6th: I stole your first...

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The next morning came, faster than i thought. When I walked into the living room there was already a odd guy sitting and typing. That should be the guy that would help us crack the passwords. I poured some tea and sat with everyone else. Though I was mostly ignored. I sipped my tea and grabbed few documents that were placed on the coffee table. Though those documents were new. I didn't manage to read the first page as Toka came also inside the room and took a seat.

"These is Okabi. He is an old friend. He already cracked the files. And i printed them. I went through them." Toka explained as she crossed her legs.

I gave a light bow to Okabi and went on gazing at the documents that made no sense really to me. But Toda seemed to already understand what she was holding. "So what have you found?" i asked her gazing her deeply in her eyes.

"Alright. Remember the 771-88 case. We couldn't find the documents?" she asked me and grabbed few documents and gave them towards me.

I took the documents confused "But weren't the files gone?" I asked her back trying to understand what she was trying to tell me.

Toka nodded "The actual files were gone. But seem that your parents talk to the reporter. They found out there was a company trying to bury those toxic around the area they lived. They reported it to my father and the story was suppose to be published by the newspaper." she said and pointed to the article written at 1988. "But it never came out. Someone stopped it and the case was closed. But my father kept looking into that case. Or linked cases. See all those documents here are connected cases from 1988. I think your parents and my father, with the reporter worked to solve them. That's why my father ended up dead, Your parents and then the reporter. Everyone found out something they shouldn't" she added.

"So they knew about all those cases. Thats what got them killed?" I asked her.

"I don't think that was the case. All those cases have been covered up. Even if they published them they wouldn't make any sense. Because there is someone missing. They don't say anywhere who was behind all these. There are few names and yakuza. But the real culprit isn't shown anywhere." she made it clear.

"That means we are also in a dead end then?" I asked as i threw the documents against the table. "Until now what ever we did was for nothing?"

"Not exactly. We cannot use the old cases. We cannot report or purplish any of those. But we can set a trap." Toka said making everyone turn and gaze at her confusing.

"A trap?" Pi asked loudly "Smokey you wanted to find out about your parents. You already found out that those people were you parents. You also found out how they died. Why would you want to go own with these?" he voiced worried.

"Pi is right Smokey. You don't know what we will deal with. And does really make sense. It has nothing to do with us." Takeshi added.

And Lala nodded "Yes brother. We have a lot to deal back at the nameless city. Let's go back."

I sighed, but everyone was willing to go back home. These way at least they would be save. But I couldn't just agree. It's not that i wanted revenge to the one that killed all those people and my parents. But how could such a person still live free. "Guys I know you are right. But i cannot just leave now. There was someone who killed or ordered all those kills. He is still free and enjoying his life. How could i turn my back to that?" Smokey said making everyone to drop the matter.

"Alright then what could we do?" Pi said waiting for Toda to response. Those guys would always make me happy. It didn't matter if they didn't agree with me. When they thought i wanted something they would drop it and follow me. I couldn't be happier to have such friends. Or better such family. Even Toda was surprised at their faith to me.

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