Chapter 29

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Maddie's POV

It's already almost November. Tomorrow is Halloween, and instead of going out to get candy, the girls are going to a Halloween party tomorrow night. Caleb told them they will get plenty of candy there. Thankfully, Allison is better and no one else in the house caught strep throat. Allison and I are home alone right now. Caroline is at school, and Caleb will be at the studio for a few more hours, so I decide now is the best time to do what I need to do.

"Allison!" I call out.

She comes downstairs, "I am right here!"

I smile at her, "Get your shoes on, cutie."

"Where are we going?" She asks, putting her shoes on.

I look at her for a moment, "We are going to the store."

"What are we getting at the store?"

"I just need to run in and get something real fast," I tell her.

"Then can't I just stay home?" She giggles.

"You can't stay home by yourself, silly."

She gets in the car and I pull out of the driveway. When we're going down the road, I speak to her.

"Baby, you can't tell daddy we went to the store, okay?"

"Why not?" She asks.

"Because.. because.." I think for a moment, "I'm going to get daddy a surprise."

She gasps, "Oooo."

"Mhm," I smile softly.

"Can I know the surprise?" She asks.

"No, because it's a surprise for you and Caroline, too."

She looks confused, but doesn't ask anymore questions. I pull into the empty parking lot of the little pharmacy.

"Can I come in?" She asks.

"No, baby. Remember? It's a surprise?"

"Oh, yes," she puts her little hands over her mouth, "but can I have a candy bar?" She points at the window where the candy bars are on display.

"Sure," I laugh, "I'll be fast!"


I lock the car door before going in. I find the box of tests, and smile when I remember coming here to this same store a few years ago for the same thing. I walk by and get Allison's candy bar before going to the to the front. After, I go back out to the car and get in.

"That was very fast," Allison giggles.

"I told you," I smile, putting the key in the ignition. I reach in the bag and get her candy bar out, handing it to her before I pull out onto the road, "here you go."

"Yummy!! Thank you," she says.

"No problem, baby."

"That is a very small surprise," she says, leaning a little to look at the bag.

"It's only the start of the surprise," I tell her, "remember you can't tell daddy or sissy."

"I won't! I promise," she giggles.

We get back in the house, and Allison goes to throw her candy bar wrapper into the trash can before going upstairs to her room. I take a deep breath before going into the bathroom. I take the tests and wait impatiently for the results.

Caleb's POV

After finishing at the studio, I go and pick Caroline up from school.

"Hi, daddy," she says, coming out of her classroom.

"Hey, pretty girl," I smile at her.

I take her hand and we walk through the parking lot together. When we get to my car, I help her take her backpack off and set it in the seat beside of her carseat. She buckles up while I get in the driver's seat.

"Daddy?" She says, while I pull onto the road.


"When will mine and Allie's little brother or sister be here?" She asks.

"I... I don't know. We don't know yet," I smile at her through the rearview mirror.

"Will it be soon?"

"Not soon soon. But, it won't be too long, I hope."

"Okay," she smiles.

We pull into the driveway, and Caroline runs to the door.

"Mommy! I'm home!" She says.

"Hi, baby," Maddie hugs her, "How was your day?"

"It was good. I can't wait for the party tomorrow night!"

"Oh, I know!" She smiles.

"Allison is upstairs?" She asks.

"Yes, in her room."

Caroline goes up the stairs, and I walk over to Maddie. She smiles widely at me.

I give her a kiss and smile back, "How was your day?"

"It was good," she smiles, "it was really good."

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Yup," she goes into the living room, "Caleb."

"Yeah?" I ask.

She sits on the couch and I sit beside her before she responds, "It worked."

I look at her confused, "Worked? What worked?"

She sits up and takes both of my hands, "We've been trying, and it worked."

She stands up and goes into the other room. She returns a moment later with a small paper bag.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, smiling with her as she smiles.

She holds out the bag. I take it and look inside. My eyes goes wide when I take out the tests and see the little plus signs.

"Caleb," she smiles, putting a hand over her mouth, and I see her eyes watering.

"We're having another baby," I say softly, unable to contain my smile.

"Yes," she wipes her eyes, "I have an appointment tomorrow, already."

"I'll go with you," I grin.

"Okay," she smiles widely.

I give her one of the most passionate kisses I've ever given her. I then look at the tests again, "Wow."

"Yeah," she smiles down at them.

"This is really happening," I smile.

"It is," she giggles.

"What's going on?" Allison asks, standing with her sister at the bottom of the stairs.

I turn back around to Maddie, and she giggles.

"They're going to be so excited," I smile.

Ocean Eyes - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now