Don't walk away. Not again.

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As soon as they landed in the bunker, Sam grabbed Cas by his trench coat and yelled
"Take me back!"
"Sam, getting in the middle of an archangel fight would be catastrophic. They are much stronger than you and you could end up dead."
There was a rush of air and a bloody Lucifer appeared before them. One of his wings was broken at an odd angle, the bone almost breaking the skin. His face was cut and bruised, lip and cheek bleeding. He was holding an unconscious Gabriel with his arm wrapped over his shoulder. He was in even worse shape than Lucifer.
Lucifer collapses to the floor and Sam ran to him, embracing him in a hug. Lucifer let go of Gabriel and returned the hug, holding Sam close and burying his head in his neck.
"Are you okay?" Sam held him out to look him over, holding his face and running his fingers lightly over his cuts. Lucifer winced but nodded before pulling Sam back into his arms.
Sam didn't want to let go but Dean came in between the two, pushing them apart.
"Okay, break it up. We don't your PDA. Ever." Lucifer glared at Dean and was about to say something in return when Gabriel let out a groan from his spot on the floor.
"Cas, deal with your brother, Sam and I need to talk for a while. Alone." That last part was directed towards Lucifer. If stares could kill, Dean would have been dead 5 times over. Sam grabbed Lucifer's hand and squeezed it lightly, before following Dean to the kitchen.
"What the hell are you thinking man!"
"Dean, just calm down."
"No I will not 'calm down'! You're getting some with the freaking Devil!"
"We technically haven't had sex yet so-"
"Yet?! You're planning on having sex with that thing!"
"That's not what I meant and he's not a thing." Dean slammed his hands down on the table with a bang.
"Why Sam? Why him?"
"I don't know Dean, it just happened ok."
"No, it's not okay. How could you pick him over us. We're you're family."
"Why do you think I sold my soul Dean! I was bringing you back!"
"You should have left me dead. God! You're so stupid sometimes!"
Sam stood there in silence. He seemed to deflate in that moment.
"I've never been loved Dean. Mom was dead, dad didn't care, and you followed his every order like a soldier. Recently the only person you ever care about is Cas. Lucifer is different. He makes me happy. He makes me want to live. I haven't felt this way since Jess and you are not going to take that away from me." Dean stood there dumbfounded.
"I'm going back to hell Dean. End of discussion."
"No you're not." Dean sternly replied.
"That's not your decision to make!" Sam yelled. He turned to leave but Dean grabbed his arm.
"Don't walk away Sam. Not again."
"Let go Dean." Sam's voice was cold and hard. Sam had never spoken to Dean that way and he let go of him in surprise. Sam walked to the door but before he left, he gave Dean one last little note.
"I'd get rid of Gabriel if I were you. He's not someone you should trust."

The Devils Deal (Samifer)Where stories live. Discover now