8th: Hunting night

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Many hours had already passed. Don't ask me how many hours but outside it was already night. I could see the moon. Lala, Pi and Takeshi were taken upstairs. Detective Kuro wanted to talk with them. He was still trying a way to unpin the crimes they were accused of. Though If some how they guys were free and save I would be alright. Those guys came first, it was like that for ever.

Suddenly, Toka appeared and walked over to my cell. I glared at her and rushed punching the cells rails as hard as i could. I am not sure if my fist bleed, but my rage was so high. I wanted to break through the metal prison and beat her. But she didn't react, she was cold. She didn't even look at me. She only threw an envelop from a safe distance and left.

I opened the envelop. Inside was a small paper with something written and few keys. I read the note it was saying 'Get out of here. Come find me behind the prison at the start of the forest. If you want to clear things.' I hold the note for some time. It wouldn't be wise to escape right now. I would look more guilty than ever. But I took my risks. I tried the keys until I found the right key and open the door. But before i left, I left the note inside the cell. I also looked around and found a pen. And wrote where i was going. I didn't trust Toka at that point. And if Kuro found the note, he maybe could come to my aid.

Then i fled from the police station. My moves where good. I had not rusted all these weeks there. I managed to hide when ever an officer showed up. Until i managed to break free. "What I am doing?" I mumbled. I really needed to see Toka. I had a small hope that she would explain, I hoped that i was wrong or at least that there was a reason to all that.

The start of the forest there was indeed Toka and Okabi waiting. I really went there to get some answers but when i saw them. I remembered what we were through these days. I remembered how they played us. I stormed over were they were standing. No, I didn't want to talk with them. I purely attacked with out a second thought. Toka avoided my first kick, but my second hit Okabi. But I didn't manage to go on with my attack as they pulled their weapons. And had me freeze.

"Yeah, I forgot you don't play fair." I told them as i kept glaring at them as a wild animal.

Okabi pointed at the open path that was leading to the forest "Run!" he said and pointed the gun at me. Toka still stood close cold with no emotions.

But I didn't run. I turned and faced him as he was pointing the gun against my head "I'm not running. What's going on?" I asked him as i had my first ready to attack again. Even if I would end up dead.

Okabi gazed at with a crazy glare. He looked like he had lost contact with these world. He seemed different. "Run! You may escape and not have the same faith as you father. Or you will day as him, and the reporter." he shouted.

The day wasn't any better, but my night become once more a nightmare. I grabbed him from his neck. "Did you kill them?" I yelled at him.

He pushed me off him and pointed again the gun at me. Toka was simple following him and pointed the gun at me again. "They were nosy. They wanted to know and know about the fire. It was their fault that my parents died." he yelled at me with all his power.

"You know, you don't make any sense. Why is that their fault?" I try to ask him. But Okabi wasn't there to explain anything. He just wanted revenge or at least what I thought.

He didn't answer me, he only shoot one time in the air. "Run. If you manage to pass the forest and we don't find you. You may leave." he voiced at me.

"Wait.. what is that? Toka?" I yelled at them both. Those people had issues. It sounded like they wanted to hunt me down. And i wasn't wrong.

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