✔️Chapter 1: Survivor Series (Nov. 18th, 2012)

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This Is Carrie^^^

Chapter 1: Survivor Series (Nov. 18th, 2012)

WWE Survivor Series
November 18th, 2012
8:36 PM (Close Enough)
Third Person's POV:

Ryback speared WWE Champion, CM Punk as the crowd cheered as Ryback was going for the pin.

He was interrupted though by three men, dressed in black turtlenecks rushing through the crowd and jumping the barricade before rushing into the ring and attacked Ryback.

The bell rang, signaling a disqualification but they didn't pay attention.

The three men dragged Ryback out of the ring and onto the floor before clearing the announce table.

They sent nods to one another before two of the men, recognized by their time in NXT as Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, picked Ryback up onto their shoulders as the last man, Roman Reigns, roared like a lion.

Roman put him on his shoulders before all three men initiated a triple powerbomb on Ryback through the table.

The three men, stood shoulder to shoulder with matching smirks as they stood over Ryback's fallen body, as CM Punk stared in disbelief.

The three men each stuck out a fist as the crowd booed loudly at them and Survivor Series went off the air.
Carrie's POV:

I watched the three men debut and all I could do was roll my eyes.

They would burn out in less than 2 months, I'd bet money on it.

I have watched all three men in NXT, I even trained Roman a little and they were good, really good. But this is gonna be their downfall.

Working together.

All three men, from what I've seen, are lone wolves. They don't do well with teamwork.

I sighed but got up and threw away my empty soda can and wrapper before making my way to the gorilla to see Phil and Ryback, two of my close friends.

I leaned against the wall as I waited for both men as I pulled out my phone when it wouldn't stop buzzing.

Rocky: Hey shorty, I'm gonna be home on Friday, Mom wants a family dinner, entire family's gonna be their and she threatened if u didn't come, she'll hunt u down. Love u

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little.

I responded to Dwayne quickly as I didn't glance up when I heard footsteps.

LittleCarrie: Of course Rocky. Tell her I'll be there. I'll be home Thursday night then. Love u tooooo. Be safe

I put away my phone and glanced up to see Ryback and Phil chatting as they walked over, well limping.

I glanced to the side to see the three new guys staring at them and looking at me.

Once Reigns noticed me he smile and told them something before walking over with a huge smile.

"Car! It's been awhile! How are you?" He asked as we hugged and I sent him a small smile back.

I shrugged "Good. It's kinda been exhausting lately. Hey, Rocky just texted me, are you going to the dinner on Friday?"

"Of course. Aunt Ata would murder me if I didn't. So I'll see you Friday. Text me if you get the chance, I miss you and if you are ever free to train, always could use the help" he winked before kissing my head and walking back over to his boys.

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