4th: One lucky day

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I groaned as I felt the sunlight coming through the window and landing on my face "It can't be morning already" I muttered. I lay there contemplating whether to force myself up as my levels of consciousness slowly increased. My fingers run through the silk sheets as they come cross with a lace fabric. With my mind still zoned out a lifted the fabric to see what it was. I focused my gazed towards my hand. "A bra..." a mumbled, but i never finished my line as the door opened. My reaction was to throw the bra away. I thought i was safe. The bra was no more in my hands. I sat up and yawned. After all I was always aware of my actions. Maybe those two days I have been acting up oddly. But today there were serious stuff to handle. I wouldn't go down that road. Or at least that's what i thought.

I gazed at the door noticing that it was Toka the one that entered. Though I couldn't see her face. It was covered with the bra i was holding before. I lowered my gazed mumbling "You couldn't do anything worse." Then i stood up facing away from her as I noticed she was taking the bra of her face. I looked at her bed. Seemed i zoned out again last night. But that I ended up sleeping at her bed wasn't the issue here. I ended sleeping above her washed bra's and panties. It was the worse moment of my life. I had no idea how i would face her. But my luck was with me that morning Or the information that she brought were more important than my pervert actions.

"Hashimoto Toru, the journalist is out of prison. I found his address. The others already had breakfast. You should join them and then we should leave. I took few days off work." Toka said with out looking at me at all and left. I followed few minutes after i washed my face. I only drank a cup of tea. The guys had already eaten, and Lala washed the dishes. Thankfully they acted like normal people. We then agree that me and Toka would pay a visit to Hashimoto. The others would go to the library and take a look at the articles around 1988 and 1994 when the events took place. Maybe there was something we had not noticed.

Lala, Pi and Takeshi took Toka's car. They drove at the library and went through any article that cloud be connected with the story we heard last night. Me, and Toka drove at the Hashimoto place. Only Toka wanted to do the driving. Normally I don't let anyone drive my bike. But since what had happened last night and since she knew the roads better, I simply agreed. The others looked at me confused. They knew me well. What kind of person i was. Lala even glared at Toka. I just climbed at the bike and didn't say anything.

It was almost noon when we reached Hashimoto's home. It was an old cottage close to no where. It was surrounded by trees. It was so peaceful. So quiet. Toka stopped the biked, and I got off. She turned the engine off and parked next to the cottage. We both placed our helmets at the drivers wheel. No, the helmets weren't mine. Toka owned them. She wouldn't drive off if i wouldn't agree to ware it. Odd woman she has me act all pervert and oddly since i met her. Anyway, that wasn't so important at the time. I gazed at the ground. I noticed shredded glasses. I looked up, there was a window broken. We took few steps and went up the stairs. There were few different kind of foot prints at the sand. I noticed that too, when Toka knocked on the door.

Few seconds later a man opened the door. He seemed around forty, thin with a worried face. He didn't react as I thought, he let us inside. Then he asked us who we were. Toka showed her police ID and then asked him if he was Hashimoto Toru. The picture she had was really old. And it would be best to verify that it was Hashimoto. The man nodded and agreed with her. Toka then went on asking him about his articles. She pulled out from her bag few newspaper pages.

"These articles, are signed by HT. Did you Hashimoto-san write them?" she asked him at once. My gaze though scanned the place. There were not many things there. Maybe he had moved these days. Or maybe they were taken. "Do you live here alone?" I asked randomly him.

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