Chapter 2 - Impact of Flitter's passing

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~~~ Hands really wakes

At some point in the early morning, Hands finally woke up. He could only lay there and try not to let the agony and loss make him curl up into a ball and cry. After laying there for a few minutes he finally struggled to sit up and barely noticed all the girls curled up around him. For the moment, his mind was too focused on not breaking down to notice much else.

Hands slipped out of the bed and towards the bathroom. When he got to the door he could only stare at it for a moment before remembering why he was there. After activating the door, he slowly trudged inside and took care of business. Once he was done with that, he decided a shower might be a good idea. That took him several more minutes to both contemplate and decide on. For some reason, his brain felt like it was packed with wool and it was hard to concentrate on anything.

Eventually he started the shower and stepped in to the flow of water. The warmth of the water started to help him relax slightly and he had to cover his face. The tears and sobs started again and he ended up on his knees again curled over crying his heart out.

Savory had felt him move which had started her waking up. By the time he had finished in the bathroom and was in the shower Savory was out of bed. She poked her head in and instantly hurried over and knelt down and urged him to put his head on her legs, *I am so sorry, Strong Hands. We have grown to care for Flitter a great deal as well. Is there anything I can do for you?* Tears were flowing down her face as well. It was because she could feel the agony he was in and because she was upset as well.

Hands curled his hands around her legs and held on tight. For now, she was a solid anchor that he could feel and touch. When she asked if there was anything he could do he had to shake his head. Nothing would make what he was feeling better. All he could do was settle for crying and sobbing.

Salty and Myriam had felt his surge of emotions and quietly entered the shower as well. They knelt down next to him and wrapped their arms around him. They didn't say anything but simply let him know they were there for him as someone he could hold on to. Also, he could lean on them for emotional support.

Savory was stroking his hair, "Let's get you standing so you can have a quick shower. Once done we will tuck you back in and hold you. I know it will be hard but sleep will help." She urged him up and let him rest his head on her shoulder as Salty stood on her toes so she could reach his hair.

Myriam started washing his back and she was quietly singing to him. For the moment, she wasn't crying since she had cried already. The singing usually helped others that were upset and she hoped it would help him.

Once he was clean and dried off they led him back to bed. After they tucked him in Salty moved Nuzzle so she was in his arms. It would be rather hard on the little girl since she would be feeling his agony and loss but he needed the contact. Nuzzle would understand when they got a chance to talk to her about it. They would be there for Nuzzle as well. She also needed the contact with her brother.

Hands picked up Nuzzle and elevated part of the bed somewhat so she was curled up on his chest. He closed his eyes as he was stroking her hair and ears. Hands could feel her warmth and love and it did help. Her warm small body curled in his arms warmed him. The love did help sooth his jagged emotions for the moment, "I love you Nuzzle and thank the Goddess for bringing you into my life. I am going to hold you while I sleep since I need your support."

Savory and Spicy curled up next to him though they didn't elevate the bed any, "Sleep Strong Hands and we will all be here for you. If you need anything just tell us."

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