Rose Arc Final

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Hey....A/N here so we are really here Rose Arc Final. When I made this silly story My train of thought was 'Hey I made a crappy story that no one will ever like' but here we are 10 chapters for one story that I thought would never continue. Anyways I'm going to let you know that I made this during a time of Grieve...I lost my Grandma...that would make 3 grandparents gone in one year...Anyways enjoy the story.
~Rono Pov~
Me and Kylie were in THE cave that started all of this...there was cracks in the floor of the cell and outside of the cell where Kylie first seen me. Those days were hell. When we heard that Queen Rose is trying to take us back we were so happy. Really we were but maybe one day we and the shipgirls can find peace. Who knows anyways we start looking at the cell as it is currently holding every shipgirl that took part in our torments. We came to see only one and she was chained to the wall in the next cell.
"Hello Yamato.." I said with a little bit of hate and she looks up and sees me and Kylie.
"...Hello Abyssal." Yamato greeted in a tone of malice.
"Hopefully you heard as well. That we will be leaving soon." I said as I get closer to the bars.
"Good riddance—" Yamato didn't finish her sentence as I smile.
"Let me finish. You Yamato first of the Yamato Class will be punished not by us but by your new admiral and maybe by Queen Rose" I said with some joy and Yamato stares at me with wide eyes and I nod.
"Early this morning your new Admiral contacted My Queen and the two came up with a compromise" I said.
~Flashback Rose POV~
(This is before Rono and Kylie went to talk to Yamato)
I woke up and did my morning things when I got a call from an unknown number so I answered.
"Hello? This is Queen Rose speaking." I said then I hear a sigh on the other end.
"Hello Queen Rose I'm the new admiral for the Naval Base. I called to talk with you about your...Two commanders that are on the Naval Base" he said and this got my attention immediately and I sit up straight.
"Go on" I said and I hear a shuffling of papers on the other end.
"We want a compromise. We give you the two abyssal commanders BUT we keep the shipgirls that took part in the two commanders suffering and punish them ourselves." He said and I sighed. This is not what I wanted but this did raise a few questions.
"What is your worst punishment?" I asked as I get ready to press a button if I'm not happy with their worst punishment.
"Our worst punishment would be taking away their Armaments scrap those and then take at least something very important from them besides their Armaments and sometimes it would be them just scrapped all together." He bluntly said and I can imagine their faces and I take my hand away from the button.
"Okay. What else?" I asked and then I hear another shuffle of paper.
"We JNDF want to make peace with the Queen Abyssal Rose and cease this endless war." He said and I just think. This can be a good thing..If we have peace my girls can sail anywhere around Japan and the USA because NaLa and Nora said that the USA was innocent and that a rouge American was to blame and they killed him a while ago.
"Alright I accept. Me and my base will be there to sign this treaty." I said as I get up.
"Alright I'll notify the Japan Government and my Base." He said and he hangs up and I put my phone down and head out the door.
~Present Rose POV~

I notified my base that we would be going to the Naval Base due to a treaty. They were happy to say the least that we get more gain than the humans. We all have mentally prepared to see what Rono and Kylie looked like up close knowing it will be unnerving. "Alright everyone! We are heading out! Prepare for anything and everything!" I said knowing that humans are sly and backstabbing bastards and if they can get a chance they will take out my base. Which will fail to say the least the great Rose base never falls and begs.

~3rd POV~

Slowly but surely everyone started leaving the base and started heading to the Naval base. Their fleet patter was Queen Rose in the middle,NaLa to her left,Nora to her right,Ai and Ri behind her,Kumi behind NaLa,Sayo Behind Nora,DaiDai in front of her, Naoko to the right of Nora, and finally a rare sight to see in the base the one mysterious Abyssal no one that wasn't on the base knew about, her name is Namitz who is a Nimbus Princess Type III, she was to the left of NaLa. The rest of the big fleet goes as follows Destroyers{Front},Light Cruisers{behind DD},Torpedo Squad 0{behind LightCurisers},Heavy Squad 0{Behind TC},Battleship Squad 0{Behind HC},Submarine Squad 0{behind BS}, And behind all 6 is Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Division 0,-1,-2,and -3. There was no funny business they all don't want to risk anything. Though who can blame them? Their two commanders were tortured by the very base they are heading to. "I want everyone to keep going if they try anything and I mean ANYTHING do not hesitate to destroy that pathetic thing they call a base!" Rose yelled over the radio and everyone agreed.

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