2nd: Cold Cases

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I woke up the next day, it was already noon. I had a deep sleep, and I was sure i dreamed. It had been so long a could remember a dream. I looked outside the window, it was still raining. I washed my faced, dressed up and drove off. The only thing bothering before i reached that address was that person in black. Who could it be? After some time, and with some help i found the address. But once again I was in a dead end. There was nothing there. Not a building, or a store. Just a parking load. I asked around, but no one really remembered if there was ever a house there. But as i thought i was running out of luck again, i come across a old tofu shop. Out side was sitting an old lady. I didn't waste any time and asked her. If she knew who lived there. If there was ever a home there. She smiled at me and looked lost. No way she would remember.

As I turned to take my leave, the old lady spoke "It's been years that anyone ever asked about this place. There was a home there. A family lived there. They had a factory down the hill. They were so kind people." I was taken by surprise. I sat next to the lady asking her if she could remember anything more. Or at least if she had any idea what happened to those people.

The lady smiled at me again and nodded. "I don't know all the story, young man. But there was a fire. It burned everything down. The factory and later the house. The couple and their son went missing. Months later they found the couple dead. But never found their son." the old lady told me. I thanked her and left.

It was the first time in my life i felt my head spinning. I couldn't do anything. There was nothing i could protect at that moment. If those people were my parents, I couldn't do anything to protect them. I was late. I wanted to find out more details. But how could i find out. I didn't know my real name. The only clue was an old jacket, a label on it, and a burned factory and a home. But maybe it was enough. I didn't waste any time at all.

I went to the nearest library and searched any articles around that time. I found few newspaper that wrote about the case. It said only that no one ever found out who started the fire. It was really odd that both the factory and the house burned the same night. And what was more strange was when the couple was found dead. There was a picture of the couple and the boy. The man was wearing a similar jacket as the one i was. I needed some time to adjust my mind to the new information i was finding out. And my memory wasn't helping either. The couple seemed more familiar now. I was more than sure that they were my parents. And it would make sense, if they were in danger leaving me in the nameless city. But what could i do now.

I didn't wait any longer. I wanted to find out the truth. I found myself soon entering the police station. If Lala would see me now she would really make fun of me. We never acknowledged the police. And there i was wanting to ask information about an old case. But really could i easily trust anyone. I by passed the information desk, like an odd power was pulling me. I took the stairs and soon i was at the second floor, were the crime division was. Why was i there. It was odd. It somehow seemed familiar. Like i was there before. Next to me was an old door it said 'Cold cases'. I pressed the door and opened it. Inside the room the were few desks. Few men were talking and a young lady was sitting at her desk.

At first I didn't say anything. It seemed that she was bossing everyone around, about some files. But it didn't took long until she noticed me. "How can we help you?" she asked with an serious tone. My mind dropped back to reality and I gazed her. She seemed around my age. She was wearing a black suit, and a black shirt. Her hair, her eyes, her clothes and shoes everything was black. Only her skin was pale white. What an odd lady.

"I want to find out some information about an old case." I said out clearly. But my dislike could be noticeable on my face. The lady signed me to take a seat. She gave me her business card. Her name was Yu Toka. I had not a card to give her. I simply nodded and sat down.

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