✔️Chapter 3: I WILL be back

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Chapter 3: I WILL be back

November 19th, 2012
Monday Night Raw
8:00 PM
Third Person's POV:

The crowd cheered in approval as Carrie Angel's theme played around the arena.

But when she walked out with her left arm in a sling the entire WWE Universe was in a mix of shock, worry and disbelief.

She slowly made her way to the ring before getting on, being careful of her arm before grabbing a mic.

In her dark wash skinny jeans, her black crop top, her white ankle boots and her black leather jacket she stood in the ring with a small smile as her eyes were red, tears building in her eyes.

Carrie: Hello WWE Universe (slight pause) And welcome to Monday Night Raw. I'm Carrie Angel and I've been here for 10 years, soon to be 11 in two months. A decade of destruction and history. A decade of breaking glass ceilings. I've only ever been injured once, that fateful knee injury that caused me to forfeit my first WWE Championship.

The crowd cheered Carrie Angel loudly as she paused letting them cheer.

Carrie: Thank you. As you can see, my arm is in a sling, and my shoulder is injured. I've been feeling a burning sensation in my arm for a couple days but I ignored it. I went to the medic, and I have injured my shoulder. I'll be heading home to Florida tomorrow and there my doctor will tell me just how long I will be out. All I know right now, is I will need surgery so it will be a while. And this is hard. I love this. I've done this for a long time now. And I couldn't believe I won't be here to see what happens for the next few months. I don't know what will happen, hell, I don't even know who will be the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion or even the Divas Champion.

She sighed as she glanced around

Carrie: I hereby forfeit the Divas Championship. Girls, please, please just.....just go crazy and redefine the word diva. Let your voices be heard and let your talent be shown. And I have two promises I'm gonna make right here and now. First, I promise, I WILL be back! I WILL be back in this ring sooner or later.

The crowd cheered as her smile grew.

Carrie: And my second promise......Once I return, I WILL regain, MY WWE CHAMPIONSHIP! Whether it be my best friend CM Punk, or my other friend Ryback, or even if it's John Cena. It doesn't matter who is the WWE Champion, I promise, eventually, that title is coming home to mama. Thank you WWE Universe. Thank you WWE Management. Thank you the WWE Locker Room. This ain't goodbye, it's a see you later

Carrie placed down her mic and was about to leave the ring before CM Punk's theme played and he came out in street clothes.

He stood on the stage with a slight smirk, the title not around his waist as he clapped for Carrie.

She shook her head with a smile but soon John Cena's theme played as he walked out to stand next to Punk, also in street clothes.

They both clapped as Ryback walked out, followed by Triple H, Wade Barret, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Big E, Randy Orton, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, AJ Lee, and the rest of the Divas locker room, followed by almost the entire men's locker room.

They all clapped for her as she had tears in her eyes as Punk stood at the head with a mic.

Punk: Carrie, I'll see you in a few months Sweetheart. Enjoy your time off. You deserve it

The entire crowd chanted you deserve it as she cried and everyone walked backstage as Carrie smiled and followed.
Carrie's POV:

Once I made it backstage I rolled my eyes at Phil's smirk.

"Did you have to do that? It's not like I'm leaving forever" I told him as he laughed and shook his head.

He shrugged "I know. Thought you would like it and I was being honest, you deserve it"

I hugged him tightly, avoiding my arm as he didn't hesitate to hug back.

I slipped my duffel bag on my right shoulder before smiling at Phil as I waited for the cab.

"I'm gonna miss you Carrie. Text me once you get to the airport, then text me once you land and text me once you get home. I'll call you later. I love you Care" he told me as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled and kissed his cheek as the cab pulled up and he sat my suitcase in the trunk and I put my duffel bag with it.

"I love you too Phillip. I'll be back. Don't work to hard. Be safe. And kick those three guys asses like only you can" I told him as he smirked and we shared one last hug before I climbed into the cab and waved to Phil as the cab drove off.

I sighed as I smiled slightly.

I was going home.

I would of course miss Phillip and the guys and the girls but, I would be back.

And it was easier to only say goodbye to Phil, because I wouldn't be able to leave if I tried to say goodbye to April.

I'll be back WWE, don't change

Word Count: 918 Words

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