Chapter 2.1 - contact my dad

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I fell asleep in the arms of my strong caring dad it felt so warm and that i belong, he woke me up as we arrived at the posh hotel in London the name was The Langham London i was like wow this is posh dad he just laughed. We headed in i was looking all over it was massive and amazing at the same time, we went to our room the beds were like nothing i have ever seen before you could fit at least four people into one bed. They were so comfy i melted in to it .

Dad came into my room asking me what i wanted to eat i decide pizza please chicken and sweetcorn, we both chatted in the living room telling him what has happened and that i don't want to live at home anymore i want to live with you in Mexcio. My dad agreed it would be best for me, but not sure if it is a good idea at the moment. I had a sad look on my face he then told me he had this hotel booked for a month and this was for me he give me a card to which he had money on and every week he would put more on for me to help me by and get new clothes.

 I was so happy not to go back home he said he told my mam but she never knew which hotel so they could not find me but the hotel was informed of everything and to keep an eye on me. Anyways with that good news i thanked my dad give him a cuddled as we watched a movie on the sofa in front of the open fire i was like a dream come true.

I must of nodded off as the next thing i knew it was morning around 8.30 am and my dad was watching me sleep as he did when i was younger he told me breakfast is on the porch. I got the dressing gown on and went to the porch it was like a feast, bacon, eggs, sausages,black pudding,hash browns, mushrooms, beans and fried bread and fresh orange in a wine glass.

After we ate i went in the walk in shower it was like a steam room dad had got me some new clothes must of been this morning i slipped in t them clean and fresh i felt like a new me and i liked it.

I shouted of my dad he ran in the room thinking there was something wrong he goes are you OK pet i nodded give him a big hug and said thank you, he asked me to come into the living room as he need to explain something to me.

As we sat down he held my hand i felt like something was wrong then he told me that he had to go back to Spain on the afternoon flight he was going to spend the morning with me, but he will keep in contact with me he give me a box he told me to open it. I was like wow the most up to date phone Samsung s9 and Samsung tablet we can message ring and Skype ETC. I did not know what to say but thanks, he goes come on get your new coat on and bag pop your things in and lets hit the shops of London and have some fun Princess.

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