Chapter 5

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Hello everyone Here is the next chapter! :D
Kylie POV:
I tapped on Rono's shoulder and I try to ask  for a pen and paper by making the letters of Pen with my hands then letters to spell papers.
"Hm? P.e.n and P.a.p.e.r?" Rono asked as she is slowly making out the letters.
"You want pen and paper?" The Admiral asked me and I turn to him and nod and he snaps his fingers and from the door that was behind him a fleet girl came out and gave me pen and paper and I began writing down and I showed the fleet girl and it said 'Thank you' and she nods and left and so I begin writing my thoughts of me and Rono joining the admiral to go against our own and our own Royal Flower..

The Admiral POV(Short):
This harbour princess or...Kylie was writing like she had a lot on her mind and very quickly too. She stopped and showed me what she wrote.
'Admiral of thy enemy I believe you do not understand the aspect of us siding with you, so let me explain, You want me and Rono to go against base 10,991 of the Naval District, our royal flower of all things! If we are to side with you then are you prepared to loose this base? I know you have Fubuiki and some others that went and stopped and killed base 10,990! But there's one thing you forgot general, your going against a abyssal base that have studied in your art of war and know your weakness and is lead by the Royal Flower who is by far ver, No scratch that Highly pissed off of the capture of Rono and let me tell you, Royal Flower is highly scary when pissed off.' Kylie wrote.
Admiral(thoughts):I'm at a loss of words the base that these two worked in was only 10,991!? How many bases do they have in this district! And if they can create crazy abyssals like them....then humanity lost by default..
Then Kylie started writing again..

Kylie POV:
I finished my sentence and showed it to the Gen- Admiral of this Base 'Admiral, base 10,991 is a force to be reckoned with, you may have sank low class abyssals but this base, no our base has the consent of 15 generals at Royal Flower's disposal that's just misusing me and Rono of course and let me tell you another thing, you do not want your girls to kill their abyssal versions? Fubuiki included and don't tell me that they can't recognize the feel of a friends presence!' I wrote I know it's but it's the truth even if we sided with them the results will stay the same.
"Admiral...why are we here?" Rono asked and I noticed how she changed from the crazy unpredictable tone to this serious tone but its true a admiral wouldn't just waste his time asking us to join his side...
"B-By whatever do you mean?" The Admiral stuttered. It's obvious that he is lying...
"Why are we here NOT chained or locked up so we don't attack you or your so called fleet girls?" Rono asked pushing the desk closer the Admiral.

Admiral POV:
She would be terrifying foe if she wasn't captured...a very smart abyssal..." caught me in all seriousness we were hoping to turn you two back from this...MONSTROUS Form." The moment I said that Kylie and Rono picked me up and said "listen here you shit we can't help that we were born this way but you and your monkeys have destroyed our land below the sea and we are here to end it!" Rono said but if Kylie had a voice they would be in perfect unison..scary..
They let go of me letting me fall the floor as 10 fleet girls came in and pointed their weapons at them. Rono and Kylie raise their hands up
"Just watch what you say you filth we are the monsters you turned us into and mark my words Don't ever ever cross that line for we both will end everyone here and Feed you to the sharks" Rono said with hate in both hers and Kylie's eyes looking at me and I nodded.
A/N:Well shit how da fuck did you get in here!?
Rono:I broke a wall of course :)
A/N:Mother fucker we need to save resources!! We already have too many stories needing supplies for their fuckin' characters breaking the 4th wall!
Rono:Pfft yeah right how many break the fourth wall like le me pupu~
A/N:A shit ton!
A/N kicks Rono back to her story
A/N:With that over with hope you guys liked to the story and uh...send supplies for this 4th wall breach I only have one big enough to tap up a crack...not a big hole ;^;

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