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      The Abyssals were close to winning another battle in the Tokunoshima District but the Naval District fleet girl reinforcements were the reason the Abyssals failure on this mission. So Back at the Abyssal Base which used to be a fleet girl base in the Kitadaito island. They started their meeting to take the Tokunoshima District.

"And I'm telling you we need to send everyone to that T.D!" The Harbor Princess Yelled.

"No! We would be wasting too many resources and if the mission fails we all sink!" The Southern War Princess Yelled back.

"Both of you stop it, We will put it to a vote." The Anchorage Princess said calmly.
The two stopped arguing and sat back down in their seats.

"Sorry Miss Rose." the two said in unison

"No worries Claire and Kylie, Now onto the matter of the attack on the T.D. We obviously outnumbered the fleetgirl's base but they called backup...My second in command Rono will fill you in on them and our backup plan if we fail on the voted plan." Rose said.

The Abyssal Princesses and demons nodded and Rose sits down and looks at all the Abyssal Princesses and Demons.

"Okay, All in favor of attacking T.D everyone raise hands." Said Rose and 49 Abyssals raise their hands including Kylie then Rose nods.

"Okay, all in favor of finding a better plan to attack T.D raise your hands." Said Rose and 51 Abyssals raised their hands including Rono and Claire and Rose nods and stands back up.

"Okay now, just what class will we be sending on this mission?" Rose asked the 103 Abyssals in the meeting room.

"I say we bring 12 Wo-Class,1 heavy Cuirser Princess VI,13 Nu-Class,18 Ru-Class,15 Ta-Class,10 Ri-Class,16 Chi-Class,19 Ho-Class,9 Tsu-Class,11 Na-Class,13 So-Class,19 Wa-Class,20 Re-Class, And 2 Battleship Princess Kai." Rono Suggested.

"That's Flawed in so many ways!" Kylie said

"Please explain Kylie." Rono said

"Well, One If we send that many powerful abyssal we would need about 15 days to get them ready and prepared!"

"Yes, but how many days would it take if we went with your idea, Kylie." Rono said as she looked at Kylie.

Kylie was not able to reply so Rose looks at everyone.

"Any Objections?" Rose asked

No one refused.

"Good Now if that plan doesn't work Rono explains the backup plan." Rose said looking at Rono.

Rono nodded and walked to the front of the room where the whiteboard is at.

"For our backup plan we would retreat back between our base and T.D waters once we are there 15 Re-Class will be waiting for us so they can handle the enemy since they will be outnumbered the ones that didn't take too much damage will fight with the 15 Re-Class to hold the enemy back and once we are safe the remaining force that held the enemy back will retreat immediately and we return to base." Rono explained

The room went quiet as everyone was thinking over the info and they all nodded.

"Okay now our enemy is the Fleetgirl's base in T.D and the N.D fleet girls now be weary the N.D fleet girls are a very powerful foe for they have cleared our allies main and sub base in their district, so they are our main priority if we destroy the remaining T.D fleet." Rono said

Everyone nodded and looked at Rose.

"Okay Now for the fleet that will be on this mission Rono you're going to be the one Heavy Cuirser Princess VI in this fleet, Kylie you're going to lead the backup Re-Class for the backup plan, and Claire your going to lead the 13 Nu-Class is that clear?" Rose asked

"Yes, Ma'am!" Everyone said and left the room to prepare for the next 15 days.

(That's the end Of the prologue for this story hope you enjoyed I'll work on chapter one soon also I realize that some may not really call this a prologue but eh it's the better than just going straight to chapter 1 Note I realized that the anchorage demon island base so I have to change things)

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