Chapter 2

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At the fleet girls dinning hall.

At Yamato's table "That was...very unsettling..." Yamato said referring to the interview with Rono and everyone at the table nodded.

"It was..did no one else see the uncontrollable emotion in her?" Musashi asked the others at the table and some seemed very weary on how to answer that for they have seen different sides of Rono today but some nodded in agreement.

"But if we look at it this way she is american ship." Kaya said but some at the table looked at her with some concerned.

"Why is that fact important?" Nashi asked. "Well that means we been sinking american ships and maybe with slight hope they can come back!" Kaya said optimistically and others laughed till the admiral knocked on the dinning hall door and opens the door.

"Can I see Yamato,Nashi,and Musashi please" Admiral said and the three finish their food when they did they got up and walked over outside the hall. "Is something wrong sir?" Nashi asked The Admiral looks at the three and sighs "Yes please follow me." The Admiral said and the three nod and the Admiral begins walking and the three nods and starts to follow him.


The Admiral stops in front of a abandoned looking building and Yamato looks at the building "Sir I don't understand." Yamato said questioning why they were in front this building. "Well you know our past prisoners correct?" Admiral asked. "Yes they didn't have their armaments either..I questioned where you put them.." Yamato answered. The Admiral nodded to Yamato's answer "That is right well this is where we would lock them up but..." The Admiral looked at the door. "But?.." Nashi said and The Admiral looked that the three "We killed the enemies on the water so much is that this building has been forgotten by the previous Admiral and myself but this is where we had put Rono's Armament an-" The Admiral was cut off by an explosion from inside the building. "What was that!?" Musashi asked and the Admiral sighed and opened the door showing that the armament was not deactivated and was running ramped firing its guns and Abyssal Cat fighters. "This is the problem girls.." The admiral said. "Whoa that is..unexpected.." Nashi said looking at the Cat Fighters just ramming themselves at things and randomly shooting. "Yes and I need you girls to deactivate the one shooting those Cat Fighters and capture the ones that are out." Admiral said and the three girls nodded "Yes, Sir!" the three yelled as they are capturing most of the Cats. "Jeez these things are hard to get past!" Musashi said as she is trying to run past the Cats only to be met with a Cat to the face. "Let us get the cats, Nashi back up Musashi!" Yamato ordered. "Yes Ma'am" Nashi said.

This took the girls 5 whole hours of just catching cats and decommission the Armament launching the cats. "Well this just proves Rono's words saying that she is first in command of that army." Yamato confirmed the other two nodded "So what do we do with these Cats?" Nashi asked. "Well if we can we should lock them up somewhere so they don't get activated again." Musashi suggested. "Or we can just leave them in these bags and leave this building with the bags in the building of course." Yamato said and the other two nods just because they didn't want to argue with Yamato. So they tied up the bags and left them next to the Armament and leave the building. "Mission accomplished Admiral" Yamato said and the Admiral turns to look at them and nods "Good job girls" Admiral replied and the girls smile "It's an honor to help sir" The three said in unison. "Now its very late go get some rest for tomorrow as far as I can tell it will be a long day" The Admiral said as he walks to lock the door to the abandoned building.

"Yes Admiral, Good night Admiral." The three said and they start to walk off to the dorms. "I wonder if we are truly ready for tomorrow if what the Admiral said is true.." Nashi said. "Don't worry Nashi I'm sure everyday is a long day if it is the Admiral, I mean he has to deal with all of us almost 24/7 not to mention the fact that he has paper work to do, plus our reports to read through and finally now that he has a abyssal prisoner that just built up more problems for him" Yamato pointed out. "True Yamato you have some great points there.." Musashi said. The three girls finally enter the dorms and continue to walk towards their rooms. "Well see you guys tomorrow." Nashi said as she entered her room in squad 290. "See you two later" Musashi said as she entered her room across from Nashi's room. Yamato waved them goodbye and continued to walk down the hallway. "I get the feeling that tomorrow will be a long day hopefully I'm wrong." Yamato said and she sighs as she enters her room and sees Fubuki sound asleep on one bed the other two beds had Furutaka and Yuudachi Kai Ni and Yamato smiles and heads off to bed.

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