9th: Nameless city

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Finally I was back at my city. Here was the only city i could breathe. I could feel free. I knew the streets, I knew its people. Here. Was the only place i could live. Lala, Pi, Takeshi and the rest were already waiting at me and Toka. Toka was the first time she was in side the nameless city. I parked the bike, and stepped down. Toka was still not moving. I was sure she was felling guilty. The guys signed at her come. She followed me. It took her few minutes but then she spoke. She admitted that she was wrong, and started apologizing.

"You don't need to apologize. What's done is done. If you have no place to stay. You can stay here. That's all!" I told her and left.

Toka was really confused she couldn't understand. After what she did to me, how I could be like that. Lala, showed her a place to stay. I kept my self away from Toka, most of the time. I could see her every day hanging with the guys. She was helping with anything she could. And slowly she manage to smile again. I knew she had deep wounds and it would take time to heal. Or maybe it would never heal. That's why I brought her here.

"Brother, you're never around anymore?" one day Lala asked. And she was right. I was keeping as far from Toka as I could. I wanted to give her the space she needed to feel like home.

"I know, Lala. Did you missed me?" I asked her trying to change the topic.

"He is hiding like a small child." Takeshi said showing up after Lala and mocking me.

"Hiding?" Lala asked confused as she gazed at Takeshi.

He nodded "Yes... Since Toka came here he does everything to avoid her."

"No. That's not the reason!" I said and looked away. But it was true. I was avoiding Toka. But was it only because i wanted her to feel like home and calm down.

"Yup. It's not because he wants to avoid her. Is because he cannot face her!" Pi said as he also showed up.

"Why are you guys like that?" I asked them serious. They had never teased me after we got back from Hokkaido. It was after days we could finally speak and joke around.

"Of course he cannot face me!" Toka said as she also jointed us.

I really didn't expect her to show up. Though she seemed now more than the Toka I once met. "Is that so?" I said trying to act cool and not gazing at her.

"Then you have no problem facing me." she asked me directly.

I nodded and mumbled that " i shouldn't have bring her back. See now what i get.. mocking."

The guys laughed. They have not seem me react like that for months. I was always cool and knew what i wanted. The only times I lost my coolness was around Toka. And now those times came back. It seemed that Toka was felling better. That things become normal, and the bonds with the guys stronger. I liked that. But I still couldn't face Toka. No i didn't blame her. What Okabi did was his fault, not hers. I have told her that the day i brought her back.

Days went on then like that. We were now all together. I didn't avoid her anymore. We talked like, i talked with everyone else. After all i didn't want to end up being mocked again. But the guys kept talking behind our backs. Like there still something that we didn't do. I wasn't sure really what they wanted us to do.

One evening, Takeshi showed up as we all were sitting and drinking. He sat at the middle and faced me. "Ne, Smokey. I was thinking to start dating?" he asked me.

I looked at him and smiled "Why are you asking me. Do you need my permission or anything?" I teased him. Takeshi would never ask me things like that.

The guys turned and looked at him. "This time yes." he said. "I want to date Toka. Can I?" he asked me.

My face become pale. 'What sort of question was that?' I thought. I looked Toka she seemed more surprised than i was. I tried to keep my cool act in place "Since when do you have feeling for Toka?"I asked teasing. But my heart was on fire.

"It doesn't matter. Can I date her?" Takeshi asked again. The rest didn't say anything. They reacted like that new it.

I sighed. "You should ask Toka, not me?" I said and sat back. I didn't want to look uncool. And after all seeing Toka's face she surely wouldn't agree with it.

"Alright then." Takeshi said and stepped closer to her. Toka was still confused. Takeshi leaned closer to her and told her something. Toka's expression changed and she nodded. I almost jumped up. Takeshi smiled and left. I was not sure what was going on.

I stopped Takeshi curious what she said. And he pointed at her "Ask her!"

There was no way to ask her. I looked away. Lala though went and asked her. And then she come to tell me. "Don't worry brother. They will date. " she said and left.

I couldn't look at her. I left and run to my room. I was irritated. What was Takeshi thinking. I couldn't sleep all night. I was mad. I was "Jealous"?

I was not sure what was happening to me. My heart beat was always high. My cheeks red. And my heart hurt each time i saw Toka and Takeshi together. They were going out every evening.

I run over where Takeshi was. I couldn't any more have these pain. "No." I told him.

Takeshi gazed at me "No what?" he asked confused.

"You cannot date Toka." I yelled at him making everyone slowly surround us.

Takeshi tried to hide his smile "You are late now. I asked you and you didn't answer. Now we are dating." he said serious.

"Takeshi you cannot date her." I told him.

"Why not?" he asked still acting cool and smiling "I like dating Toka and she loves it too."

"A.. so." he said and left.

"Smokey are you giving up?" Takeshi asked me curious.

"No... No.. I am not!" I told him as I went and faced Toka. "Listen I have something to ask you. Answer me when i am done." I said and lean closer and closer. Until my lips met hers. I kissed her. I didn't care who was looking at us. She kissed me back. After the kissing scene I asked her "Now tell me can we date?"

Toka gazed at me all red and nodded. We hugged. The guys laughed.

"Smokey that is not cool at all. We were dating." Takeshi teased me.

I gazed at him "Since when. Are you kidding me. Did you think i didn't found out you were messing with me." I told him.

"Noway. Someone told you?" he asked confused.

And Lala didn't hid the secret longer "I told him today. Brother was really hitting bottom. I couldn't see him like that any more. I told him. That you and Toka were teasing him." Lala explained.

After that Toka and I staretd dating. I will not lie to you. It took us time. It wasn't easy. But now we are leaving together. We are like a broken family. But still a family. We have our happy moments. We have our sad moments. It's not perfect. But it's close to a live we never thought we could have. At least we are breathing now. The past is still haunting us. But we have moved on. We took small steps. Until we manage to see some light.

Here in nameless city we have our family now. The bad think is that Kuryu Group is again on the move and things started getting dangerous around here. My illness is also serious. I am not sure how long I will be alive. But for now I can only move forward with my family on my side.


As always Thank you so much for reading my Fanfics. I hope you enjoyed this one! 

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