Chapter 1

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20 days before the operation to take T.D.
"I can't take this waiting we need to send a patrol to make sure that we have no problems!" Kylie said as Rono got in the water.
"Oh be quiet the order was to not go outside till all is ready unless you want your check docked and spilt to pay the 5 lower Wo-Class for them to go out and scout." Rono said coldly
Rono had currently ranked up to first in command as for Rose she became queen and as Roses first in command Rono has become colder than anything some abyssals now called Rono the ice princess.
"Hmm.." Kylie checks her money bag as it's empty as she was the poorest out of the 103 abyssals that organized the mission and sighs. "I give up.." Kyle said as she puts away her money bag. "Good, now that you give up I can now tell you the next target if we fail to take T.Do or when we do." Rono said looking at her guns. "Wait...WHAT!?" Kylie yelled almost scaring the other abyssals in the room. Rono smiles "Pupu that was a joke there is no next plan." Rono chuckled and got a very good or bad reaction from Kylie "You! Jerk! I had enough!" Kylie yelled throwing a metal bar at Rono and it hits Rono knocking her out, just as the other abyssals run out of the room Kylie drags Rono and her armaments to a pod and puts her and the armaments in the pod and aims it at the Naval District Base And fires Rono. "That's what you get!" Kylie yelled as abyssals surrounded Kylie and apprehended her for treason.


Not even 24 hours later a fleet of ship girls is on patrol.

"So any chance of seeing an abyssal today? Unryū?" A fleet girl asked
"Sadly my scouts do see any abyssals Nashi-" Unryū stopped and the other fleet girls stopped as well "what's up Unryū?" Nashi asked and Unryū looked at the fleet "My plans spotted something that might surprise the Yamato sisters themselves" Unryū said looking at everyone and signaled them to follow her. So they did and Unryū followed the directions of her chibi pilots to the mysterious object which happened to be a white and black pod.

"Whoa, an Abyssal pod?" A fleet girl said

"Indeed Maya" Nashi said

"Is an abyssal in there?" Asked another fleet girl

"I can't see inside of it but if it's way out here then who knows Tomozuru?" Nashi said

The four girls looked at the pod waiting for something to pop out but nothing happened. "So uh let us mark this and come back when we finish our patrol" Unryū said as the other three nodded and headed their way to finish.

Rono woke up to being cramped in the pod with her armaments so she hit the button and the door opened and all she can see was the ocean. "WHAT DE FUCK?!" Rono yelled as she looked around "WHERE AM I!? THAT DAMNED KYLIE!!!" Rono started putting on her equipment to stand on the water. "WHEN I GET BACK I'LL HAVE KYLIE HANGED FOR THIS!" Rono broke at this moment as she started to finally be fully armed and ready. "Damned Harbor Princesses their anger may as well be our downfall.." Rono sighed before she got in a hissy fit again. As Rono was unaware of her surroundings Maya knocked Rono out and picks her up. "So we have a new prisoner!" Maya explained the other three nodded and heads back to base.


Later on, Rono found herself chained and behind bars and her armaments are gone and in front of her was two battle-ship class fleet girls. So Rono took the chance and walked up to the bars "Pupupu, How pitiful of me to have let my guard down to get captured by the same enemy that is going to be at the bottom of the ocean pupu..." Rono said with a fake sad emotion.

"Quiet Abyssal." One battleship said as the other just stared at Rono's pitiful state.

"HOW DREADFUL, IT REALLY IS!" Rono Shouted this made the two girls back up a bit.

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