Chapter 3

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Authors Note:The Chapter names will change over time ^^


It was the next day and this time Yamato and The Admiral woke 2 other girls very early so they can witness what they are going to do to Rono and since it was Monday the first was Flagellation so the four are walking to the prisoner's cave.

"So Admiral why are we going with you and Yamato?" the 2 fleet girls asked. "Well you see we need someone to make sure that we don't go too far in what we are going to do to Rono. So you Akagi and Tatsuta" The Admiral explain. "Understood." Akagi responded and Tatsuta nodded in response. The four finally reach the cave and they walk in the cave to see Rono chewing on the chains again. "Rono The Abyssal." Yamato said catching Rono's attention.

"What is it this time?" Rono asked. Yamato then opens the cell and picks Rono up "You are coming with us, Its time for you to meet some justice." Yamato explained. "What? For what? I did nothi-" Yamato slams Rono into the ground "Don't act dumb you peace of shit." Yamato exclaimed. " would I need to?" Rono asked coughing a bit. Yamato holds the urge to kill Rono for they had something else in plan for her...something worse. "Your going to be in for it now." Yamato said picking Rono up again and the Admiral shows the way to where they will torture Rono. When they arrived Yamato took off Rono's chains that were around her hands and in stead lead Rono to a wooden pole and tied Rono's hands around the wooden pole making Rono's back face to the others. "Oh? and why am I here tied up on this wooden pole?" Rono asked. "Doesn't matter." Yamato answered and Yamato Rip the shirt that Rono had on revealing Rono's back and walks over to the wall to grab a whip with a sharp object at the end of the whip. "W-What's t-that f-for...?" Rono asked hesitantly. and Yamato is now behind Rono's back "For justice." Yamato explained and she raises the whip and starts whipping Rono's back leaving cuts on her back. Rono screamed and screamed each time the whip hits her back and this goes on for an hour.


After an hour has gone by Rono was bleeding very badly but not too badly for it to count as justice. "W-Why? P-Pupu.." Rono asked as Akagi and Tatsuta untie Rono from the wooden pole "This is justice for what you put our comrades." Yamato explained to Rono and Rono fell to the floor as soon as they release Rono from that wooden pole " you steep so low as a thing called revenge? P-...Pupu..." Rono questioned. "More like you deserve this." Tatsuta explained as Yamato picks Rono up "Where...Are..W-We going now..?" Rono asked and Yamato looks at the room next to the Flagellation Room. "You don't need to worry." Yamato said and the four enter the room and Yamato immediately slams Rono into the ground again. Akagi thought it was best to stream this through out the whole base and to any fleet girls out on patrol. "Pu-" Rono was cut off as Yamato started punching Rono in the stomach and in the face. "I personally will make you regret torturing my comrades" Yamato said picking Rono up by the neck as Rono is trying to catch a breath. Yamato slams Rono into a wall then kicking Rono in the stomach. "Yamato! You can break one bone of your choosing but you cant break another bone till another year!" The Admiral reminded Yamato and Rono's eyes widen with fear. "Yes sir" Yamato said as Rono is trying to break free of Yamato's grasp in panic. So Yamato decides to break Rono's left Leg by bending it slowly and Rono screams in agony and Yamato lets go of Rono and Rono is holding her leg in pain. This still didn't satisfy Yamato but besides that Yamato kept beating Rono till Rono was finally knocked out which took before Dinner started. Yamato still didn't think that Rono had enough. "Take Rono to her cell and Cover her mouth." Yamato Ordered Tatsuta and she nods picking up Rono and takes her to her cell. Yamato sighs and Akagi ends the stream "Well how long will this last Admiral?" Akagi asked. "When it's two years or maybe four." Admiral answered and Akagi nodded in response and Yamato walks out of the room and starts to head to the dinning hall ready to eat and end the day.

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