7th: The day the truth was found

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I could still feel the sweetness of her lips against mine. My eyes were open but I didn't want to get up. I was never like that. Me, was always active and moving. Even when i was ill, even if i coughed blood, I never stayed down. But right now, if you asked me, I just wanted to remain in bed and day dream. Maybe I was ill, with a new illness. Or maybe the illness was causing those side effects. I was sure now, the fast heart beats. The sudden heat i felt. It should be the treatment. Or I let myself fool me.

"Brother, breakfast." Lala almost yelled at me but I didn't react at all. "I don't know guys he is like that all morning. I am worried." Lala told them.

"He was in good mood last night. And he doesn't seem ill." Takeshi added as he was helping with the breakfast.

"What do you think Toka? Did anything happened yesterday?" Lala asked her. But she didn't reply also. She was just adding sugar to her tea. Or better she was having sugar with some tea.

"Toka what are you going to drink that?" Pi asked her as he noticed that she was also some how acting oddly.

Toka nodded not really hearing anything she was still thinking "Yes i will!" she said and took a sip of the tea that was overfilled with sugar.

"What ever Smokey has, Toka has it also." Pi told them as he smiled.

"What is wrong with them?" Lala asked him serious.

"They are daydreaming!" Pi answered making Takeshi and Lala gaze at them.

Lala blinked and looked at both "You are right." she said as she moved her hand in frond of them. "They aren't here?"

But me as well as Toka went on with our dream. I think we had breakfast. And we even talked with everyone. But I cannot remember anything.

The perfect dream and our talk was only stopped Okabi walked into the room. His face was serious and he sat with us. "I posted the stories. I just received a reply." he said.

I turned and faced him "Tell us what happened?" i asked him serious. Toka also ended her dream world and focused at him.

"They didn't say anything. The stories were taken down. Like that. The email I posted is closed also." Okabi informed them serious.

"That's odd. They surely have power. But finding everything so fast and even take them down. " Toka said.

Okabi though had more to tell us "Toka that is not the only issue. The police was outside my home. They are looking for me."

"Wait! Were you in any wanted list or did it happen because of us?" I asked him. We were bring more people in these danger.

"You know i don't follow the law. I have done things that you can say could get me in prison. But i was never caught. So I think it has to do with your case." Okabi told us.

Toka stood up and gazed outside the window "Once again we are in dead end. That happens every time. I told you guys." she said.

And I could see that now also. Maybe we found one clue and stormed into the second, but we would hit a dead end. Of course we found out so many things. I found out about my parents, the connections. But we didn't know with who we had to deal with. And that was scarier.

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