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I casually walk down the corridor to my next class, while I dodge all kinds of 'new year, new me' students. You get me right ? Kate and Rob are ,as usual, fighting as they walked beside me.Suddenly, I see Jayson running towards me.

 I mean, us,  the three of us . 

 He has this crazy wild smile on his face as he tries to skid to a sudden stop. Emphasize on the word try. Because, the very next moment , I am on the floor with him on top of me, warm arms heating up my entire being as I feel his hands  behind my head, cushioning it from hitting hard on the floor.  My cheeks suddenly decide to blush on their own account . 

I feel everything around us fade away.

But thanks to my still  existent senses, as a slight pain in my back brings me back to reality. I force myself  to push the forthcoming immaterial thoughts away, as I lightly push his shoulders to indicate that we need to straighten up. He immediately gets the hint as he gets up, and lends me a hand to pull me up.

Much to my annoyance, Kate and Rob start snickering , which much too soon turn into full blown laughter as they see our flushed faces.  Pretty soon , the entire corridor is laughing at us ,as Jayson rubs  the back of his head with a sheepish grin. 

Well, an interesting morning it was. 

.        .        . 

Finally the bell rings for the last homeroom , as I drag myself out of modern history. I wish I had called dad, but he had an urgent meeting today,so he left at the same time I left for school.  Hence, I have no other option than to drive back home myself. The stress of the last year of High School will make me grey soon. At least, I feel so. 

"Heather ! Heather!  " - I hear the all too familiar voice of Jayson. We didn't have English today, so we had no class together today, which implies that I hadn't seen him the entire day after an interesting morning.

 I tiredly turn around to look at him, and his excited grin reduces to a confused smile at my expression.

-"Hey , you okay? Want me to drive you back home? "

I shake my head  at his question and just decide to enjoy the warmth of his arms, which were now around my shoulders. He waits for me to answer , even though we were now standing on the long driveway of our school . 

Oh Jayson, always so patient.

I feel the stress  fade away and I heave a sigh as I mumble- " Miss Shanks was terrible today. Just so awful. She went from talking about modern history to her personal history and it was  just so damn boring. Like, who even does that ? We are her students, not her childhood friends. I mean-" I feel Jayson let out a light laugh as he rubs my back and mumbles a  silent 'shhh' . 

I take a deep breath to calm down as I am not even sure why the regular boring history class suddenly got me all worked up. Maybe it is finally hitting me that I just have a few more months until I face the  real world and all the hardships that will come along with it. You would have thought that moving to a whole new country would be scary for me, but the thought of leaving school is what terrifies me the most now. 

"Hey , Stop it."- I give a confused look to a ,now,  worried  Jayson .

-"What ?"  

But, he continues-" Whatever you are thinking, I know its bad  and is worrying you, so stop thinking. Let's just go to Starbucks first and get something to eat and drink. " He drags me towards his car . 

What about my car ?

"Don't worry about your car. It won't disappear from the school parking lot."- He tells me, easily reading my mind. I let out a small laugh at his excitement to brighten my mood, as I let him drag me. I let him drag me because I  don't know , next when I am ever  going to see him put this much effort to reduce my stress and brighten my mood. He might be dating Megan-

Megan !


 I need to ask him about her.  

" By the way, how's Megan?" - I ask him, as we get seated in his car. He immediately freezes. He stops fidgeting with the car keys , as he takes a deep breath and turns  right to face me-" Yeh, about her. She is good. Umm -" His eyes dart everywhere but me and I know that there is something that he has been meaning to tell me. 

oh god, I hope it is not what I think it is. I hope he hasn't asked her out so soon.

"Hey , hey. Its okay. There is no hurry. Let's just reach there first and then you can tell me if you want to." - I rub his hand, which immediately loosens its grip on the gear. He slowly closes his eyes , before opening them and starting the engine. I  heave a sigh , lean my head back on the seat and close my eyes, preparing myself for whatever he is going to admit. Just telling myself that I am not going to let it get to me too much. No matter how close we are, he has a right to decide his happiness. 

In the past months, I have come to accept the fact that sometimes your happiness might lie in someone you never thought you would find happiness in. And that is okay. That should also be okay with the people you love , because they only want your happiness and it shouldn't bother them if your happiness doesn't include them. It was initially hard to let myself believe that but, when you want someone to be happy and when you know they deserve it, then you are okay with it even though their happiness sometimes might not include you. 

I am doing just that.  

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