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Frightened brown eyes watch my every move from across the room

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Frightened brown eyes watch my every move from across the room. He hasn't said anything since I came in but I know there is something he feels he needs to say from the way he fidgets in his spot.

His squirms. I snap.

"What the hell do you want, Nugget?" I stand in front of him now, arms crossed and a scowl on my face.

Nugget cowers away from me. He turns towards Zombie who had sat up in his bed to watch the situation carefully. Mother mode activated, I guess. "Is there a problem over there?" Zombie asks. Neither of us answer. "Private?"

Nugget turns back to me, flinching when I quirked a brow. "N-Nothing."

"Obviously something is wrong. You haven't stopped staring at me since I came in, not to mention the fact that you look like your about to shit your pants--"

"You were on the bus with me!" He blurts. Ah. Right. Shit. "You were hurt and I-- I wasn't sure if they were going to leave you or not s-so-- so I woke you up."

I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "And?  What's the big deal?"

"Did you see Cassie?"

Even if I did see this Cassie, how in the hell would I know if it was her? There must have been twenty kids on that bus with me and I kept blacking out because of blood loss. Unless... oh, Nugget.

They must have left her behind. And everyone knows what happens to the people left behind. If they weren't kids, they were a waste. I glance at Zombie out of the corner of my eye, face falling. Maybe everyone didn't know. Nobody in here seemed to.

"Is that who you were screaming about?" He nods. I want to lie. I want to tell him I saw this Cassie person, who is obviously important to him. His sister, most probably. But I don't know who she is or remember ever seeing anyone. I let out another sigh. "Never saw her."

I turn away from him before Sofia forces me to comfort him after destroying what little hope he has for his sister returning. But I can't let myself tell him to have hope because Ghost knows that his sister is probably dead, killed by Silencers like every other camp. It was weird, actually, how everyone magically was slaughtered after the soldiers came and got the kids.

I shove the thought away when I lock eyes with Zombie. He stares at me for a long moment and then, slowly, he nods his head and relaxes on his bunk. Zombie seemed a little upset that I didn't lie and protect the kids hopes and dreams but he also seemed accepting. I think he has been wanting to tell Nugget to knock it off about his sister for a while, he just doesn't want to deal with the sob fest afterwards.

Oddly enough, he seemed curious as well. About what, I'm not sure. I shrug off the feeling and snatch my new clothes and towel from my bed before sauntering over to Zombie. "I get total privacy whilst showering, right? Nobody allowed in until I am out."

DESTRUCTION, BEN PARISH ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now