Rose Arc Part 3

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Hello! It's Rono and I'm here with the next part of the Rose Arc! I hope you enjoy!


~Rose POV~

I wake up from that dream...well more like a flashback...the Americans had made us allies..YET.. "WHY THE FUCK DID THEY BETRAY US?!" I yelled and I looked around "Bullshit we need to kill the Americans while we still can or we are in deep shit.." I said as I pull out a file named 'Project US Down' this file was encase the US decided to betray us and well USS Enterprise is up and about and with Bismarck but I will need to confirm my suspicions... "Hmm...Zack what would you do?.... Father, did I make the right choice?" I asked myself as I walk over to my intercom "Will Nora and NaLa come to my Quarters immediately." and I turned off the intercom and sat down in one of my chairs and waited.

~Time Skip~

My room door opens and Nora and NaLa enter and they bow and sit down across from me. "What is it that you need my queen?" Nora asked and I pull out my map. "I want to confirm a suspicion I suspect that the US has stabbed us in the back." I said and NaLa stands up "Impossible the US has been our allies for 20 long years!" NaLa said. "Yes but if you haven't noticed we have TWO enterprises one an Abyssal and the other a Fleet Girl, now tell me who can only summon their ships of their navy ONLY" I asked and NaLa sits down again and looks down "The fleet girls only can come forward if an Admiral of their Navy summons them.." Nora concluded and I nod and I point to a line "This line can take you from our base to the US and I want you to spy on them from underwater if you see any ship leaving to Japan then intercept them and talk to them and ask why they are going to Japan. Got it?" I said and the two nod and get up to leave but I stop them "Wait, also can you two call Ri and Ni?" I asked and they nod and leave and I just start drinking my tea.

~TimeSkip brought by chibi Rose drinking tea~

The door opens again and Ri and Ni walk in and sit down as well. "My queen." they said in unison and I just nod my head and point to a circle and in the circle is called 'Naval Base' "I want you two to go there with a fleet I don't care who and how lethal they are I just want you over there and try to Negotiate for them to give Rono and Kylie back if they refuse to do so, kill at least some ship girls" I said and they nodded "Good luck you two and remember N O M E R C Y" and they nod again and leave and I lay back down on my bed. "Father I will bring them home....I can't lose them too.." I said as I drift off to sleep.

~Nora POV~
We are heading to US sea to see if the US has betrayed us if so there will be war over here too and we would be destroying the Queen's Father's Homeland. "Do you really think the US would betray our trust?" NaLa asked me as we are passing the hull of the USS Arizona. "Pshh no they can't if they do they would be stepping on a griffons tail." I stated. We walked to a ladder made for abyssals to visit whenever they need too and climbed the ladder. "Besides these humans are smart enough not to betray us" I said before reaching the surface.

Panic. That's what we seen when we arrived panicking military and civilians alike and so to calm them down I took one step "SHUT DA FUCK UP!! AND QUIT PANICKING!" I yelled and they seemed to stop and calmed down "We are only here for an inspection OUR queen suspects that the US has pulled a 180 on our alliance and managed to get to japan and Summon one of their ship girls known as 'USS Enterprise'...So! Will all military personnel give us all military logs and files even ones that are 'Top secret' or 'classified'!" I said and all the military personnel basically ran inside their bases and then NaLa stepped in front of me "AND IF YOUR SKULLS ARE FILLED WITH THAT BRAIN OF YOURS IT BEST BE SMART TO GIVE US WHAT WE NEED AND NOT KILL OR ATTACK US! AND IF WE FIND OUT YOU GAVE US FALSE INFORMATION WE WILL RETALIATE! THE QUEEN SAID IF WE DO NOT RETURN TO BASE TOMORROW SHE WILL SEND AN ARMY HERE TO ATTACK THE US!" She yelled making the humans more nervous and panicky.

~Ri Pov~

Me and my sister Ni go with our carrier division zero we are sneaking over to the Naval Base avoiding any and all ship girls as much as we can, sure we want to do nothing but rip them apart since we learned the fact that they tortured our Queen's two only people that is like a family through her...experiences...anyways we are almost there. 

"Enti,Cal,Ni send out stealth recon plans and keep an eye out for any and all enemy recon planes." I said to them while I look out for any patrolling fleet girls. I get a chorus of 'Hai!' and I see many stealth hellcats flying above the air where no enemy scouts can spot easily. "CoCo give me the communicator." I held out my hand and CoCo hands me the communicator and I wait for a report till I communicate Naval Base. 

It's been 5 hours of recon and observation and we finally have an eye on the admiral who is currently in his office holding a 'Pad' watching something . Ni's deduction is that it's a past recording due to the video having a past 'date' what we see is unsettling  to say the least the video shows Rono and Kylie hanging from the ceiling by their hands bruised and bleeding. Rono's leg was turned a complete 180, broken and has lots of bruises and bleeding from her head. As for Kylie she is bleeding from her head as well and is bruised too...what takes the cake is that they both are still conscious and Kylie is begging for mercy while..Rono just hangs there looking into oblivion her eyes are dull like she left her body to avoid the pain. The camera switches to a better view and there we see 6 Shipgirls, 3 of them holding metal bars, 1 is holding a sword, another one is holding her cannons, and the last one was holding a knife. The next part of the video was the 6 Shipgirls taking turns hitting them or shooting them. The one with the cannons looks like she got bored and left while the others continued to switch and the admiral speeds it up and the video stop at 12AM where the Shipgirls left Kylie and Rono to hang by the ceiling.

Rage. That's one word I and the rest of us could feel. Just.Pure.Rage! I punched a rock and it broke immediately  "THOSE FUCKIN' BASTARDS!" I yelled and I just hold the communicator and calm down. "Right the queen gave us one job..let us not fail her." I said and the rest of the girls nodded and I turn on the communicator and started speaking in it. "Hello.Hello.Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Division 0 to Naval Base."

~Admiral POV~

The speakers of the Naval base turned on "Hello.Hello.Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Division 0 to Naval Base." and I immediately looked outside and I seen many Shipgirls panicking and the voice continues to talk through our speakers. "Naval Base, Our main enemy the one that killed Lulu and her Base.." the voice stopped to let that sink in..they had names? "....The ones that TORTURED OUR TWO COMMANDERS!" That made every Shipgirl stop at what they were doing. "I give you two days to give us our commanders or...You will face the wrath of the Queen Rose. Our glorious Queen Rose who has done nothing but treated the ones you TORTURED like family but yes if you do not comply Her whole entire base will come and make sure you all are wiped from existence..." They again let this sink in for us..A whole Abyssal a Queen as well... "Ah I almost forgot...Give us Yamato,Akagi, and every Shipgirl that participated in the torture if not them we will head to your base to kill them Ourselves...Ni Flagship of Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Division 0 to Naval Base over and out"  and the speakers went silent and I look at my paperwork..then outside to many anxious and panicky Shipgirls and I sigh.

Today is going to be a long day.


When that was done we left to go to our base after we recalled our Stealth Hellcats and rested in the Aircraft dorms and fell asleep. Ready to take on their base if they do not comply.


ANNNNND thats a wrap! *phew* I love inspiration when you need it anyways what do you think the Naval base answer should be?

Don't Give the two abyssals and the shipgirls (That participated in the torturing) and battle the Abyssal base. 


Give the two abyssal and the shipgirls to the Abyssal base avoiding a unnecessary battle.

You decide anyways hope you loved this Arc, the Last Rose Arc will be soon (after this vote) anyways I'm off to play some games. *Gets sent flying by a catapult RWBY style* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........

*Author is gone flying off the Arc*


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