The Rat Is Found.

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Yahiko made it to the room first, he walked in and everybody seemingly calmed down. Konan looked around and seemingly smirked to herself, because she didn't see the blonde with him.
"Leader-sama where is your blonde? He didn't leave did he." Konan asked and just then the doors opened again.
"No honey, I'm still here. Ready to admit your crush since we are all here?" Naruto hummed as he stalked his way behind Yahiko. He placed his hands on his shoulders, exposing the hickey he gave Yahiko durning their love making.
"I made this mark because Akuma is mines." Konan see's that and her glare darken, she looked away with a look of distaste. Kisame looked and rolled his eyes, looks like Zetsu was right, he needs to stop doubting everything that weird looking man says.
"Tenshi." Naruto smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I know, I'll leave her alone. I'll go sit in the back." Naruto went to walk to the back, but Yahiko pulled him into his lap.
"You'll sit here, so I can keep an eye on you. Naruto smiled and nodded. Sitting in between Yahiko's lap almost as if he was a child. As those hands rested on his thighs, it was enough to make him shudder. Konan looked on with hate and distaste. She wanted to be there, to be at his side. To command the respect that he does for only being around for two days. She just wanted the power and if being with Yahiko was going to make her powerful she wanted him.

"What was so important Sasori." Sasori stood up and began to talk.
"I have a rat in Orochimaru's base, Name is Itachi. He told me that Orochimaru has a female getting close to his brother that Orochimaru is playing puppeteer with. Naruto stiffened in his lovers lap. Please please don't let it be Sasuke, he could've just told them, he could've still be alive. Naruto slightly calms when he feels Yahiko's hands run up and down his thighs.
"What was his name?" Naruto closed his eyes to calm himself he couldn't cry here.
"Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto sighed and clasped his hand together.
"My sources tells me that Orochimaru places bugs on them, sort of like a silencing thing. If he uttered the name Orochimaru they were to die." Yahiko nodded, it made sense, he always said He and never once said Orochimaru. Naruto sighed in relief that he did what his friend wanted him to do.
"What was does the girl look like?" Naruto questioned and Konan scoffed, Naruto disregarded her.

"Brown curly hair, brown eyes, and she's is said to be very beautiful. Going by the name Miyah. Although we are not sure that is her real name." Naruto looked to Yahiko and they shared a look of understanding. Naruto stood and cleared his throat.
"Thank you Sasori." He nodded and sat down.
"When me and Akuma went to see my friend who name was Sasuke, the same Sasuke Sasori Just Said." They all was listening intently to Naruto. Konan, however butted in before he could finish.
"Why are you talking?" Naruto sighed and just shut up, he wasn't trying to anger his Akuma.
"Because I told him too Konan. You need to calm down." Konan nodded her head and went back to glaring at Naruto.

"He was with who we thought was his spouse but it was Miyah, same description. We talked while Akuma talked to Sasuke. She was very convincing, saying she just worked at the bar down the street the one called, Snake. She said she met Sasuke when buying liquor from the same vendor, anyways back to it. She is convincing, so do not let her fool you if you encounter her." The group nodded, seemingly surprise by his leadership skills. Konan was angrier by the second.
"Sasuke handed Akuma a file but he made the mistake of looking at me before he did. I grew up with Sasuke, I know him better than anybody, I knew there was something wrong with the file, I tossed it out the window and as soon as the sun hit it, it exploded." Deidara looked shocked,
"Somebody is skilled in bombing like me?" Naruto nodded.
"I'm guessing because I didn't smell any gas that's usually left over when making a bomb." Konan started questioning him again, she wanted to know just who this person was.

"How do you know any of this." Naruto looked at her like was she testing him right now? Like did he have to kill somebody else?
"My parents and God parents were Legendary bounty hunters." Konan scoffed.
"Who do you think put away the whole Ataka group?" Naruto questioned.
"Why do you think I'm so skilled in hand to hand?" Naruto glared at her,
"Why do you think I can stand in a room full of criminals without being scared?" Konan looked away, she could feel Yahiko's glare on her.

