✔️Chapter 8: Believe In Us

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Chapter 8: Believe In Us

Portland, Oregon
7:27 PM
Carrie's POV:

I slipped on my CM Punk hoodie and quickly put my hair into a bun.

I was wearing one of my t-shirts, the CM Punk hoodie, black leggings and black converse boots.

I sighed but waited for Phil to return with the camera crew.

We were filming a segment for The SHIELD's match tonight and we had to hurry it along because I had to interrupt John and Randal when the show opens.

Phil finally returned and I took a minute to admire him as the camera crew got set up.

Wearing his normal black jeans, boots, and CM Punk hoodie, his hair wasn't gelled back for once, so he had to keep brushing it out of his eyes as he finished taping up his hands.

He drew the X on his fists before walking over to me as the camera crew said they were ready.

"Ready Ms. Johnson?" He asked with a smirk.

I nodded with a matching smirk "Always Mr. Brooks"

I walked out of view as the segment started.

(Segment will be in Curved)

CM Punk paces in the camera view before he sends a sinister smirk into the camera.

Punk: Don't worry Hounds, I'm not there right now. I'm currently broadcasting from an 'Undisclosed Location'

Punk laughed when he used the familiar term the hounds use most of the time.

Punk: This Sunday at TLC I know, that I'm fact, I will be walking into a slaughter during our 3 on 1 showdown. Now that may be true, but when I go down, I'm gonna be taking as many of you mutts with me as I can!

He glared at the screen

Punk: But.......most would think I'm gonna get eaten alive in the ring. You guys ask how I am even going to be able to survive the hounds? Well if you've been watching, I've exposed weaknesses of all three men and I've exposed cracks in The SHIELD. I suggest The SHIELS believe that and believe in the best in the world

Punk goes to walk away before Carrie Angel comes into view.

Punk: Carrie, what are you doing here Sweetheart?

Carrie send him a smile and kisses his cheek

Carrie: I heard what you were saying and thought I should say this in front of the world. You're right Punky. The SHIELD should believe in you, but they should also believe in us.

Punk glanced at her confused

Punk: What do you mean Care?

Carrie: I talked to Vince McMahon and he agreed with me that your match will be exciting but we can add another element. So at TLC, it will now be The SHIELD......Vs. CM Punk and Carrie Angel in a 3 on 2 handicapped match. I feel as it's only fair and Vince agrees

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