Chapter 2 - contact my dad.

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As i sit in the cafe in town with a hot chocolate i wonder where do i begin, i know i have my letters from my dad with his address and numbers on i could give them a try which means i need to go back home. i build up the courage finish my drink then head home to notice a car in the drive, i never seen it before so i peeked through the windows and it was him Jason and his friend they had my mother held against the wall she had the small window open i could hear him  he was asking where i was, my mother told him i ran out this morning after we argued. He sat there until he decided to get my mother in the car to go and look for me i kept myself well hid until they were gone.

I went round the back the door was unlocked i went in and ran straight upstairs got my small locked case with my letter of my dad and got out of there before they could return. I go the back ways into town and head for the library as they know i never go there so best place to hid out and sort through my things and get myself sorted. I find a nice quiet and out of the way place to go through my things, i got through the letters and start ringing my dad which some of the numbers are a dead end but then there is this one.

It rings and rings then finally a women answers and i was i got the wrong number then she said is this Lucy i said yes it is i need my dad i need to talk to him its important. she goes i understand and your dad knows what day this is and not to worry you will see him very soon i asked for his number which she give this to me, then i asked how will i see him very soon she explains he is on his way to the UK to see me and get things sorted for you. I was in shock the last time him came was when the trail was on and to be there for me unlike my mother. OK thank you i said then hung up and tried his number it went to answer phone so i thought i would try in awhile.

Am still in the library and its nearly closing time this is my one chance to ring him again as i don't know where am going to night. This time his phone rings, he answers i was dad he said with delight my darling Lucy are you OK i been to the house your mother said you walked out this morning and aint been back, thats true. He asks where i am i tell him he says stay out the front out of sight i will come and get you and take you to my hotel for the night. i hung up and waited for him which felt like a life time, but to my relive he came and we hugged and off we went.

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