." Naruto didn't say anything as he heard the car door shut.

"Drive please." Naruto said in a soft whisper. Yahiko nodded and drove off.

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