1st: Beyond the Nameless City

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Author's Note:

✘ This story was a requests. I started thinking to write a one shot, with a small story line. But it seemed it grew longer. 

✘ Its my first attempt on writing in the first person. Is nothing much. xD

  Fell free to check the rest of my High and Low Fanfictions. ^_^  


I don't really know when I was born. One rainy day someone just left me around the nameless city; Maybe my parents or just a stranger. I never found out. I never even searched. Why would i want to find out; who was the person who abandoned me. This city welcomed me. Soon, I found out I wasn't the only one. This ghost town, became my home. I was raised here. My family is everyone between the borders of the nameless city. My aim is to protect everyone in Anonymous Streets. Those who live in the anonymous city have no relatives, a family or even a name. But the people here have strong bonds, and are like family. I have to look after those people. They are my family. And I am their leader. I am not sure why they even call me, their leader. I don't even know when i became the leader. Some say because i was always the one giving more than i should.

To protect what others have as granted. The Rude boys were created. We soon found out, what we could accomplish. Nothing scared us. We fought to protect the city. And the city soon rewarded us with a treasure that was under it. Although back then I didn't know, that more trouble would rise. Time pasted really fast. One day we were only fighting for no cause, and the other we become the SWORD "R". First the Iemura group, since they found out about the diamonds underneath us. They attacked us from no where. And my illness was not a big help. If it wasn't Hiroto, that day helping me, i am not sure if i would be alive right now. I know own my life to the Amamiya Brothers. But things become worse, when Lala was taken by the Mighty Warriors.

Lala is my sister. We are not related by blood. But since the day they left her here, i was responsible for her. Although, she is a kind person. Lala, always gets into trouble. Sometimes to find money, to help me with my illness, and some other times just because she can. It was the same now with the Mighty Warriors. But me fighting there, wasn't that easy.

The battle was huge. Everyone from SWORD was there. It was a fight we have never imagined. That the outcome would be like that, i never thought it back then. Though things turned out well. SWORD is still running the five districts. Problems rise once in a while, but each gang is there to protect their streets and the balance. Of course we all know, peace is hard to keep. There will be more problems. We all know that now. And we will fight to protect the people. Because, everything we did, was for the people. And to be able to live in peace.

And some how we found peace. I manage to go to the hospital and get my treatment. If i survive or not, only time will show. The doctors did all they could. Everything at the nameless city slowly gets better. We move slowly and make changes. And I can be in peace some nights now, even sleep. I have Lala, Pi, Takeshi, even Shion to take care of everything.

Though soon my rest days were to their end. One day i meet with Hiroto. I cannot say we are friends. But since the day he helped me, he passes by. I am not sure if he comes to check on me, or if it became a habit. Some days we talk for hours. One day he told me about his older brother, Takeru. I never knew there was a third brother. And soon after that day more problems came. The brothers of three, fought, and went through hard times. We all thought Takeru as bad news. But slowly when the truth was found out, Takeru was not a bad person. He had to do, what he had to protect on his own way his brothers. Now their are fine, in their own way. It was that event that made me think. What if my family was through something like that. I knew it was only a thought. But slowly that thought grow every day in me.

And Hiroto didn't help either. He suggested i should look for them. He also told me that there should be something they left with me. Maybe there was a clue. The only thing i had with me since i was left here, is that green jacket. Nothing else. How could that help. They left nothing. Not a note, or a sign nothing. There was only a old label that said who designed these jacket. It was odd that it was hand made in Hokkaido. Hiroto thought it was a clue. I still remember his words: "The worse thing than can happen to you, you can die here with out never know; why? Or you can die trying to find an answer. "

So, I didn't wait. His words got my attention. He was right. I got some money, my bike and the next morning i was crossing the Seikan Tunnel, the underwater railway. Hours later I was in Sapporo. Although its a city of almost 2 million people. There not many factories that make clothes. At least many that are old enough, as these Jacket. I didn't know were to start. Or even if i was at the right place. I just went around areas with the oldest factories. I didn't go there just by chance. Lala searched days to find some leads. She found three old factories that were making hand made clothes. One of them was only running other two were closed.

The first one i went, was the one that was running still. But, i didn't find anything there. The owner was an old man. He was never married. He had no kids. I showed him the jacket. He explained that it was hand made indeed. But it was really old design. There was only one factory that was making those and its close for years now. I decided to follow that clue. And my next move was to go to that factory. It wasn't far away. But it was almost night, and there was nothing around that place to see.

But nothing could really stop me. I didn't wait and after some time there i was. I was standing in frond of an old factory. It seemed that it was not only old. There was no way that this kind of damage was made by the years. There were all ruins. Broken windows. Burned walls. Only looking at it, it looked worse than the nameless city. No one would even live around here. Though i couldn't give up. I wanted to explore every corner. Maybe I could find some answers. But again my luck wasn't with me that night.

Few strangers appeared from no where. I was sure they were not living there. They were there for some other business. If you ask me, i really didn't want to interfere. But they didn't think so. They surrounded me, since the moment they noticed me. They were seven, and they seemed strong. I told them i was only looking around the factory. I didn't really want to have anything to do with them. But they didn't believe me. They just attacked me. Could i run away? Maybe i could. But I didn't want to. I didn't even looked around that place. That's why i stayed. And I didn't wait, to fight back. My moves got a bit slower since my treatment. But I didn't affect my strength. Even seven, i managed to keep it up. They kicked once, i answered twice. They punched, I dodged. It was an unfair fight. There was no way i could win. But since when was that a problem. I fought, and fought until i was facing the ground.

There I thought i reached my end, in a forsaken factory. But i was wrong again. Suddenly, a person dressed in black showed up. His face was hidden. I only guessed it was a he, maybe it was a she. I didn't really know. The moves were strong, that person managed to hit them back easily. Soon I was on my feet again helping him. It took only few seconds and all seven were out. But I never manage to thank him. As sudden he appeared, the same he was gone. My days were getting odder.

I should leave. It was already midnight. And i was tired, bleeding, and I was already attacked. But something in me told me to stay. So I stayed and started searching. Every room slowly. But there was nothing much to find. Hours after I only manage to find an old tax book. There was a name written and an address. The name was the same as the brand name in my jacket. Again things started to look odd. Now I had a name. Even an address. There was a place i could go and ask. Maybe I could find more clues. Maybe not.

I was really tired though. I needed to rest. I drove from Tokyo to Sapporo with out any rest. I was wandering around these city, i was tired and hungry. I needed to rest. I got in my bike and drove away. After few miles, i found a place and eat some noodles. And a place to rest. I slept for many hours. My sleeping habits changed lately. I could sleep and rest. These time i did again. I slept and rest. What happened the next day though was something I never thought about it...

((sequel next chapter))

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