Rose Arc:Part 2

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A/N:Hello everyone Rose Arc part 2 is here!! finished this at school and this part of the Arc I'm pretty proud of myself! Anyways hope you enjoy Rose Arc Part 2!


~Ai's POV~

After the meeting me and my sister Ri decided that it was time to check on how the Aircraft Carriers are doing for they will need to be overly prepared for this attack but the Aircraft Carrier range is on floor level 3 so it will take a while.

"Ai do you think the paperwork will...overwork the both of us?" Ri Asked and too much of my knowledge of being Ri's sister she never asked something so how can I say....weird she never complained or worried about our wellbeing and only cared for the others wellbeing but I brush that aside for now.

"No, Why do you ask?" I questioned Ri and she looked quite calm but not very collected like usual. "Well the Queen asked for 160 Aircraft Carriers and the very high ranking ones too...and the paperwork just to find the perfect ones and the ammunition then the report after the fight is done.." Ri reasoned and I nod my head slowly.

'Yes it is true the paperwork for after the battle will probably stack to the ceiling but I think we both can handle that...Right? Actually now that I think about it...We never had to do something like this...' I though and I turned to Ri and gave her a thumbs up "No worry Sis I'm sure we can ask for extra assistants to help" I said and Ri gave me a smile "Thanks sis you know what to say to make me feel safe" Ri said.

Finally the elevator dinged and we made it to the 3rd floor just above the Subs area and we enter the area and look around and found the building we needed to find and we walked in and seen both of our girls practicing with training Abyssal Carrier-based Plane and seem to be doing very well. One abyssal turned and looked at us and smiled we know her as Phili

"HEY! THE TWINS ARE BACK!" Phili yelled at the others catching some off guard and missing their targets. "Pfft haha now Phili didn't we both tell you not to yell when others are trying to practice?" I questioned and Phili just rubs the back of her head. "Sorry ma'am it's just we haven't seen you two all day, then the speaker came on and the queen sounded angry when she called you two..." Phili trailed off and Ri just laughs confusing the others and Phili. "No need to worry the queen just needed to tell us what is going on and our mission as well." Ri stated as she walks over to a nearby bench and sat down. Then another spoke and her name was Enti who was (CVN-65) who was recently sunk by our bombers she was very skeptical on why we were fighting the humans but we then explained what happened to our underwater civilisation and she wanted to help us! "What kind of mission if you don't mind telling us" Enti asked and I went to sit down next to Ri "Well everyone the mission is...We are attacking the Naval base that has captured Kylie and Rono and we are sinking every fleet girl and killing their commander but we need 80 light aircraft carriers and 80 Aircraft carriers all elite and flagships alike this raid is going to be big in total there will be 720 in all and 160 from each class besides the Transport ships. Besides that is there anything to report?" I said/asked and Enti stiffen. "Ma'am I sent camo scouts and....Rono? Kylie? They have been tortured for a long time..they reported that Rono has multiple casts on her arms and legs and Kylie...her neck has a big 'x' on it...they concluded that Kylie cannot talk due to her holding a pen and paper and writing what she would say and show it to Rono..." Enti reported and I lost it I was angry and the others can see it and then everything went black.

~Ri Pov~

I knocked out my sister in fear of her hurting the others and I lay her down on the bench. "By no means am I doing this out of kindness, but I am very pissed off that you did not tell us you sent a scout over there Enti so expect punishment after we raid that base." I stated and Enti nodded her head and she kept her eyes on the floor. "But for now Enti go to the queen and tell her what you told us..she will need to know what happened to No.2000 and No.2001" I said and Enti knew that if I or any original abyssal said those numbers mean that if she didn't well the sea is always the best final resting place so she ran out the room and I started to debrief the others.

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