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Books in the Folician Chronicles series

Dog Got Your Tongue – Folician Chronicles 1

Homecoming – Folician Chronicles 2

The Temple – Folician Chronicles 3

We have to keep moving forward – Folician Chronicles 4

The Goddess and the Pack Lord – Folician Chronicles 5

The Past is the Future – Folician Chronicles 6

Dawn of Hope – Folician Chronicles 7

A Folician Christmas

We come in peace - Folician Chronicles 8

We're back - Folician Chronicles 9

The Terran Enclave – Klithian Chronicles 1

A New Balance – Life and Death – Klithian Chronicles 2 

~~~ Flitter goes into labor

Everyone turned and stared at her for a moment before they started moving. Ray contacted Vyra and Spike to let them know. As he was doing that Misty was getting the small bag for Flitter, it had been packed previously. The two other girls helped her into a robe and waited to see if Ray was going to need help getting her downstairs.

Ray looked a bit frazzled as he spoke to them, "Once we get Flitter on the way, go to bed and try and sleep. This is her first set of pups so it will be a while. Don't wake the others up until Vyra or one of the others comes to bring you to the hospital."

Misty sighed but nodded, "Do you want help getting Flitter downstairs or are you going to wait for the floater and medics?"

"They can come and get her. I'm not going to take any chances of her tripping trying to go down the stairs. Go to bed and we will contact you later." His voice had a trace of the Pack Father in it and all three nodded and after giving Flitter a good hug and kiss left the room.

~~~ Getting the house setup

Vyra sighed when she was contacted by Ray. She woke Daisy up, ", "Flitter is in labor. Wake Gentle since she needs to be there, have Gerdal and Dusty go to their house and set it up. Send a message out to everyone about what is happening."

As she was talking Spike came in with Aqua and let her know the ambulance had been called for, "I also contacted the Temple Mother since she wished to be there as well. Aqua will remain here to help Daisy ensure everything is ready. Go and we will take it from here and ensure Flitter's wishes are taken care of."

Spike and Vyra nodded and headed over to Flitter's house. By the time they arrived the ambulance had arrived. Several minutes later the medics brought Flitter down on a floater, ", "We will follow in one of the vehicles." They nodded and once Flitter was settled they left. The two had only recently been informed of the possibilities of what might happen.

~~~ News Flash

"This is Wind River and we were notified that Pack Mother Dances with Flowers Johnson is in labor. She is the last female in Pack Johnson to deliver. From the images, we have been allowed to broadcast, all of the pups, male and female, have been some of the most darling we've seen. Let us raise a pleased howl for the Pack Father, Pack Mother, and Pack Johnson. I don't know about you but we can't wait to see Flitter and her pups." She lifted her head and let out a pleased howl. There wasn't much else to say at the moment but with a number of the deliveries some images of the Sire and Dame as well as the pup or pups had been sent to the station. She signed off and couldn't wait until they received images of the new pups. It would be several days before they would get them.

Even now the forums were going crazy after the interview and this was just making them worse. Everyone was sure she was going to have the loveliest pups of the pack. Even the forums dealing with Misty and Hands were going crazy. In this case it was supposition on what their pups might look like when the two had pups. Everyone knew Liraque didn't have pups until older but Hands would have pups they were sure. No matter what they just knew Hands would have cute pups when he was of age.

We have to keep moving forward - Folician Chronicles 4Where stories live. Discover now