✔️Chapter 4: Family Dinner

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Chapter 4: Family Dinner

Friday Afternoon
4:56 PM
Rocky and Ata Johnson's House
Carrie's POV:

Me and Dwayne pulled up to Nana and Papa's house as I tried to contain my excitement.

Ata and Rocky Johnson, Dwayne's parents, were like my grandparents and technically they were.

I loved Dwayne's entire family and they loved me too.

We got out of the car and smoothed down my skirt before bouncing up to the house, Dwayne chuckling as he followed behind.

I rang the doorbell and we waited.

Soon Rocky AKA Papa opened the door with a huge smile as he pulled me into a gentle bear hug, careful of my arm.

Once we pulled away he hugged Dwayne and we walked in, shutting the door behind us.

"Ata decided not to have he entire family over this time. So it's just you guys, Athena, Joesph, Leati, Wanda, Rosie, Saveline and Owen." He told us as he walked us to the living room.

Athena and Joseph was Roman Reign's parents.

Wanda was Dwayne's sister and my aunt while Owen was my uncle AKA Dwayne's brother.

Rosie was my uncle also while Saveline was Dwayne's niece or something. Me and her were friends.

We walked into the living room and I saw Rosie, Owen and Joesph along with Leati AKA Roman Reigns sitting on the couch watching a football game, which means all the women were in the kitchen.

When they saw us they smiled and stood and hugged me Dwayne before everyone sat down except me and Leati.

"Are you staying the night Care?" Leati asked as I nodded.

He sent me smile "Well want me to show you what room this time and want to go to the lake?"

I nodded and smiled as he lead me outside toward their private lake and pier.

Whenever I was younger me and Rosie came out here a lot while everyone was cooking dinner or doing whatever they were doing.

Whenever I came over sometimes Papa would take me over here and we'd sit here and fish or just talk or swim.

I was always closest with Rosie compared to everyone, other than Dwayne of course.

I don't know why but Rosie and me just have a connection but as we've both grown older and he's gotten into that old age of adulthood.....it just hasn't been the same.

I actually met Leati AKA Roman, 5 years ago. We haven't really talked much about anything other than wrestling because he is never really home and stuff.

We sat down side by side on the pier as we stared out into the lake.

It was beautiful even though it was kinda winter.

"Hey Carrie, we've never really got to talk before. So tell me about you" He asked after a few minutes.

I sighed but smiled a little "I'm 27. My birthday is April 12th. My favorite color is either blue or crimson red. I debuted at 16 I believe or 17. It was at the Royal Rumble. I've only ever been injured once before, my knee back in '05. My best friend is CM Punk, AJ Lee, Bella Twins, Cena and Orton. What else would you like to know?"

He looked hesitant before speaking so I rolled my eyes "Leati, just say it. I won't take offense or get upset"

He sighed but spoke "Why do you live with Dwayne? No ones ever told me and no one really talks about it"

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