Let's Go Find My Brother

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Gabriel brought his blade down on another of Lucifer's wings, cutting it clean off. Lucifer screamed out in pain, tears streaming down his face.
"Gabriel please! Stop this!" Sam shouted from where he was tied.
"No Sam! You're going to learn that there are consequences for your actions. For choosing him," he dragged his blade down the red wings, cutting the skin, "over me." He slashed off another wing and another heart wrenching scream came out of Lucifer. "My own brother. How pitiful." The final wing fell to the floor in one last swoop. Lucifer went limp from the pain and loss of blood.
"Lucifer!" Sam yelled, praying for his fiancé to wake up. He sank down to the floor as he stared at Lucifer's weak form.
"Why would you want to marry him Sam, he's weak. He's nothing" He knelt in front of Sam and cupped his face in his hands. His touch was gentle, as if he were afraid Sam would break if he held on too tight. "I could love you better. I could take care of you. Let me take care of you Sammy. I know you feel what I feel." His voice was pleading and he almost seemed to resort back to his scared, hurt, desperate self.
"You're a monster." Sam snarled. He spit in Gabriel's face. "I will never love you."
Gabriel slowly stood, wiping Sam's spit off his face. "One day, you will." He said in disgust but then he looked down at Sam and gave him a loving smile. "You'll learn to love me." He leaned down and kissed Sam's head. "Then everything will be okay."
A few minutes before

Dean woke with a start to find himself in complete darkness. He wriggled around but his hands and feet were tied to a chair. He reached for the knot but instead found a hand.
"Cas?" The angel grumbled as he too woke up. "Cas! Wake up!"
"I am awake Dean." The hunter sighed with relief once he knew his boyfriend was safe.
"Cas, we need to get out of these bonds. We need to find Sam." He heads a snap and suddenly the hand he'd been holding was gone.
A light suddenly came on and illuminated the small closet, revealing a slightly disgruntled Castiel removing the last of the rope from his wrists.
"How'd you do that buddy?" Dean laughed.
"I am an angel of the lord. I am very strong." Cas replies matter a factly.
"Yeah, that's wonderful. Want to help me out." Dean nodded his head towards his own chair.
"Oh yes, of course." Cas snapped the bonds and broke down the door. The two stepped out of the closet together. Dean grabbed two angel blades and handed one to Cas.
"Alright, lets go find my brother."

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