Chapter 1

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(A/N: Thank you for reading!! This is the third book of a series, so if you haven't already, I suggest that you read the two books that came before this: 'More Than Friends' is the first one, and the second one is called 'Better With You'. <3)

A Few Weeks Later

Maddie's POV

I wake up and feel a strong arm around me. I feel nauseous, so I start to go to the bathroom, but Caleb is holding me a little too tight.

"Caleb," I say, smacking his hand lightly, "Caleb, let me go."

"No," he mumbles, sleepily.

"Hurry, I'm gonna get sick," I say.

He then lets me loose and I hurry to the bathroom. I hear the bathroom door open and Caleb kneels next to me, rubbing my back, "I'm sorry, baby," he says.

I lean back into his chest and sigh, "it's okay."

"You wanna go back to bed?" He asks, and I nod in response. He helps me up and I walk back to bed. I lay back down and close my eyes, but my eyes open again when I hear a small noise. I look at Caleb setting a small plate of crackers and a glass of ginger ale on the nightstand, "here you go," he smiles down at me, "just in case."

"Thank you," I mumble.

He gets back in bed and puts his arm back around me lightly, "I have to leave in a little bit. Studio."

"Okay," I whisper.

"Try to get some more sleep," he tells me, and eventually I do fall back asleep.

I wake up about an hour later, and Caleb is no longer laying with me. I sit up and look over at the nightstand. I reach for the glass of ginger ale and take a sip as I hear a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I ask myself.

I open the door and see Catie, "surprise bitch!"

"Oh my gosh!" I hug her tightly.

"Wow, did I wake you up?" She asks, looking me up and down.

"Nope, I was awake for a few minutes before you came."

"So, what's new with-" she starts, but quickly gasps when she sees my left hand, "Maddie!"

"Yes?" I grin.

"Does that mean what I think it means? Are you engaged to Caleb?" She asks, excitedly.

"That's exactly what it's means," my smile grows, "and this time, nothing is stopping us."

"OH MY GOSH!" She shrieks, "when's the wedding?"

"We just started planning it, so we don't have a date yet. But it'll be soon," I answer.

"Finally! You two are finally together, just like it should be," she grins.

"Everything's falling into place," I smile before feeling nauseous again, "ugh," I sigh.

"What?" Catie asks confused, but I don't get to answer her. I hurry back to the bathroom. I hear Catie calling to me, "Hey! Maddie? You okay?"

"I'm fine," I call out to her. When I go back out she looks at me confused and I laugh to myself, "only the second time today."

"Maybe you should go to a doctor," she says, and I realize that she doesn't know.

"Oh, no. I'm fine," I smile.

"Maddie, you're probably catching something," she says.

I don't answer her. Instead I go over a pick up the little black and white picture and take it over to her. She gasps and I smile big, "I'm fine, I promise."

"Maddie! Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, taking the picture and admiring it.

"I don't know," I laugh when she stands up and hugs me tight.

"I'M SO EXCITED!" She screams, "I can't wait to be the cool aunt that buys sweaters for your fat headed baby!"

"Catie!" I laugh hysterically.

"Well, maybe it wont have a big head. But if it does, it got it from Caleb."

Just then, the door opens and Caleb comes in while I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?" He chuckles, "oh, hi Catie."

"Nothing!" Catie yells.

"Okay?" He chuckles, "Maddie, you have an appointment today."

"You're right," I say, remembering.

"Well, I'm gonna go find a hotel. Text me later, maybe we can hang out," Catie says.

"Okay!" I smile as she leaves, "I'm gonna shower," I tell Caleb.

"Okay, have you ate yet?" He asks.

"No," I answer.

"Then I'll make breakfast for you while you're in the shower."

"Aww, you're so sweet," I smile, "thank you."

"Anything did you," he smiles back.

I take my shower and get dressed. After, I go back out and see Caleb putting breakfast on a plate for me before setting on the kitchen table.

"Looks yummy," I smile, sitting down at the table and I start eating, "thank you."

He only smiles in return. When I finish my breakfast I brush my teeth, and then it's time to go. Caleb sits beside me in the waiting room and I let out a nervous breath.

"Nervous?" He grabs my hand.

"Just like last time," I laugh at myself.

"Everything's fine, I promise," he smiles.

I nod at him just as my name is called. I stand up and go down the hallway and Caleb follows me. I sit down on the table and Caleb sits in the chair beside of me. I answer a few questions, and when she leaves I wait for the doctor.

After a moment, the doctor comes in with a warm smile, "how are we feeling today?"

"I'm good," I breathe out, "Just a Little morning sickness is all."

"That should be gone soon. Lay back for me and pull up your shirt," she says to me.

I do what she says and she puts the cold gel on my stomach. Caleb and I look up at the screen, and Caleb gives my hand a little squeeze. After a moment, we see the little image of our baby on the screen. A smile spreads across my face and I look over at Caleb, who has an equally big smile on his face.

"Wow," I say, looking back at the screen.

"Everything looks good," the doctor smiles, "you're about nine weeks, now."

She takes another instrument and then moves it around on my stomach. I look confused for a moment, but then we hear a thumping noise.

"There's the heartbeat," the doctor says.

I feel my eyes watering as I look at Caleb, and his smile grows even bigger. This is the first time we heard the heartbeat since the first time we came, it was too early. Caleb pulls his phone out and makes a video of the screen.

The doctor turns the machine off and gives me a tissue to get the gel off of me, "Everything looks perfect," she says.

"Thank you," I wipe my eyes before using the tissue to wipe the gel off.

When we get back to my apartment, I go and get a glass of water before going over to the window and looking down at the busy street. Caleb comes over behind me and puts his arms around me. His hands find their way to my stomach and I smile, putting my one hand not holding my glass on top of his.

"I can't wait," he says.

"Me either," I smile.

"Our own little family."

I turn around and face him, "I wouldn't want it with anyone else."

He puts his hands on my side and kisses me passionately, "I love you, Maddie."

"I love you, more," I tell him, "thank you for everything."

"Thank you for being mine."

Ocean Eyes - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now