Reaction to you being an idol and being their crush

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Sorry for not updating yesterday had to babysit my cousin >_<


When the members weren't there he'd be fanboying secretly booking tickets and fan meetings when the members ask where he's going he'll just say ''I'm going for a couple of drinks'' and when they ask if they can join he'll just refuse.


If he's booking tickets he'll show off if he's going to a fan meeting he'll show off he loves you so much he'll show you off to anyone he can and when he's alone he'll start squealing and fanboying looking up your selfies and pictures.


His head is immediately up when he hears your stage name or real name if someone talks shit about you this boy will protect you no matter what it takes if there's a VIP ticket where he can see you he will book it no matter how much it costs he will book it he just wants to see you.


He will definitely keep his fanboying, booking tickets and fan meetings to see you secret because he's the leader he doesn't want to look like a 13-year-old girl in front of six people whenever he's alone even for a minute he'll fanboy he'd be so excited to see you in person probably more than anyone there.


He'd giggle anytime he'd hear, see or hear your voice he's probably your number one fan he'll say to himself and that isn't a lie he has every single album, posters, and books he's even watched every single vlive, k-drama and tv show you had.


He wouldn't be embarrassed about it he'll express it more than a fangirl would he would be the first view, the first comment he has every album, merch, poster anything you release he has it even your pre-debut pictures.


One of those fans who will waste all their money on your albums and merch fan meetings and concerts he'll do anything to meet you he loves you so much probably go full yandere when you become friends anyone touches you he'll take them to his basement someone harasses you take them to his basement and when you two get together your his no breakups you two will be together until the day you two die.

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