✔️Chapter 5: Looks Like Everything Has Changed

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Chapter 5: Looks Like Everything Has Changed

12 To 13 Months Later
December 9th, 2013
Monday Night Raw
Seattle, Washington
9:30 PM
CM Punk Vs. Dean Ambrose (w/ Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins)
Third Person's POV:

*Ending Of The Match*

Dean Ambrose growled at his team mates before sliding back into the ring after their little ringside spat.

Punk used this as his opportunity by rolling Ambrose up for a surprise roll-up and gaining the three count and he victory.

The SHIELD's pack-of Hounds mentality kicked in though when Seth Rollins distracted CM Punk at ringside while Roman Reigns took the advantage to slide in the ring and spear Punk's already broken ribs.

Rollins and Ambrose joined him as they beat on Punk, it looked like they were gonna destroy the Voice Of The Voiceless, until the lights went out.

It went quieter a minute until a familiar theme played.

All Nightmare Long played around the arena as all the fans screamed in excitement.

A single spotlight shines on the ring as The SHIELD stood and backed up from Punk, looking on guard as they looked around the arena.

The spotlight went out before one flashed on the stage.

It took a few seconds but soon a figure, in a black hoodie, black leggings and black combat boots stood on the ramp, a white bat on the figures shoulders.

The fans screamed louder as the figure glanced up as the Hood fell down and her face was shown.

She smirked at the shocked expressions of the hounds before the lights flashed off again.

A woman's laugh was heard from around the arena as a voice spoke

"Guess Who's Back Mutts"

The lights flashed on and off until the voice spoke again

"Looks Like Everything Has Changed"

The crowd screamed as the lady giggled again

"But some things, WILL ALWAYS STAY THE SAME"

The lights flashed on and The Queen Of The Cell stood in the middle of the ring with her bat and smirk as the SHIELD members looked shocked.

They surrounded her but she just shrugged.

She attacked Roman straight away, taking him down easily with her bat before turning to the other two.

They tried to use the numbers game but she was The Queen.

She hit Seth Rollins with her signature roundhouse kick, Death Wish, before hitting him with a move Dolph Ziggler made famous, The Zig-Zag.

She turned to Dean Ambrose, who looked at her wide eyed in shock.

She nodded at him before they exchanged blows but she came out on top.

She soon hit Ambrose with her finisher, gained from the rattlesnake himself Stone Cold, the stunner she renamed Fallen Angel.

She stood with a smirk as the crowd cheered yes loudly, loving it.

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