Chapter 7 - Ray loses control

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~~~ Ray reacts to Hands

Back at the house Ray had been snoozing quietly and Aqua was keeping an eye on him. She knew that he was going to freak when he awoke and she needed to keep him here until the problem was resolved. If she needed to, she would send him back to sleep though she hated that idea. It was something Liraque was taught for when a client was really stressing or worked up. Thanks to the implant she was receiving constant updates on what was going on and it didn't sound good. From the sounds of it in some places there were major firefights going on.

The moment Hands was shot Ray's implant woke him up and when he woke he was beyond furious. He jumped up and snarled something in a different language which wasn't interpreted, "Who the fuck decided I didn't need to be awakened? Why did I have to find out my pack members and family were in danger? I do not approve of this and everyone will know." His voice was low and had a rumble to it though he didn't notice, *Vyra I want a status update now. That is an order from your Pack Father.*

When she told him she was rather busy, and getting ready to go inside the building he really flipped a wig. For several minutes, he was so furious he couldn't speak. It was about the time Spike had sent a command to his implant and he could feel it impacting on him, "Damn it, If she medicates me again without my permission she will regret it." Right now, his mind was so messed up he wasn't really sure what he was screaming about.

There was the pain and agony of losing Flitter, concern for his siblings as well as the two pups. Added to that was a thumping headache that was starting in his temple area. He did try to relax and calm down but he was too furious and it wasn't working. He closed his eyes and his arms were straight down with his hands in fists. The muscles in his jaw were jumping and twitching as he struggled to try and control his reaction.

Thyra walked into the room and glanced at him and then at Aqua, *Take all the children and leave. I need to help him and he doesn't need anyone around. The babies shouldn't be exposed to this level of anger.* As she was standing there she sent out some probes to sample his emotions and she nodded slowly. Right now, he was in a feedback loop where his emotions were impacting on his abilities which ended up feeding the emotions back into his mind. If she didn't break the loop it wouldn't be good for him or the pack.

What she was about to do was very dangerous but she had been trained how to as well as having done it before. She stepped forward and lifted her hands to his face and settled her fingers over both temples.

Ray didn't even notice her being in the room at the moment. He also didn't notice the house being evacuated. All he could sense was his anger and as hard as he tried to calm down he couldn't find anything which worked. When she pressed her fingers and hands on his face even that didn't register.

Thyra prepared her shields and then started letting his emotions and feelings impact on her powers. She tested and tasted every aspect of the emotions and the center of his powers. When she did that she was horrified since his shields were erratic and built wrong. The power inside was badly channeled and the paths poorly constructed. This was the primary source of his problem for the moment. At the same time, she could sense the ragged spot in his spirit where a bit of Flitter had been attached.

That also was rather odd and it appeared their talents had been feeding off each other. As long as he had that connection with Flitter he was instinctively able to use his powers by accessing her knowledge. Since she was now gone his emotions and powers were starting to destabilize and she had to deal with it before anything else. By now she was starting to sweat from the effort but she kept going. She set in place several alternate pathways to drain the energy which was building up. There were wards in place to buffer his mind as well for when she set the trigger off for what she was doing.

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