✔️Chapter 2: Is It Serious?

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Chapter 2: Is It Serious?

November 19th, 2012
Monday Afternoon
7 PM
Carrie's POV:

Me and Phil had spent the morning in the room, just relaxing before we headed to the arena.

I was scared to be honest.

And I haven't been scared since I first debuted in WWE.

I felt this immense pressure that if I was injured, I would disappoint so many people.

Once we arrived at the hotel, Phil walked be straight to the medic while he went to have his meeting with Vince and Hunter and Steph.

I sighed as I sat on the bed thing that I've sat on hundreds of times, but never like this.

The medic, Dr. Samuel, an older guy, walked over and sent me smile as he picked up his clipboard and started asking me questions.

"Okay Carrie, age, reason for visit, and last time I saw you" he said without looking up.

I sighed loudly "Age is 27. Last time I was here was two weeks ago for my ribs to be taped up and iced and.......my arm. It hurts to move it. It's like a burning sensation"

He looked up quickly and sat down his clipboard before asking which arm.

"My left" I said and closed my eyes as he grabbed it making me hiss in pain.

He let go and slowly grabbed my fingers.

I shook my head, even though I felt a small tingle.

He move up to my wrist and I shook my head.

That continued until he made it a little past my elbow.

He nodded and told me to put it above my head which I couldn't do without flinching in pain.

He took off his glasses and sighed as he looked me in the eye "Ms. Johnson, I'm sorry but your shoulder is injured. I don't know to what extent but it will require surgery from what I can tell. I'm gonna give you an arm sling and some pain pills to help and I'll schedule you an appointment with your doctor in Florida"

I thanked him before taking two of the pills as he slowly put my arm in a sling as my arm went numb.

I sighed but told him to have a good day as I set off to find Phil and Vince.

I made my way to Vince's office without running into anyone thank gosh before knocking with my good arm.

I walked in when I heard Hunter say come in.

All three men and Stephanie looked at me with wide eyes as I walked in and shut the door behind me.

I sat next to Phil on the couch as Vince sat behind his desk as Steph sat in the only three chair with Hunter leaning against the wall.

"So yeah, my shoulder will require surgery. Don't know to what extent but he thinks multiple layers. Dusty explained its kinda like a wear and tear situation. After so long with no real breaks it just started to be worn down." I told them as I sighed and leaned back, trying to get comfortable before the pills wore off.

Phil gave me a side hug as they all sent em sympathetic looks.

"Vince, can I have the first segment of Raw? Just so I can let the fans know what's happening and stuff. It's gonna be the last time they see me for awhile" I asked to which he immediately nodded in agreement.

He knew how hard his was for me, everyone did.

I hated taking time off but.....I've just been so tired and hurt recently I think I need it.

I sent them all smiles as I got up and grabbed my phone before going to his contact.

I walked outside and walked over to a steel chair and sat down as I called him.

(Bold-Dwayne Johnson)
(Bold and Curved- Carrie)

Hey Shorty.

Hey Dwayne

What's the matter?

What do you mean?

You haven't called me Dwayne in a long time. You only do when something serious is going on. What happened? Who did it?

Nobody Dwayne. I went to see the medic. I've been really tired, mentally and physically lately and my arm or well my shoulder, everyone I moved it, it was like a burning sensation......Dwayne

Oh Babygirl, I'm so sorry. Do you need surgery?

Yeah. When I get back to Florida I'll visit Doc and he'll tell to what extent the injury is.

I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come home tomorrow? I'll be right their. And I'll cancel with Mom too so you can rest.

Dwayne, you don't have to do any of that. I miss Nana and Papa and everyone else. And you can finish whatever you need to do their. I'll be catching the first flight home tomorrow morning. I'm gonna have he opening segment of Raw

I'll definitely be watching and of course I'm gonna come home. I'd never leave you alone. I love you Carrie. You are my daughter, adopted or not, I will always love you. So I'll see you tomorrow?

Yeah Rocky. I love you too Daddy. Be safe. I'll text you when I get home

You too sweetie. Be safe as well. Bye


*Call ended*

I slid my phone back into my pocket as Phil walked over to me with a small smile.

He hugged me tightly "What am I gonna do without my shorty here to control me?"

I giggled "Philly, after the first month or two, I'll come back so you don't have to be alone or anything if I can. And I'll call you every night. Come to every pay per view. It'll be like I'm not even gone."

I heard him sniffle a little making tears come to my eyes "Don't say that. You will be gone, but the second you come back I'm never leaving your side. God I love you so fucking much Carrie"

I felt tears slowly fall down my face as I cried into his chest "I-I love you too Phillip. So fucking much. No matter what I'll always love you."

He sighed and kissed my head "God Carrie, I'm fucking in love with you Carrie. I have been for 7 years now. I love you"

I was shocked but I felt the exact same way "I know Phillip. I'm in love with you too. I'll be back, and when I am, you can prove it"

I kissed his cheek as I walked away, wiping my tears as I heard the pyro for Raw start.

I walked to the entrance ramp and told the guy to play my music as I wiped the rest of my tears away.

Word Count: 1122 Words

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