✔️Chapter 6: What Shall I Call You

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Chapter 6: What Shall I Call You

Off Air
Monday Night Raw
11:15 PM
WWE Medic's Office
Carrie's POV:

I groaned as my eyes slowly opened and I slowly sat up, holding my head as I glanced around the office.

Wait. What happened? Why was I in the medics office?

Oh yeah, damm I forgot how much and RKO hurts.

I saw Dr. Samuels talking with Phil as I rolled my eyes and groaned again try both walked over and Phil kissed my head as both sent me smiles.

"Welcome back Ms. Johnson. It's been awhile. How much did that RKO hurt?" He questioned as he laughed.

I glared at him "It's just been awhile okay? And damm my poor neck. Like no warning. Remind me to thank Randal for that shut. But to answer your question Doc, hurt like a son of a bitch"

He and Phil laughed together.

"Sorry about that Angel. Was in the moment. You know how I get when I'm in Viper's Mode" a deep voice spoke making me jump as both the guys turned as did I, to see Mr. Orton himself standing their staring sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes "Whatever. Next time I get to hit your ass with a fallen angel and then we'll talk"

He chuckled and agreed before hugging me and telling me goodnight as Phil guided me back to his locker room slowly.

He grabbed his bag and my duffel bag and we walked to his car together.

Such deja vu huh?

It was only a year ago I was in this same spot.

But a year can change a lot, I should know.

In the last year my rehab was intense and I was ready to come back by the 6th month but I took an extra couple months off to get my mind straight.

I finally moved out of Dwayne's house and bought my own, one in Chicago.

Phil doesn't know but when we go home Wednesday I hope to surprise him.

I had a lot of time to reflect on everything and I realize I'm so grateful.

I'm grateful for everyone who is around me today.

But 3 months ago I went to Dwayne and asked for his help to find my siblings.

He was shocked and he brought it up in front of the rest of the family at the family dinner and everyone was worried I wanted to leave and never come back and I had stopped loving them.

I quickly shut down their doubt.

I......I just need closure.

So Dwayne has hired so PI's and they have been working for two months now.

They have a location and they told Dwayne and Dwayne would be sending me the info once he got home which would be Wednesday to be exact.

I was gonna find my siblings.

I didn't know what would happen, but all I knew is something was gonna change.

Phil drove as we rode in silence as we made our way to the hotel.

Once we got to the hotel I grabbed my bag while Phil grabbed his and tried to grab mine but I just shot him a look that had him recoiling.

We made our way up to his room before I dropped down onto the couch without saying a word.

Phil dropped his bag on the bed before sitting next to me and picking me up from the hips and sitting me on his lap, making me squeal quietly.

He smirked and cuddled me against his chest as he rocked us gently.

"What shall I call you, my little love? I know you hate babe" He asked in a whisper making me giggle a little and nod.

"Yeah, only I can call you babe. I hate being called it. But I don't know, whatever feels right for you I guess. I love you anyways" I told him in all honesty.

He chuckled and kissed my head "I know. I love you too baby. God that's sounds so right. Me and my baby. My love. My sweetheart. My princess. My best friend."

I felt a blush come to my cheeks as I pushed my face into his chest even more to hide it as he just chuckled.

"Wanna head to bed baby? Or you wanna stay up?"he asks as he adjusts me on his lap a little and kissed my head.

I let out a small yawn "Bed please. And when's our date, Mr. Brooks?"

He smirked gleefully at me "How about tomorrow after SmackDown tapings, Ms. Johnson?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"You know, Carrie Angela Johnson. I've always hated that name. I've just always wanted to say, I think Carrie Angela Brooks sounds much better" he tells me with all honesty making my eyes widen at his sudden words.

I blushed even more and just hid my face in his neck as he chuckled and lifted me up bridal style as he carried me to his bed.

He went to go change for bed as I took out my contacts and quickly put them away before taking off my pants and shirt and grabbing one of Phil's shirts from his bag.

It went down to mid thigh and looked like a dress on me.

I crawled into bed as Phil came out of the bathroom in just sweatpants, abs on full display.

Hot damm.

Phil smirked at me and winked before climbing into the bed and bringing the covers over us.

I cuddled closer to him, against his chest as his arm went around my waist and our legs got tangled together.

He pulled me against him, his hand on my ass making me giggle a little as I didn't have to look up to know he was smirking that hot smirk.

"Goodnight Philly. I love you"

"Goodnight Care-Bear. I love you too."

Word Count: 984 Words

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