5th: The next day

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There was a sudden pain in my shoulder, the next morning as I woke up. I was not sure where I was. My memory was also fainted. It took me few minutes to remember that I was shot. I looked at my shoulder and it was bandaged up. I looked around seemed I was at the hospital. I looked around at the room. There was no one around. "My last memory was that cottage. How did I end up here?" I mumbled as the door opened.

Lala had just entered the room. She run and started yelling at me. I was not sure what she was saying. But I am sure she was worried because I was injured. I waved at her and told her to take it easy. " What happened? " I asked her. She gazed at me with her sad eyes and answered "A gun was fired at you. You ... Don't remember. Toka informed us. We were so worried".

"How long have I been here?" I asked next really confused as it seemed I was not only there for a day or so, but much longer. Lala said I was two days there. I didn't react on anything until today. Everyone was really worried. But she was now really happy to see me wake up. Soon the rest of the guys gathered. As well as Toka. Pi told me she was really worried about me. I don't know why exactly but I smiled.

I had to stay few more days at the hospital although I wanted to get out sooner. But Toka wouldn't let me be. Those days I didn't ask anything about the case. I wanted to know more that was true. But Toka was right, those people were really dangerous. We had to be more careful. And there was one more issue. I wanted Lala to get back home. The guys would not agree I know. But I was extra worried about Lala. And honestly Toka would also be I danger.

"Maybe you both should stop." I told them the last day I was at the hospital. " I mean you Lala as well as Toka. Those guys aren't playing around. They shoot easily like it doesn't matter to take a human life." I added.

"I am not going back. As long as brother is here I am staying" Lala answered. And I didn't wait a different reply from here.

Toka got extra mad with me " you are saying that because we are girls... " she voiced with a feminist tone.

But both were wrong. I was worried about them not because they were girls. They weren't week. They could take care of themselves. I knew that. But they mattered to me to much to have them hurt in any way. 'But wait since when I was worried that much about Toka.' I though. That was strange. "Anyway you are both wrong. It's not because of those reasons." I mumbled not wanting to show how worried I was about Toka. "Stay only be extra careful! " I said and didn't say anything I forgot that the guys were there also. And they wouldn't let anything fall down.

"Aww Smokey is worried!" Takashi teased me as he was looking at Pi and evil smiling.

"That he is. About his sister ..." Pi added.

Takashi kept the tease going on "Not only about her..." He Drop his bomb.

"Yes yes it's his girlfriend also" Pi added again. Causing the girls to looked at the Lost. And me to chase them around the room.

"Aaa brother got a girl? When?" Lala shoot loudly making me feel really ready to kill them all.

"Not sure. Since he arrived in Hokkaido." Pi said and pointed at Toka. And Toka that only when Pi point at her got what they meant blushed. Although I felt awkward I really liked the Blushed Toka more than the cold one. And I couldn't stop the teasing since it maid everyone happy. And mostly me.

"Guys stopped it you making the girl blush!" I Said with a smiling voice. Toka placed her hands in her cheeks trying to hide them. She didn't say anything only walked outside the room. I threw the pillow at Takeshi and Pi. Telling the they were too much. But they got me as it was me who really made Toka blush. And I seemed happy for my action.

Lala gazed at me "Brother seems really happy?" she asked again as she noticed my unnatural smile. I had a really goofy face as I thought of Toka blushing face.

"I am not! I am just glad i am healthy and back alive." i said trying to bring back my serious look on my face.

Then I stared packing my things. Not that i had much to pack. But just a few things that the guys brought. We took a taxi and went back at Toka's house. I noticed my bike was already there. Someone brought it back. We walked inside. But the place seemed a bit different. There were more documents around. There were few open laptops. It was like the guys were working on the case all the time i was in the hospital. I sat the sofa trying to take a look at the documents but Toka took them away.

"The SD you manage to find. Got us really closer than we thought. Before you see these. But take your time." she suggested.

I cracked a fainted smile thinking 'what time?' My time was already up. I could die. I didn't have more time to lose. "No I rested enough we should start. Tell me what i did you guys find?" I asked serious.

"The cases starting from your parents, my father... even the lost files are linked. The dead journalist has found most of the answers. In the SD were few of the stories that he never published." Pi said as he gave the laptop to look at the files.

"But they are all locked. We cannot open them." Takashi said as I noticed the files were password save.

"We need the help of someone that can crack them." Lala added as she sat down drinking a soft drink. Everyone was acting like they were at home. It maid feel a bit oddly. After all it was Toka's place. And it was like we had invent it.

"We are waiting my old friend to help us with that. Thats why i told you to take it easy!" Toka explained "Lets go eat."

I nodded "Let's go!"

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