Konan hates his Tenshi

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"Tenshi." Naruto looked up as his lover.
"Yes baby?" Naruto sat in Yahiko's lap as they waited for their food to come.
"Jiraiya is your god father as in Jiraiya Senju?" Naruto nodded, he turned around to face Yahiko. Now might be a perfect time to tell Yahiko about his family, you know since he is in the Mafia.

"My Godmother and Godfather ran a bounty hunting business, they the hired my parents. The only one alive right now is Tsunade. They took a mission without me because of the danger, and the group they were after ended up killing my parents, later Jiraiya suffered the same faith. Tsunade retired and moved to Ame." Naruto looked up at Yahiko, so he could see the emotion in his eyes. Yahiko sighed.
"Sorry Tenshi." Naruto sighed.
"It's okay baby, you didn't know. The blue haired one is weary of me as well. I am new and with a group of criminals I have to tread lightly." Naruto placed a hand on his cheek, I am invested in this and you. I will be by your side for as long as you'll have me."

Naruto smiled and leaned in to press his lips to Yahiko's. Connecting their lips Naruto smiled to himself. Their first kiss was explosive. Naruto loves his warm pink lips on Yahiko's cooler slightly paler lips. Moving as one, time was lost between the two. Naruto pulled away with a smack. He licked his lips and smirked.
"Amazing." Naruto ran his hand through his lovers orange hair.

"Mr.Pein, Mr.Uzumaki I have lunch. Naruto hummed and sat in his seat next to Yahiko. Naruto smiled as he smelt Sushi. Chicken teriyaki, Japanese bagel rolls and spicy tuna roll. He licked his lips as the maid brought out spicy mayo.
"Itadakimasu." Naruto Said by himself as he started eating. He savors the taste of it all. Placing his chopsticks down on the empty plate he looks to Yahiko. Yahiko was finishing his last roll. Naruto watched as those lovely jaws flexed and those chopsticks left his mouth. His strong face. Naruto wondered how Yahiko looked smiling. He doubt he'd see it anytime soon but he wanted to see Everything Yahiko had to offer.

"Tenshi time to go." Naruto would never get use to his name.
"Of course Akuma." Naruto walked behind his demon, who seemed to have a soft spot for him. Naruto walked in and everyone was at their seat. Naruto took his seat in the back and listened, well really he just watched Yahiko as he talked.
"Orochimaru is planning something. He had a rat in this group. Me and Obito took care of him yesterday, but I want you all on alert."
"Leader-sama What are his goals?" Deidara questioned. Naruto sat back, why did that name sound so familiar to him.
"He wants to destroy the Akatsuki, but really he wants to kill me. Something everybody is always trying to do." Naruto felt his heart drop at that. He wouldn't let anybody touch his Akuma if he could help it.

"So we are on the look out for another rat? Konan asked as she looked at Naruto, Naruto looked at her returning the glare.
"Do you want to take this outside?" Naruto asked standing up from his chair. Konan scoffed at the blonde.
"Honey, I'm a lot stronger than Hidan." Naruto laughed.
"So am I." Naruto said glaring just as hard.
"I'll take you on blondie." Konan Said as she stood up. Naruto didn't say anything he just drew and knife and was about to throw
It until he heard his lovely Akuma's gruff voice.
"Tenshi, Konan, stop." Naruto slammed the knife on the table, He sat down and crossed his arms. She better be lucky Akuma looked at him like that or he'd throw a knife at her head. Yahiko sighed, Konan never liked anybody he dated, but his exes never stayed for long after finding out what he does for a living. Granted with Naruto he was straight to the point, he wanted Naruto to know before he fell for him.

"Konan, he already told me of his background. Either calm down or excuse yourself until you can."
"Sorry Leader-Sama." Konan looked to her boyfriend and he just reassured her.
"Tenshi, watch your temper, you lost it earlier with Hidan as well." Yahiko was scolding Naruto, but he would be lying if he said that he wasn't getting aroused.
"Yes Akuma." Naruto basically purred out.
"Nagato and Konan, run a background on every Akatsuki member, if there is anymore rats I want them taken out understood?"
"Hai Leader-sama."
"Deidara, Sasori. You both are two pick up payment from our various business and are to handle business."
"Hai Leader-sama."