"I am not new to the underground. I have been trained by the best bounty hunters to ever grace this earth. I was trained to protect myself, since my parents wouldn't be with me forever. I do not question your credentials, do not question mines." Naruto said as he calmed himself. He looked to the group.
"Does anybody have any questions?" The group shook their head no.
"Akuma?" He shook his head.
"So Ill continue, I held Sasuke at knife point. He said something about his brother going missing and him doing some type of espionage mission. When asked why he did it, at first I thought it was because he was being defiant. However after Sasori he couldn't tell us because if Orochimaru. However that didn't save him, I ended up killing him." Naruto stopped and remembered the blood splashing in him, coating him in red. He shuddered and looked up.

"Me and Akuma cleaned the house and erased our presence, but Akuma has a file to go over with you all." Naruto said as he sat down and Yahiko stood up.
"Excellent Tenshi, leading off of him, my Tenshi found this in Sasuke's apartment." Yahiko opened the folder and inside was the pictures of everyone in Heibi.
" I want to know everyone in these folders, their names, age, spouses and children. I want to destroy Heibi from the ground up." Naruto was excited, blood, destroying things usually meant blood.
"Hai Leader-sama." They all said in unison.
"Dismissed, all but Nagato and Konan." Konan Shot Naruto a smiled but he just chuckled and Showed Konan his same mark on his neck. He stalked back to Yahiko.

"I have dinner in the room, I'll wait to eat until you finish." Naruto kisses Yahiko on the lips.
"You can eat if you're hungry." Yahiko held onto his waist.
"I'll wait, I'll shower without you though. See you soon baby." Naruto squeeze Yahiko's member and walked away, his blonde hair flowing.
"Yes Yahiko?" Konan said walking up to him. Smiling like she wasn't just glaring at Naruto.
"What is your issue with Naruto?" Yahiko disregarded his Tenshi's nickname. Konan face slightly twitched.

"I just don't trust him."
"You don't trust anybody Yahiko has by his side. You chased off all of his exes." Nagato said standing by Yahiko.
"Why can't you let me be happy?" Yahiko said and Konan looked at him.
"I do want you to happy but....."
"You want him to be happy with you next to him." Nagato said. He wasn't upset, their relationship went downhill after Yahiko succeeded Madara. When Nagato and Yahiko were being decided for the leader spot many thought Nagato was going to win. It was around that time that Konan began hanging out with him more and flirting with him. Nagato decided that he didn't want to be a leader, he's a better follower. Konan didn't not like how he gave the power to Yahiko, she believe it should've been him. Nagato didn't get the conversation until now.

"Konan, you know I was never one for women." Yahiko said as he sighed.
"I don't want you, I just want the power. Madara wouldn't let me run because I was a female."  Nagato sighed,
"No Konan, he didn't let you run because you aren't a good leader. That test he did when we had a group to lead for a week you were the only one to fail it, that's why." Konan rolled her eyes.
"I just don't like how he came in and all of a sudden he can lead a meeting." Yahiko laughed, like heartily he hasn't laugh like that since Madara was around.

"Konan, Naruto is smart. He's amazing he beat Hidan in a match, without breaking a sweat, not even you can do that. He may be on par with me and may have even surpassed Madara if he was still alive. He even killed someone for me. He's known me for all of two days and killed his best friend for me." Nagato smiled and looked to Konan. Yahiko's face tightened.
"Konan, if you can't get along with Naruto, I'll move you to one of our overseas homes." Konan stood up straighter.
"You can't be serious, Yahiko."
"I am, all other Akatsuki members trust him and gave him their full undivided attention. While he was talking. Deidara even asked a question. The only who seems to have a problem with him is you." Konan scoffed and turned around.
"Goodnight." Yahiko sighed and sat on the table. Nagato joined him.
"I don't trust Konan. Get Zetsu to watch her, I feel like this was the last straw for her and she'll do something."
"I will, you might want to go see your Tenshi, if I'm not mistaking he has a temper on him." Yahiko laughed
"You aren't, good night." Nagato laughed and walked behind him.


"Tonight was the last straw. I'm coming to Heibi."
"Kukuku, I'll see you soon Ko-Chan."
"One condition."
"What is it?"
"We kill the blonde and Yahiko."
"As you wish." Konan chuckled as she left in the night. Not knowing, Zetsu and Obito heard the whole thing.

"I guess she was the rat."
"I guess so, we will tell leader tomorrow." Obito said with a sigh.

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