Continuing On

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Life continued on as normal for the last few weeks of summer, well normal in our household. Lizzy and Josh both attended multiple auditions, both getting callbacks but no jobs were given to them at this fleeting moment. Ben had been going to his weekly unwanted therapist appointments and meeting with a few of his closest toursies friends, but other than that he had made no move to find a new job. I'm sure he'll get back out there, I can already see his confidence building up immaculately. He even stayed at home for a while all alone whilst Lizzy and Josh were at auditions and I was at Will's house. 

Speaking of Will, we had been spending lots of time together before school started again. He even met Jack Barky and attempted to kidnap him on Sky's behalf. We hadn't spoken much about what was between us, we were still trying to rebuild our relationship from the six months we had spent apart. Sure, we did skype whilst I was Arrowwood but it's not the same as it is in person. We haven't kissed yet but we cuddle whilst watching films so that's always something. 

I had also met up with some of the toursies, such as Chaz and Jeff H where we just went to get some ice cream and had a conversation in the park but other than that my life had been quite dull - just waiting as the days slowly dragged on, waiting for the first day of school to roll by. 

September 5th

I awoke to my alarm blaring at me, reading 6:30 AM in bright red lights. I groaned and rolled out of bed with a thud as I fell to the ground. Still half asleep I trudged to my wardrobe and pulled out my school uniform. After pulling on my scarlet, plaid skirt and my white polo shirt, I wandered into the kitchen to find Ben wide awake reading a book. 

I walked past him and made myself a bowl of granola before plopping down on the sofa next to him. We sat in silence for a moment, before I finally spoke up, "Why are you up so early?"

He put his book down then looked at me, his piercing blue eyes etching into my soul before he looked down again, "I had a nightmare."

"Okay," I said knowing that he wouldn't want me to pry into the details of the nightmare. It was odd like that, he wasn't affraid to tell me that he had had a nightmare but he hated anyone prying further.  

I continued to eat until I no longer felt hungry so I walked into the kitchen to wash up my bowl. I came back into the living room to see Ben and Lizzy kissing. 

"Ewww!" I cried. 

They broke apart chuckling slightly. Lizzy got off Ben and walked over to me, tieing up her dressing gown and yawning. She attempted to flatten down her bed hair to no avail before hugging me. 

"You excited for your first day?" she asked.

"Yeah, speaking of, I need to go. Josh!" 

Josh suddenly appeared in the doorway of his bedroom fully dressed and wide awake. Lizzy looked him in disbelief as she never expected him to be up at his hour. He simply shrugged it off and went to put his shoes on. I joined him in the action and soon enough we were in the car on the way to school. 

"You excited?" he asked. 

"Yes, I am a bit nervous for - you know you were supposed to take a left right?"

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "I thought your school was downtown?"

"No," I laughed, "It's near central park," 

"Oh," he said under his breath not wanting me to hear.

He started breathing heavily, gulping lots as if he was being sick, why was he panicking? He went red in the face and began muttering to himself. I knew he didn't want me to see that he was panicking but it was getting more and more obvious by the second. I was unsure why he was panicking, it wasn't as if I was going to be late but the sudden rush of confusion was causing him to be panicked.  I knew I had to intervene. 

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