"Hidan and Kazuku, you both are to see how the Heibi home is set up. I want exit, and entries. I want to know that base better than mines."
"Yes Leader-Sama."
"Kisame and Obitio, you all are patrolling the base tonight. Zetsu you have the night off."
"Of course Leader-sama."
"Dismissed." They all left, Konan made sure she shot Naruto a look before leaving. Naruto rolled his eyes and walked to his man.

"Tenshi, must you yell at my whole group?" Yahiko held the same tone in his voice but it was softer. Naruto laughed,
"I'm sorry, I take after my mother in that regard. She isn't fond of me, but I don't blame her, she clearly loves you, and the overprotective spill is just a way she can seem possessive and not get caught by her lover." Yahiko looked down at Naruto.
"She doesn't love me, she loves Nagato. They've been together for almost a year." Naruto sighed,
"Akuma, I know emotions when I see it." Naruto looked up at Yahiko.
"I'll let it go for now, but you should watch her. Out of everyone I trust her the least." Naruto held his loves hands.

"Now baby, where is our room." Yahiko sighed and pulled Naruto to the room they would be sharing.
"How long until you have to work at the bar again? Naruto hummed,
"Monday, so Saturday, Sunday is my day off." Yahiko nodded.
"You should quit." Naruto looked to his lover,
"Why?" Yahiko looked Naruto in his eyes,
"You should, think about it." Naruto didn't like the cryptic answer but he left it alone. He didn't want to anger his lover as evident of the meeting earlier. They reached the room and Yahiko broke the silence,
"We'll go shopping and get you some clothes, I'll doubt you like any of my clothes." Naruto smiled.
"So it's a date? We can have lunch." Naruto hopefully asked and Yahiko nodded.
"Anything for you Tenshi." Naruto smiled and turned to him.

"Then can we bathe together as well?" Yahiko licked his lips at that.
"Absolutely." Naruto smiled as he stripped his clothes and proceeded to the bathroom.

"Check him first." Konan told Nagato.
"Why? Yahiko said he checked him out already."
"Just do it, I don't trust him. I don't want him anywhere near Yahiko."
"Okay, But Yahiko will always be our brother regardless of who he dates Konan." Konan scoffed and looked as all the information on Naruto came up. She started taking notes. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she was going to be the one at Yahiko's side, not
Him, she wanted the power, even if he meant she'll have to date the other brother.

"Akuma, honey." Naruto said as he dried his blonde hair.
"Yes Tenshi."
"Orochimaru. I was wondering where I heard that name from in the meeting. He was the one that gave my best friend that bar. I have no idea the business they do behind the scenes because Sasuke never told me. You guys should start there." Naruto looked at Yahiko his brown eyes widened a little more.
"I know I just got you, but I can't think bout loosing you. If I can help I will." Naruto said hugging him.
"Thank you Tenshi." Naruto smiled
"I would do anything for you baby." Naruto kissed Yahiko and hummed to himself.
"So clothes?" Naruto stalked his naked body back in the room. Looking through Yahiko's clothes for something to wear tonight. Smiling to himself he throws on a pair of sweat pants. They was like two sizes two big. Naruto rolled them to for him and threw on a shirt.

"Do I look cute?" Naruto stood with his hands out. His hair in a tight bun, wearing a shirt that reached his knees and the sweats hanging off his butt. Yahiko chuckled.
"Amazingly cute." Naruto smiled and laid in bed.
"Tenshi, it's dinner time." Naruto pouted at him,
"Can we have it in bed. I want to watch a movie." Yahiko sighed and joined him in bed. Naruto chuckled and turned the Tv on. The movie 'IT' was just starting.
"What do you want for dinner. Naruto hummed,
"Whatever you eat, I want sweet tea again as my drink." Yahiko chuckled,
"As you wish." Naruto was watching the movie intently, he laughed as he saw the ten year olds cursing his favorites in the movies are Eddie and Richie.

Yahiko watched the many emotions on Naruto's face. His happy face, his scared face and the content face. He liked that one the best, where his azure blue eyes seemed to be a peace, where his face softened and he looked almost feminine like. Naruto's tanned skin willingly touching his blood stained skin. An angel, touching a demon willingly. How did Yahiko get so lucky. Naruto's breathing evened out and Yahiko knew he was sleep, just as their food came.
"Mr.Pein dinner." Yahiko looked up.
"I'm sorry, my lover fell asleep so we won't be needing this. However, can you have someone make a Kimono for him.
"Absolutely Mr.Pein, what color?" Yahiko thought about what color his Tenshi would look amazing in.

"White. With black flowers."
"Absolutely, Good Night Mr.Pein"

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