3rd: More clues

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I opened my eyes in confusion. The first thing I faced was the wall; a white fainted wall. I sat up, though my head was still spinning. It seemed the medication had kicked in and I zoned out. But, where was I? I looked around, there was nothing special. Few seats, desks and shelves. I was back to the room of the cold cases. I remembered being here this morning asking about the factory. I was lost, how did i end up here. My last memory was gazing those eyes of that detective. Eyes that see through you i would say. But then everything went black. 'What happened to the case files? Was i caught?' questions like that filled my spinning mind. And i can assure you things didn't get better, they became more confusing; as the door opened. Lala, Takeshi and Pi, suddenly stormed into the room. Those were the last ones I waited to see there.

Lala run towards me asking me "Are you alright? What happened?" and tried to check me if i had any injuries.

But I pulled back, still confused. "Guys why are you here?" I managed to ask before the door opened for a second time and Toka got inside the room holding some files. She gazed at me. I was sure in her mind she had punched me at least twice. She was really fired up. She sat at her desk and hit the files down, getting all the attention of the room. She really looked as a detective. Not that i have met any, but surly she looked like those detective from the manga i have read. She had the same fire at her eyes, the same scary aura surrounded her at the moment. It seemed I was in trouble. Not only because i was caught sneaking around the file room, but because if i remember correctly the detective around the other file case had the same name as her.

Though my thoughts were interrupted as she knocked her finger on her desk. "Are you feeling better?" she asked taking me really by surprise. I waited her to scold me.

"I am alright... I guess" i mumbled checking my self out. Everything seemed alright, only my fist was bandaged up. I have cut my hand when i punched the window to break.

She lean against her desk only to hit my head with her hand "Yamaoka-san, breaking into the file room is an offence. Don't think because you fainted that I will not charge you with these." she voiced up. I looked at her confused. Why would she call me with the name that was listed at the label. Though she was right if i was their son I guess i will have the same last name.

"Who is Yamaoka?" Takeshi asked out of the blue as he rubbed his head.

Lala trying to protect me she yelled at her "Keep you bloody hands off my brother." But I signed her to calm down. There wasn't the time to react but wait and see what had happened. The only one who remain calm as me and Pi. Maybe he was one of the few who could read threw the lines.

"Yamaoka?" I asked the detective. Getting me in trouble for by-passing the file room, didn't really scare me. But to find out what those boxes had inside. And what the connections were did.

Toka nodded at me "Hm Yamaoka Hiroshi. Was the name of the boy." she explained and took a picture of a family and showed it to me. I think it was the same picture i have seen in the article. Only it was colorful and looked more real. Indeed the boy looked like me. And his parents now, seemed that my brain recognized them. I became bit dizzy as i discovered few new memories. I grabbed at the picture really worried. I surely was that boy.

"That's me. I am sure about it. What happened?" I asked deadly serious. The guys stepped back and listened. It seemed the name and my reaction had already got my attention.

Toka looked around a bit worried and scared. She stood up and walked towards the door and closed it. Then she came back "If you get mixed in these I cannot ensure you it will be save. But know that if you take part it will be risky." she said.

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