✔️Chapter 9: The Perfect Date

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Chapter 9: The Perfect Date

Tuesday Night
5:07 PM
CM Punk's Hotel Room
Carrie's POV:

I was sitting on the bed while April was rummaging through my bag and hers as Nikki was looking through my shoes and Brie was doing my hair.

These girls were so much work, I mean honestly.

Once Brie finished straightening my hair, April tossed me a dress, made of a white long sleeve v-neck with a pink skirt that goes to the knee with a slight slit and a matching pink silk belt.

Nikki handed me white flats and my diamond earrings paired with my necklace that I've worn since I've been back......

My necklace my mom got me before I was born, the silver one with a small angel charm.

The girls nodded at their work before doing my makeup which was just a winged eyeliner and white eyeshadow with dark red lipstick.

They nodded at their work and the door bell rang making me get nervous as they handed me my gray over the shoulder purse.

I took a deep breath as I walked to the door, the girls right behind me.

I opened the door and I was slightly disappointed when instead of Phillip, it was Randal dressed in black pants and a white button up shirt.

Randy sent me a smirk at my disappointed face "Calm down Angel. You'll see your boy toy soon. Now come with me so I can take you to the location and get on with my night"

Me and girls laughed as they wished me goodbye as Randy grabbed my hand with a bow making me roll my eyes as we walked down the stairs to the lobby.

We walked in silence.

"You look beautiful Carrie, Punk is quite lucky. Just remember, if he hurts you, I'll kick his ass" Randy warned as we walked outside and down the sidewalk.

All I could do was laugh for a moment "What if I hurt him?"

He shrugs "His problem"

I broke out in laughter as Randy sent me a smile before he got serious and we stopped walking after 5 minutes.

He turned to me, his face going serious "Carrie, seriously though. If he does hurt you, I will kick his ass. You guys have been friends, best friends, for almost as long as us. And after all you've gained here, with us......I just don't want him to take away your happiness and replace it with pain. I know you are in love. But, if he does break you, all you'll see is memories of him, trust me I know. Just.......be safe, okay Carrie? And remember you can always talk to me"

I hugged him tightly as he hugged back slightly.

"I know Randal, and for that thank you. But I know Phillip and so do you. I love him with all my heart and even if he does hurt me, I will still love him. But I love you too Randal so okay, I'll be safe. And if I feel like it's not working, you'll be the first to know. And even if it doesn't work, this place means to much to me for me to just leave" I told him in all honesty because that's how I felt.

He was right.

If Phil did break me, then everywhere I went I'd see him and our memories from the years before.

But I'd never leave.

This is my home and I have WWE to thank for everything.

He kissed my head and spoke loudly to someone behind us "Heard that Punk? If you hurt her, I break you. Enjoy you two love birds, makes me sick"

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